[USA] Cupcake's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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May 13, 2024

Steam ID:​


Discord name:​


For how long have you played on CG SCP:​

400 hours



In what country are you located?:​


Time zone:​


Character name(s):​

Bob "Cupcake" Loss

Civilian name:​

Norman Fleetwood

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):​


Do you have a mic?:​

  • Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​

  • Currently holding:IA Agent, DEA Agent, Combat Medic.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:​

  • I received a warning for RDM while I was a D Class for stabbing someone who was in line and took my spot. I did not give a warning and thus received a warning. I have since reflected on this and understand I was in the wrong and it won't happen again.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?​

  • I believe it is time for me personally, and I would love to move up the ranks of Internal Affairs.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:​

  • I have a good understanding of the rules set by ethics. I maintain an official appearance and am always professional.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:​

  • I have written three documents: two research documents and one arrest report. My two research documents have been graded as excellent, as I constantly peer-reviewed them with Executives until they told me they were of excellent quality. As for my arrest report, I followed the same process, asking ambassadors if any amendments were needed until they said it was excellent.
  • What makes a good document can rely on a few things such as flow, creativity, and arguably most important, grammar. However, if you are good with grammar, the flow of the document should be taken care of by the grammar. Creativity is about being unique in your own way, putting your own spin on a document to make it interesting.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:​

  • The responsibilities of an IA Ambassador include maintaining order within the facility by keeping the respective agents and operatives in line and keeping a close eye on clearance level 4 personnel to ensure they are on their best behavior and acting professionally. Ambassadors are an important link in the chain of command in Internal Affairs, managing day-to-day operations while the higher-ups take care of the bigger picture.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

Bob started his story in a small town with few inhabitants, where he developed a love for baking. Bob would make a cake as often as he could; however, one night of baking would change his life. On the night he made a regular chocolate cake for his family to enjoy, but no one was home, so Bob put the cake away, saving it for the following night.

When the cake was brought back out approximately 26 hours later, something strange happened. Another cake, an almost direct clone, appeared. Bob knew he only made one cake and no one else was there to make a second one. Bob gave the cake away to his local church, which consumed it all but one slice. This remaining cake was left in the basement for the next two weeks, and upon finding it, 14 different cakes had appeared.

This created a lot of chatter among the townsfolk, who accused Bob of breaking into the church and placing 14 similar cakes in the basement. The mayor of this small town knew a guy who was a member of the Foundation and informed him about the incident. Soon, the town had a "termite" problem in the church, forcing it to shut down. The Foundation investigated if this was an anomaly and discovered that the cake duplicated every 24 hours. They traced the origin of the cakes back to Bob.

Bob was given two options: take a medicine to forget this ever happened or work for the Foundation. Being out of a job at the time, Bob chose to work for the Foundation. He was promptly given Class F and was assigned to become an agent in Internal Affairs, but was told not to forget his love for baking. Now, Agent "Cupcake" has forgotten his past life and works for the Foundation, keeping all staff ethical, professional, and obedient.


Active member
May 28, 2024

Hello, @Bob "Cupcake" Loss

After a discussion with our Ambassador team we to ACCEPT your application for ambassador, please get into contact with me to go over your induction.

Director of Internal Affairs, Strekel "Sentinel" Kosnykov
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