USA Dpt Director of Medicine

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Steam ID
Discord name
Vibrator Viking#1932
For how long have you played on CG SCP
An estimation of a year
Age: 28
In what country are you located?
Time zone
Uk timezone
Character name
Abbie "Dinklesprinkle" Oswald
Civilian name
Abbie Oswald
What server are you applying for?
Do you have a mic?
no nor would I be able to use one as i am a mute irl
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
USA Consultant x2, USA DoM x1, USA Ethics x1, USA 096.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
All but 1 Expired

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
i am applying because i would like to take a chance at leadership once again as in the past I have been a longstanding director on both UK and USA intermittently, I aim to assist the other director and further the medical departments roleplay and interests within the server.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?
as I have been part of the server for a lengthy period of time especially in medical where I have put countless of hours into improving the medical department, even creating policies which are still in effect on the USA and UK today due to their effective nature, this has allowed both servers to hold an understanding of what is needed to be done.

I believe i also have the skills required to further roleplay and the drive to ensure medical is pushed further into the roleplay front bringing new ideas into the department whereby some are in the works currently.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?
The duties of the director of medicine are varied, one part involves the training and upskilling of all medical employees from trainees to medical consultants, whilst also devising and writing new policies and procedures that further the roleplay, legal and ethical standards of the department.

Furthermore directors are responsible for the hiring, firing and training of new medical consultants to ensure the health of the medical department and ensure it is collaborating well with the rest of the site avoiding tensions.

Finally the director in themselves are also doctors and should be the font of all knowledge for strange incidents when knowing to quarantine or what level of surgery is needed to deal with a patient and as such Directors should not be afraid to work in the front line
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in
Abbie Oswald, the Director of Medicine within the SCP Foundation, had a remarkable path to their current position. Abbie was born into a family of doctors, and medicine was always a part of their life. They showed a keen interest in science and medicine from a young age, and their parents encouraged them to pursue their passion.

Abbie excelled in their studies and quickly rose through the ranks of the medical profession. They were known for their exceptional diagnostic skills and their ability to come up with innovative treatment plans. It wasn't long before the SCP Foundation took notice of Abbie's talents.

Abbie was recruited by the Foundation to work on some of their more complex and challenging medical cases. Abbie quickly proved themselves to be a valuable asset to the Foundation, and they were soon promoted to the position of Director of Medicine.

But Abbie's ties to the supernatural run deeper than just their work with the SCP Foundation. Abbie has always felt a strong connection to crows, and many in the Foundation believe that this connection goes beyond mere coincidence. Some believe that Abbie's soul is tied to that of a crow, granting them an innate understanding of the workings of the supernatural.

Abbie's connection to crows is said to manifest in many ways. They have an uncanny ability to sense danger, and many believe that this is due to their connection to the crow. Some even say that Abbie has been known to communicate with crows, although this claim remains unverified.

Regardless of whether or not Abbie's soul is truly tied to a crow, there is no denying the impact that they have had on the SCP Foundation. Their expertise in medicine has saved countless lives, and their unique perspective on the supernatural has proven invaluable in the Foundation's ongoing mission to protect humanity from the unknown.


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
i havent seen abbie on US at all, but when i worked with her on UK she was great. She is confident, a good leader and overall just a good person. Literally carried UK medical for months.

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022

+ Abbie was a wonderful director in UK and an avid roleplayer. You have my full support
- Emotionally attached to rocks and potatoes for some reason


Active member
Jan 9, 2023

From the Office of Site Administration

Regarding Director of Medicine Application - [ "Abbie" ]
Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Director of Medicine.

Your application has been accepted.

Please contact Site Administration for your whitelist.

Talk soon and Congratulations!​
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