[USA] Chief of Medicine Application

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Well-known Member
Aug 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73484403

Discord name: fitzrel#9459

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've been playing since March

Age: 14.

In what country are you located?: Argentina

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): "Reaper", "Grunt", Bob Whitelock

Civilian name: "Grunt"

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- 096, CI-B [Holding] Nu-7 LCPL [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 4 warnings for FailRP and 1 Ban for FailRP, all of these had happened a few months or weeks ago i believe.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
- I believe that Medical is one of the few branches that i consider fun to play, i like doing Medical procedures and actually being of help and saving people and because i wish to climb the ranks of Medical and of Foundation. Another reason is because i've seen a lack of CoM's lately, sure i've seen 1 or 2 playing every once in a while but the activity (in my opinion) has been decreasing.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
- While these warnings and the ban may seem concerning, i have matured and i have a strong grip on the rules, i have a lot of experience as a Doctor and as a Combat Medic and i am able to perform or make most Medical procedures and or Medical drugs with ease, i also have good knowledge on how Medical works and what to do in most Medical related situations.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- My Medical procedure of choice is EST or Electro Shock Therapy, this is how to do this procedure correctly:

1. You are to ask for consent and also ask if they have been revived before, you are to tell them to not go to the light before performing the procedure.
2. If they have not been revived and have given consent, you are to use your Medical harpoon on them until they die.
3. Use your Defibrillator to revive them.
4. Heal them.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP are:

1. Oversee and manage the Medical department.
2. Ensure lower ranking Medical staff are doing their job.
3. Be a role model for other Medical staff.
4. Host Medical License trainings for Medical Trainee's and others.
5. Help lower ranking Medical staff in anything they might need help with.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Bob Whitelock was born in the US in the city of New York, he had an average life and was doing well in school, after graduating high school he joined the Military as a trained field medic and had fought in multiple battles wich made him an experienced medic and soldier, one day, an incident had happened that had caused Bob to join the Foundation, there was a deadly contamination hazard of SCP-███ that had made it out of one of the facility's near Bob's base where he was stationed, the contamination hazard had managed to spread inside the base Sokar was stationed at, this infection had caused the death of 86% of the Military Personnel in the base, Bob had managed to make it inside of a checkpoint where he was holding the position along with other survivors, shortly after Bob had noticed that there were helicopters flying towards the base that no one else there was able to recognize, the helicopters landed of top of roofs and there were multiple armored men of MTF ██-7, these operatives were able to contain and kill all infected a few minutes later, ending the infection, most of the survivors were taken to a hospital and some others stayed, but they all had their memory's wiped except Bob, without Bob knowing, there were multiple Foundation scouts that had seen how well he fought in battle and had recommended for him to be brought and recruited into the Foundation, after the survivors had been transferred to a hospital or to another military base, Bob was kidnapped by MTF ██-7 operatives and he was brought to Site ██. He was tied to a chair in a dim room with a table infront of him and a man in a black suit was sitting in front of him and two heavily armed men that were wearing digitalized urban camo, the man said "Welcome, you are very good at your job, and that's why i'm offering you a spot at the-" Bob interrupted the man before he could finish and said "Why in the living hell am i here?!, who are you!? and why the hell did you KIDNA-" the armed men interrupted Sokar by aiming their guns at him, and one of them calmly said "The only reason you're not dead is because of us, so do us a favor and shut up." Sokar complied but he was still angry and confused on why he was here, the armed men put their guns back on safety and the man in the suit continued "I understand that you may be shocked about the situation, but this is a very good job opportunity for you, i am offering you a spot at the Foundation" Bob had no idea what he was getting into, he asked "What if i don't want to join your Foundation?" the man in the suit said "We wipe your memory and transfer you back to a new base." Sokar thinked about it for a few minutes and said "Alright, i'll join." the man in the suit said "Wise choice Mr. Whitelock, or should i say, Trainee Bob?" after this Bob was untied and given a fresh new Foundation ID, the man in the suit gave him a document that read "Welcome to the Foundation" that had multiple pages, Bob shook hands with the man in the suit before he was escorted out of the room.
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Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Application denied
Hey fitzrel
Thank you for your interest in the medical department, but unfortunately at this time all the slots are taken up. You may reapply when a spot opens.

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