[USA] Cassandra Grey Exec Research Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:207386868
Discord name:BanishedDemoness
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Months.
In what country are you located?: USA.
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Cassandra Grey
Civilian name: Clarisa Grey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, RDM[A]. When I first joined the server as a class D brute I incorrectly thought riots signified that we could attack other Class D. I have in the time sense became much more familiar with the ruleset, both in RP and out of RP and thusly served as IA for a time.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I want to help contribute to Research RP. Currently especially for lower clearance researchers, this is a lack of RP engagement, there is only so many things that you can do and much it it requires approval from superiors. Furthermore, especially for new/Jr. Researchers there is a lack of knowledge and of motivation for both how and what you can do in the Research Department as part of out jobs. I want to help with that. As an Executive Researcher I would be in a position both to help with the mentorship, such as when grading documents seeking out researchers who are struggling to achieve excellent and coach them on how to, and further more to use my experience to help more Jr. Researchers and the department as a whole orchestrate more compelling and exciting tests within the scope of RP.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I am very well versed with both the in-game and RP rules first of all, which must be a given for the position of Executive Researcher, but further more, I'm motivated to upholding standards of excellence in behavior and action. Most of my time in game has been in the research department, planning documenting and subsequently preforming Experiments and submitting proposals. I feel that my efforts in this aspect are all very well immersed in the RP of the game, always taking extensive time to both theorize the impact and goals of the study. I am in research for the research RP and maintain that as an aspect of excellence. Furthermore in that line, mentorship. There have been several Jr Researcher whom I have had the privilege of guiding thought there first test and documentations. I seek to pass the experience and knowledge I have gained to both help them follow regulations and have a more enjoyable time in the Research Department. In short, I think I would make a suitable Executive Researcher because of my commitment to the department, upholding of standards, and drive to maintain and increase the level of immersion and enjoyment within the department of research.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I have many, I believe most of the documents I have summited have been graded excellent, I however was able to confirm six thus, not recalling the titles of other ones I have in the past submitted. That being said, and excellent document is a document that is professional and and meets certain points of necessity for any document in the research department. Documents should feel like professional studies, not merely notes of an amateur. This being a game, of course there is a difference between the standards upheld in academia, and that of an excellent graded research document, but that isn't to say standards can't be high for the research department. Far from that. We just have standards of what academia is in game, and a document should support that and maintain the clinical aspect that we aim for in the research department. An Excellent Document should be immersive, and a document that does not maintain scientific rigor or support the immersion scope cannot be excellent.

I've deliberately not said specifics about what an excellent document should have. That is because while there are a few things that are necessary in the scope of making it feel academic and in RP, such as a cover with the clearance and logo, an index, a research goal and conclusion; depending on the type of test certain elements may or may not be necessary. For example an interview with an S.C.P. is going to have a different format than an exposure test, or a cross test or and observation. There are certain themes and parameters needed in the scope of professionalism, but an excellent document is one the balances professionalism, immersion and quality research that feel at home in the context in the Research Department.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- In RP an Executive Researcher responsibility are to fulfill the directives of the Director of Research, and maintaining high-quality RP by helping and guiding less experienced researchers and organizing in-depth experimentations As a senior memeber of the Department of Research they hold certain resposabiltys as per the aforemented principles such as:
1) Grading Documents:
Executive Researchers should evaluate documents submited by researchers. Conscructive feedback should be given to researchers where needed to achive and exccelent rating. Thus ensuring the standards of the Research Department are upheld and taught.
2) Read experiment authorization requests:
Executive Researchers review autherization request insuring they are well-founded both the standards of the Research Department, and foundation regulations. If a autherization request is well founded they respond to aptly and autherize it. If it fall short of such, a clear guidence and explination on how to improve it for a future reqesut should be made.
3) Mentorship and Engadgement
Executive Researchesr should actively help less senior memebers of the research gain both practical experince with testing and documenting withen the standards upheld by the Department Of Research.
In summery an Executive Researcher is a senior memeber of the Departent of Research who upholds standards or profesinalisum, mentors less experinced memebers, and enhances the quality of engadgment within the Department of Research.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Cassandra saw something when she was young, something inexplicable, something sinister that filled her with dread, haunted her days, and filled her nights with vivid visions of unholy viscera and decay. Something she knew must have been an illusion, but something she knew deep down couldn't be. Something everyone insisted had never happened, and something that had taken the sister no one else would admit ever existed. Cassandra was a lonely girl growing up, morbidly fascinated by the occult and the unseemly. So, when she found a university offering a bachelor's in Occult Metaphysics and a master's in Parapsychology, she never looked back. Upon her graduation, she applied for an intern position with the UNGOC but, due to her mental health records, was declined and asked not to reapply in the future.

You see, Cassandra had a secret, one that had nearly seen her thrown in prison on numerous occasions, one that, if people found out, they would run as far as they could. Cassandra Grey was a reluctant, recovering cannibal. Never when she was medicated—the voices were too quiet then, and her hesitation and remorse too powerful to overcome the ever-present but slight temptation. But before, and in cases when she forgot for a significant period, slowly but surely, the voices would reemerge, ever insistent, demanding adherence. Demanding viscera. Demanding desecration and decay. Demanding she take the role of that which had taken her sister. Before joining the Foundation, it had only happened once. And they survived, in a sense, afterward. But such things leave a scar on a record, a scar on any employment with the public prestige that the UNGOC must maintain.

So it was that when an unlisted number offered her employment in the realm of the anomalous, on the condition that she submit to weekly psych evaluations and mandatory adherence to prescriptions, Cassandra accepted the offer.

She began to find a place within the SCP Foundation, first as a Junior Researcher, where she was formally exposed to what an SCP is. And she quickly made her way up the ranks, diving deeper and deeper into trying to develop an understanding of SCPs as a whole. Time passed, and she grew more and more withdrawn from the rest of the Foundation, dedicating most, if not all, of her time to furthering her soon-to-be grand theory. Perhaps under different circumstances, things would have gone differently. A million things could have happened or caused it. But one thing is certain: a containment breach on the day of her orientation, resulting in the loss of her amended conditions of employment paperwork on its way to Internal Affairs, may have contributed to the eventual incident.

Immersed in her research, less and less interested in everything else, Cassandra began to neglect her medications and forget her psych-evaluation appointments. At first, it was no big deal. She had been medicated for a long while, and the half-life of the medications keeping her schizoaffective symptoms at bay was long enough to delay any immediate consequences. But an incursion into the Foundation, and the bloody knife left sitting in a corpse, combined with the lack of medication, contributed to an extended episode of covert cannibalism. She had a method—a spot the voices said she should do the deed. And so it went. An unsuspecting janitor or technical staff member would walk by, and Cassandra, masking her face with innocence, would tell them there was something they had to see nearby. And so they would go to the designated spot in the bathrooms where the voices demanded she "CONSUME."

At first, only a few members of staff failed to report to duty, something that could be ignored. But it continued. The voices of her "gods" became more and more demanding, giving her less and less time between THE NEED. She became careless, more brazen. She still lured unsuspecting victims into the designated spot but was less concerned with ensuring they were isolated. Eventually, someone noticed a pattern, and Internal Affairs was sent to capture her. They found Cassandra deep within the viscera of her ritual and locked her up, taking her into custody until Medical could perform a thorough examination.

Frenzied, she was—and even more so after her examination when they put her in the padded room. Time passed, though how much, she did not know. It could have been days, hours, or merely minutes. But as the medication began to normalize her state, she had time to think. "Why? Why is it that I do what I do? Do I really wish this? Do I accept the voices as a surrogate for my will, or is it myself?" Left in contemplation, as her state stabilized, a parallel emerged—one she otherwise might never have considered. An answer to the grand theory her time at the Foundation had been leading up to: Thaumaturgic Intent.

What if, like me, SCPs are driven to their ends? What if they have some externality, like my voices, that explains their actions? She thought and thought, and given her position, she had time to refine and redefine her grand theory.

When she was released, a new proposal emerged: a methodology that sought to understand SCPs not by their actions or effects but through how those actions could be described by intent. Why does an SCP do what it does? How does its effect push the world in a specific direction?

With that theory, Cassandra began to have more success in understanding SCP behavior. While she didn’t fully grasp the anomalous, she started forming a foundation for future research to better understand it.

Going forward, Cassandra Grey will continue striving to understand SCP behavior and the interactions between intents. Cross-tests will explore how intents interplay with conflicting interests, and her studies will follow singular, overarching purposes. Cassandra will engage in storylines pushing the boundaries of what the Foundation knows about SCPs and designing ever more elaborate tests to refine her theories. At the same time she will work to develop future talent in the research department though mentorship, and by example(her cannibalistic tendencies notwithstanding).

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Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2024
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REGARDING: "Cassandra Grey Executive Researcher Application"

Dear Applicant,

I am pleased to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been ACCEPTED. Your dedication, contributions, and outstanding reputation within the Research Department have not gone unnoticed, and we are thrilled to welcome you to the team!

Please reach out to me via email (lucifersmorningstar) to schedule the next steps for your onboarding process. Congratulations, and welcome to the team!

Director "Grimoire"

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