[USA] "Chaos" Captain Application

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Active member
Jan 2, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:174355779
Discord name: NORMALNick#0001
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 168 Hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): “Chaos”
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Security Captain?

Most of the times I am around there are no Security Captains around to hold order within Gensec, making sure they do not break rules. Gensec has been in a decline with their professionalism and I have been wanting to fix that for a long time. I have been In Gensec since the start of my career in this facility and intend to stay with it all the way through to DPT. Chief. I wish for Gensec to be more professional and for it to run more efficiently with less problems.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

I am experienced with leadership roles and knowing when someone is in the wrong and needs to be punished. I am extremely active within Gensec since I hold no other roles within the Facility. I know all about Gensec and it's 2 subdivisions (AXO & A-6) as well as how RRT is suppose to work and a day to day basis. I currently have a good reputation among most Gensec High Command and have been recommended to apply for Captain by most. I have worked hard enough to join the Subdivision A-6 within Gensec and have plans on making it more well known as a lot of people on site do not know what they do.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

A Security Captain should be responsible for all Gensec operations, making sure everything is done to the proper procedures and ethics. Working directly under the DPT. Chief and working with the Sergeants to make sure D-Block is safe and working efficiently for Researchers. As well as making sure RRT is patrolling LCZ to keep the SCP’s contained and ensure their are no breaches in security. Captains must make sure to host RRT and HWL for those who wish to get the license. Captains are also responsible for leading sweep's during a code 2, As well getting Gensec setup on 2nd floor for a firing line in response to a Code 5.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Unknown
Nationality: Canadian
Age: 27
Previous Job: Canadian Military
Height: 6'8
Weight: 200 Lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown

Incident Report 096-5-C
*Level 3 Clearance Required*
*Access Granted*
*Loading File*

"Your telling me out of an entire platoon this is the only one that survived?"

"Yes, the rest were torn to shred's. Lucky bastard had bandages over his entire face, Didn't see a thing."

"Well we won't know anything until he recovers, move him to Site-65 and have him treated. I'm sure they'll want to question him after."
<Begin Log>

Video Interview Log 096-5-C

[A large man is seen sitting in a room with a desk, on both sides two chairs. The mans face, although hard to see from the angle of the camera seems burnt and scarred.]
[Dr. ██████ enters the rooms and sits across from the man and sets down a briefcase full of documents]

Dr. ██████: I hope you are feeling better Mr....?

"Chaos": My name is irrelevant, the boys in my platoon called me Chaos

Dr. ██████: Any particular reason why

"Chaos": ...

Dr. ██████: Anyways do you know where you are?

"Chaos": A hospital, most likely in my hometown of ████████████, Unsure why In this room particularly but.

Dr. ██████: While I'm sure that's where you'd want to be, unfortunately you got caught up in a accident with one of our... SCP's

"Chaos": I'm going to pretend that I understood what you just said

Dr. ██████: I'll just get on with it, your entire platoon was destroyed by something we call SCP-096. You are the only on that survived because of the bandages over your face. SCP-096 is a large white, "Thing" that kills anyone that looks at his face and because of the bandages you just happened to be the only one that didn't see as such.

"Chaos": ...

Dr. ██████: And well I'm guessing you were unconscious for the whole thing so you most likely have no clue any of this happened. But what is done is done, You are going to be working for us since well... We can't exactly let you back out and It would be easier to say the whole platoon died after a freak accident. For the time being you will be under training, learning about your new life. And again I do apologize.

< End Log >

[After a month of medical treatment as well as watching video's to understand what is happening, has agreed to work with the SCP Foundation. His hope is to prevent someone going through the same thing he has. "Chaos" was assigned to General Security with the rank of Captain knowing his prior rank of Second Lieutenant in the CAF. "Chaos" now works under DPT. Chief "Onion" to ensure the safety of Researchers, and the understanding of the SCP he hates so much]

{Thank you for reading the lore, I will create more on the entire accident and possible more on his past in the future}


Active member
Dec 1, 2022
This guy is very experienced when it comes to GENSEC and its duties. His time as Sergeant has proven his capability and I feel that this guy is fit for the position of GENSEC Captain.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2023
+I've had multiple good interactions
+They would make a good captain
+Good Application
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Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2022
+ Support
- Active
- Good role model
- Works hard
- Name almost as cool as Havoc
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"Nexus One"

Active member
Aug 7, 2022

Hello there,
This is Site Advisor "Nexus One" and I want to thank you for applying for this position.
I'm happy to inform you that your application has been accepted.
Please contact me on discord so we can begin training you.​
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Reactions: NORMALNick
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