Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
9 Months
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Bob 'Knight' Loss
Ranger Ham McSmith
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I have a functioning microphone.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Assistant (Coordinator)
ISD Investigator
Gensec Sergeant
Nu-7 SGT
DEA Agent
Combat Medic
E-11 CPT
ISD Inspector/Ambassador
CI Alpha - Held x2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I have one warn for RDM, I got it while playing D-Class and I stabbed someone who took my spot in line but I did not warn them so I got a warn for RDM. I have since understood what I did wrong and I won't let it happen again.
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
9 Months
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Bob 'Knight' Loss
Ranger Ham McSmith
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I have a functioning microphone.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Assistant (Coordinator)
ISD Investigator
Gensec Sergeant
Nu-7 SGT
DEA Agent
Combat Medic
E-11 CPT
ISD Inspector/Ambassador
CI Alpha - Held x2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I have one warn for RDM, I got it while playing D-Class and I stabbed someone who took my spot in line but I did not warn them so I got a warn for RDM. I have since understood what I did wrong and I won't let it happen again.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I know what it requires to be an Assistant, I have been an ECA for almost 6 months and during that time I've learned what it takes to be an assistant. In the past I have managed to maintain a neutral face toward the Committee and the Council, and I will continue to have this stance. I understand the CoC considering my past time as Ambassador/Inspector with Internal Affairs. I also play lower pop hours when I am the only assistant on and I think allowing the Council to have eyes in the foundation could be beneficial as they prioritize the CoC which isn't the main focus of the Committee. I have also spoken with other OSA during my time as an ECA to understand what happens on there behalf during their time on site.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
1. Execute Orders from the Council
2. Maintaining good face to the public as you are an ambassador to the Council
2. Ensure COC is followed by all site staff, no matter who.
3. Authorizing Advanced Armory for combative site staff containing SCP breaches.
4. Conduct interviews with departmental personnel as per instructions from the Council.
5. Approving of tests that would benefit the research department through individual's research
6. Signing D-Class work permits, to break up the monotony of D-Class RP.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: