[USA] Caboose's Request for Site Advisor

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From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Lee "Caboose" Contreras
Subject: Site Advisor Application Update

[ Application Status: Elevated ]

Ethics Assistant/Nu-7 LT Lee "Caboose" Contreras

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a Site Advisor.

This message is to inform you that your application has been elevated to the next stage.
We will be in contact regarding the next steps in this process. After deliberations have finished, your application will be updated with a final decision.

Site Director Marvin Garden

From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Lee 'Caboose' Contreras
Subject: Site Advisor Application Decision

[ Application Status: Denied ]

Ethics Assistant/Nu-7 LT Lee "Caboose" Contreras

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a Site Advisor.

This message is to inform you that your application has been Denied.
After discussion, we have decided to move forward in another direction. We hope you will continue to excel within your current position, and look forward to seeing you grow as a member of your department.

If you wish to discuss further, you may reach me by email.

Site Director Marvin Garden

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