[USA] Caboose's Resignation Appeal

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Steam ID:


Previous Rank:

Senior Moderator? (Can't Remember)

Date of resignation?:


Why did you resign?

I resigned due not being able to uphold my requirements as staff. School at the time was very busy and kept me unable to get so many sits and hours. During this time; It also seemed to me that whenever I was on AOD there was less sits, averaging 10 per 40 minutes. Another factor is, at the time I was becoming really burnt out of the server in general. I found barley any reason to get onto the server because of the lack of new content on my side.

Prior to this resignation, have you ever been demoted or resigned?:

I resigned from Trial Game Master prior to becoming staff.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

I have but all are expired.

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:

I should return because with my time gone, I've gotten to experience a long couple month of break. School has also slowed down and I've been able to manage that along with other things. I'm eager to get back into staff and climb the ranks. Hopefully achieving SL. Now I believe that I will be able to hit my requirements and hours along with managing school and other responsibilities.

Johnathan Doe

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 31, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Thank you for showing interest in staffing with Civil Networks once more. I do hope to see you succeed within the staff team this go-around. Please reach out to a Senior Administrator or above for your onboarding process. You will be returning to staff under the rank of Moderator. Please remember to review our rules as many have been updated.​
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