[USA] Caboose's Director of Medicine Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Aug 2022


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
[F] "Caboose"

Civilian name:
Ryan Locke

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Medical Consultant
DEA Senior Agent

E-11 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All expired

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
I'm wanting to expand my role as a consultant in the medical department. With my time as a consultant I've gotten to do multiple things but some require approval from DoM and other command personnel, but with the role of DoM I could execute these plans that I have for the medical department and genuinely improve aspects the dept. I've also seen multiple issues in the medical department and I'd really like to fix them. I have received multiple complaints from medical personnel about our department and the issues within. I've enjoyed creating passive roleplay like; surgeries, phyc evaluations, etc. Additionally, I have always seeked the need to assist others and help them in any way possible and dept. director being perfect for that desire. One of my strong suits being to help people. I want to implement new systems inside of the department to make sure that medical is as fun as possible and not just a "healing simulator" so to say.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
Well ideally most people may not entirely know me unless you're active inside of the medical department, but I do put lots of time into the server to try to become more noticed and involved. Currently sitting around 5 days vTime. Additionally, I'd consider myself a professional individual. Sure, there might be times in which I make jokes but overall I'm pretty serious and know the correct times to make jokes and what not. I'd also like to mention my experience as a consultant. I haven't been a consultant for the longest time but I still have had plenty of time to familiar myself and learn every single aspect of the department. Including the following skills that I have learned while on the server; communication, attention to detail, leadership, collaboration, etc. Lastly, I believe that with my passion to assist others I can preform duties as DoM wonderfully and make sure all players within the medical department or not can get the help they desire.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:

Overlooking Leadership Team:
As a DoM you must over watch the leadership team and help them with any inquires. The consultants can also come to the DoM in order for something they want to be approved, like a major change in the dept. (This also includes the rest of the Dept.)

Normal Medical Duties: As a DoM you still have to preform regular medical personnel duties, this includes things like; healing injured personnel, preforming phyc evaluations, etc. You still have the regular responsibilities as for example a trainee.

Hosting Training/Tryouts: As the DoM you can also host trainings/lectures, for example; Combat Medic Tryouts and Medical License Lectures. Sometimes the responsibly can be split with the 2 DoM and one dealing with training. (Of course consultants may assist.)

Assign Trial Consultant Fields: Whenever trial consultants and finished with their trial they must pick a field and DoM must assist in that. Our fields for the leadership vary from many; Combatives, Non-Combatives, Psychology, Physiology, Pharmaceutical, Specialist Procedures, External Relations, Anomaly Specialist, Disease Control Prevention.

Review Consultant Applications: A DoM you must vote and review any medical consultant applications that come through. You must gather the information and feelings of the medical leadership team and decide with slight impression of the feedback.

Guide New Doctors: Show new medical personnel around the dept. and teach them important aspects. For example; Curing Patients, Preforming ECT, etc.

External Relations: As a DoM you must deal with external relations to other depts. for example; DEA, Research, etc. You must make sure that the medical department is in good health with other personnel and their respected dept.

Handing out punishments: If any personnel break polices or foundation guidelines then a DoM must punish them. This may lead to license removal or possible a blacklist from medical. (Depending on the severeness)

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Early Life:
"Caboose" was very young when his father died, he doesn't remember anything of his father so it won't and doesn't effect him at all. Although he often felt sorry for his mother and how she had to take care of him by herself. "Caboose" had nothing. One day him and his mom were planning to go shop for dinner. At 12:30PM on a Saturday night they got into their car and started to head off to the store. "Caboose's" mom was under the influence and most the time she was. "Caboose's" mom continued to drive but broke some street laws. Due to this she got into a really bad car wreck leading to the death of her. "Caboose" was also badly injured and broke/teared some bones & muscles. "Caboose" was still very young (9) at this time and this incident left him depressed and living at a homeless shelter.

Continuing on:
"Caboose" was around the age of 11 when he finally got a new family. "Caboose" still hadn't forgot about the incident including his mother and it left him haunted, not letting him sleep at night. He did not like his new family but he was just happy they were still feeding him. After awhile "Caboose" got used to living in another family's house not including himself in the family. Not calling the adults Mom and Dad. He thought as himself as a outsider and never got involved with sports or other activities and was homeschooled. The only thing that interested "Caboose" was becoming a doctor. "Caboose" was planning to go to college after high school and was waiting for that day to come. He would watch and read many things about medical procedures analyzing it as it was the only thing to bring him happiness.

After Highschool:
After Highschool "Caboose" went to college and shortly got a PHD for medicine. Soon enough he started to find a job, he already knew what he wanted to do but still looked to make sure. After awhile of looking he got hired for a intern at an hospital down the street, but after a week or so he realized it was not paying enough so he continued to look, soon enough he received a email.

Working in the Medical Dept:
After accepting the invite to join the foundation, he had become a member of the medical department and worked his way up to consultant. In which he worked extremely hard and completed much needed work for the dept. One day "Caboose" was preforming regular duties when he was pulled into a office with the site director. The director had a very interesting and enlightening conversation;

Rich (BB code):
<Enter Access Code [USER]: *************>
<GRANTED, Welcome [USER]>

<File Loading...>

Personnel's Name: "Caboose"
Age: 24
Place of Birth: ████████████████
Place of work: Site-65 Department of Medicine


*Footsteps of someone walking in is heard*
Site-65 Director: Welcome, Caboose! Glad to see you. It has been quite awhile. I have heard that you have been doing excessive work within the medical department, is this true?

Caboose: Of course, sir! I have been working extremely hard.

Site-65 Director: As I have noticed. Unfortunately, one of the DoM have resigned and someone is needed for the position. After seeing you work extremely hard within the department, I have decided to promote you to Director of Medicine. Now of course you can deny this promotion, but it is totally up to you!

Caboose: Yes! I have been waiting for this, I will accept. I will not let you down, sir.

Site-65 Director: Great, I will be in contact via communications so make sure to pay attention. We will need to get you're equipment setup and ready for you're future. If you have anymore questions then email me.

Caboose: Once again, sir. I thank you in advance for giving me this opportunity.

*Footsteps are heard leaving the room*
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Active member
Apr 22, 2024
• All encounters with Caboose have been amazing
• Knows the principles about the medical dept.
• Active
• Has the ability to improve the medical dept.

I wish you best of luck @Caboose.!
  • Love
Reactions: Caboose.
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Caboose.

Subject: Director of Medicine Application Verdict

Greetings Caboose,

We thank you for showing interest into the Director of Medicine position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as Director of Medicine.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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