[USA] Budder's Consultant Application

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Active member
Jun 19, 2024
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
84 Hours


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Character name(s):
Foundation: Don "Budder" Gambino

Civilian name:
Toni Pastaloni

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Combat Medic

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
To make it simple for those who want a TLDR, I enjoy medical and know that I could assist the department in a leadership role. The time I have spent in medical has taught me a lot ranging from inner-departmental topics such as medicinal cures for various illnesses and how to best assess medical emergencies like reviving rooms full of near-death foundation personnel. Of course learning one subject is a limiter and medical has provided me with an avenue to understand much more about the foundation as a whole. Numerous conversations and RP scenarios born out of my own professionalism and RP as a doctor has given me ample opportunity to learn more. In general I believe I have a lot to bring (more on our later section) but most importantly it was a conversation I had with one of my current Directors of Medicine when they asked if I could be ready for such a position soon. This question made me wonder about the prospect of learning more and passing all information I can absorb to those I assist. I want to be able what any good doctor or any good Consultant wants to do and that is always assist as many people as I can. I want to me a Medical Consultant not just to lead the Medical Department's doctors, but to assist them in a manner that my Directors and Consultants have assisted me. To be the best doctor, combat medic, therapist, or pharmacist they can be.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I have played on Gmod for awhile and especially with my time on CG SCP, I believe my leadership abilities, professionalism, want to assist others, and quest for more knowledge have improved tremendously. Every department has it's own way of functioning and own way of processing leadership positions. My time in medical has taught me the passive leadership required to be a Consultant. I have taught quite a number of doctors and trainees with accolades given to me by my Directors and Consultants. As well I have noticed that I seem to get along well with the personalities of the Medical Department leadership, plus my activity, I see no issue with my ability to adapt to my new position and thrive in the teaching and observation of the Medical Department.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
I'll explain my favorite, ECT.
1) First ask what symptoms the patient has and assess whether or not ECT would be appropriate for their situation
2) Escort them (or their guard/researcher with them in restraints) to the medical room where the ECT machine is located.
3) Ask the patient if they consent to ECT.
4) If they do not consent then stop and send them back to where they should be.
5) If they do consent then have them lay down.
6) Inform them to "not go into the light".
7) Ensure a personnel with restraints in their kit is around if necessary
8) Wait for them to come back from ECT and ensure that their previously mentioned symptoms are gone.
9) Send them on their way out of med bay.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Medical Consultant are high ranking medical personnel that are given the responsibility of helping lead and inspire the Medical Department. From my very informative talk with a kind member of the Medical Consultant Team, I have learned that Medical Consultants also have specializations. The Medical Department has many moving pieces ranging from psychiatric evaluations to anomaly well being check-ups. Instead of having all Medical Consultants be the master of every craft, instead certain Consultant's are given certain specializations to best assist them learn and better yet teach doctors and senior doctors how to best perform their desired tasks. To use medical analogy, the Directors are the brains meant to create ideas and plan the future of the Medical Department, the Consultants are the central nervous system meant to take these ideas and turn them into actions by relaying said information to the body of medical, that being the regular and senior doctors.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Don "Budder" Gambino is unlike most who have joined the SCP foundation. Most were struck with tragedy or blessed with gifts that found themselves brought to the Foundation. Don had no such tragedy or luck, instead Don did have a particular fascination with data and the usage of logic to explain any facet of life that seemed unexplainable, but grew up with little to his name abandoned on the streets of Las Vegas. Don found himself cemented in a life of organized crime after he refused to snitch on a up-incoming mob boss Mr. Ronaldo Valentino Conti, head of the Conti Family. Don was soon approached with the option of joining the family to which he did to get off of the streets. Don wasn't like most enforcers and would instead usually be able to talk his way out of a hostile situation, though he always had a sense of coldness to him. This does not mean that Don never found himself in hot water, he had to patch up more than a couple injured men which made him quite the street doctor. Soon becoming Consigliere to the Conti Family, Don was in charge of ensuring the family had a functioning, yet sparse, medical team and would manage the family's finances. Not long after the Conti Family was taken down by a sting operation and while Don rotted in a jail cell, a foundation field operative from the local police department took notice of Don's astoundingly fast rise through the ranks and have Don an ultimatum. Join the Foundation as a medical personnel and promise to never hurt another soul without the foundation's direct command, or spend the rest of his days in bars. The answer was quite simple. Despite his chance joining of the Foundation and rocky start as a pseudo D-class medical trainee. Don soon came to love the Foundation for its organization and access to an old childhood fascination, the usage of logic to explain the unexplainable and to protect the world from the anomalous.
Feb 27, 2023
To: Don "Budder" Gambino
From: Dpt Director Coral Lycensoft
Subject: Application Accepted

Dear @budderdousgames , thank you for applying for the position. We in the medical team have reviewed your application, and will be accepting your application to our team. The medical leadership team have agreed that you are ready for the next step in your journey through medical ranks. I hope your day goes well. Please reach out to me soon via Email.

- Dpt Director Coral Lycensoft.

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