[USA] Dr. John Kild's Consultant application

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John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025

Steam ID:


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For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I should have about 80+ hours on the server if not close, because I have been on every day since last Tuesday (2/11/2025) when I started playing with at least 3-8 hours each day (I might not always be on every single day nor on for that long when I'm on all the time because It depends on what I am doing that day because it is still winter where I am so I am not out doing as much which is why I have been so active, but as it gets warmer I will be doing a lot more IRL meaning I probably wont be on in the earlier times of the day as often, but I mainly play mid - late day or even in the very early mornings, but you will mainly see me in the later day and early morning example: late day meaning 6-11pm EST and early mornings being 12-2 and sometimes even up to 4am or later)


I am 19 years old

In what country are you located?:

The United States

Time zone:

Eastern standard time

Character name(s):

My main character’s names are John Kild, and John Bild (I have not really used John Bild it is just a civilian character and have only really used it once or twice)

Civilian name:

John Bild (Like I said I don’t use it)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes, I do as I talk a lot.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Sadly I have not held many roles yet, which is some of the reasons why I am applying. But I have been mainly a doctor throughout the time I have been on the server and I have recently become a combat medic. But even though I have only recently become a combat medic I still understand most of what the role is about and what is done while being one.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

No, I have not had any bans from the Garry’s mod server.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I am going to get straight to it because I don’t like adding things that don’t need to be added. So, I am applying to become a Medical consultant mainly because I have had a lot of fun and have enjoyed playing in the medical department and I would like to help it in anyway I can, I want to help make it more known and appreciated to maybe get people to want to consider joining it and playing as a apart of it more. I want to be in a position where newer members of the department will ask me for help and or with other issues, because I like helping the new members or even the well-known members of the department who need an extra tip here and there. I want to be in a position where I can put my input into things that could maybe be changed in a way to make it better or help others be able to do the same. All in all, I just want to help the medical department any way I can and make it a better place for people to play as and to be a part of.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

I know in the application guidelines it says don’t use other servers or other things as experience for names, but I have led and managed multiple things between real life (multiple job sites with some up to 15+ different employees) and servers in either Gmod or other games in the past (some of these servers having up to 30+ active staff and a average of 40+ people playing daily some even being up in the 90's daily, and also most of these servers are no longer or I have resigned from). But I also have a little bit of experience with helping organize things in game as well, for example even If I am not giving the training I will most of the time sit and watch and if the person giving the training asks for something or if I can help make the process quicker or more efficient to help the person training or the person being trained I will do so within reason (within reason meaning sometimes I like to ask the person being trained what they got wrong after they are done with their test and helping them study for or understand the questions they got wrong if the consultant hasn’t done so yet, which can be proven if you ask most of the more recent people who have got their medical license). I also like to be kind to people who ask questions instead of getting annoyed and shying them away from asking for help or just simple issues they have that they sometimes too worried to ask. I acknowledge that this will probably sound like a repeat but worded differently but I just like helping people and communities in anyway possible, even If I don’t know something I will do everything I can to help others with a question or problem they have no matter how much time it takes (which can also be proven by also asking anyone that knows me and has talked to me).

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

I’ll explain a one of the main ones such as giving people EST, So first If someone walks into the Medical Bay then first I always ask if they need something and if they do I ask what they need and if they give me an answer following with something like “I have rang the bell” or “I have read the book” I will always first ask what they are seeing exactly or feeling mainly due to the fact that sometimes people lie just to get EST, But next after I have heard a valid reason or symptom I can help with using EST and its not something I can help with without EST then I will next ask them to follow me back to the Machine then the actual procedure starts with first asking them to lay down then asking for consent for if they are ok with following through with the procedure, next I will tell them to NOT go into the light, then I will start the machine and I will always ask them questions about their life or something similar to keep them distracted, then after the Machine is done I make sure EVERYONE is out of the way of the machine if there are others in the room then when the Patient gets up I will make sure they are 100% healed and ask them the same questions again on what they feel and are seeing to make sure the procedure went right and fixed their problem. After I will always tell them to have a good day and if they have any issues like it again then I would gladly help them again if they came back, then I will walk them out back to the front of Medbay and let them go on with their day. Some of these steps and ways are not required but I still do them mainly because they can insure that the patients issue is resolved.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

A Medical Consultant is one of the most important roles in the medical department because they are given the task of making sure the policies are met, and procedures go correctly. They help new members of the medical department and even train them to make sure they know everything they need to know. They make sure everyone in the medical department is doing what they are supposed to be doing and can give commands to the medical staff during anything like code 1’s/2’s/3’s/4’s and even 5’s to help resolve these emergencies more efficiently. They also make sure everything goes right between their department and the rest of the foundation, which either that means socially or even physically because some people don’t get along or can start/antagonize a current problem. Medical Consultants should always be willing to answer questions about anything even if it has nothing to do with their department (it all depends on what the question is and what it involves) and it’s just a genuine question about the server such as if a new player needs some guidance with something, and I know not all medical consultants know things about the other departments and how some things work in them but if they don’t know they can be a good model for that player by guiding them with a direction of someone who can answer the questions that they have and/or give guidance on their issues.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

My character is named John Kild and he’s a very straightforward and easy to talk to guy, he will always try to answer questions asked and will always ask you about how your day was or is currently or anything similar to that practically anytime he sees you, and if you say its bad or boring or something similar he will always ask why and if he can help in anyway. He has seen and done a lot of things throughout his life and is always down with doing almost anything you ask him (as long as it is nothing bad or illegal). John always respects his superiors and even random people and will even jokes sometimes with them to give them a laugh or keep them on their toes to make sure they are doing well. He likes to help people and that is one of his only hobbies, he will without a doubt put himself in danger in order to help others and to keep them safe and that’s really all there is to him. If you want more detail about him he will gladly answer questions but be expected to get a straightforward or long response because he likes to either be blatant with his answers and/or he will also give many details in his answer to your question.

As said while explaining my character I will be glad to answer any questions, or give more detail on anything just ask me and I will do my best to answer.

Dr. John Kild
Nov 16, 2024
To: John Kild
From: Office of the Directors of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the medical leadership team, we have decided to put your application
ON HOLD. Please reach out to a Medical Director via email (panzer3332, antibambi) to discuss why your application has been put on hold.

Director Jonny 'Bear' Hartman
Nov 16, 2024
To: Dr. John Kild
From: Office of the Directors of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the medical leadership team, we have decided to
ACCEPT your application. Please reach out to a Medical Director via email (panzer3332, antibambi) to move forward with your reassignment, training, and onboarding. Your probationary status starts today. We look forward to seeing what you can add to the team.

Warm Regards,
Director Jonny 'Bear' Hartman
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