[USA] DR. XAVIER ADAMS Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Apr 10, 2023
- Steam ID -


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- For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP -

I have played on the server for 2~ weeks, contributing 8+ hours a day most days with my main on research.



In what country are you located?:

United States

Time zone:

CST (Central Standard Time)

- Character name(s) -

Senior Researcher Dr. Xavier Adams

- Civilian name -

Xavier Adams

- What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA) -


- Do you have a mic? -

Yes. I use it regularly for RP and interacting with other researchers to assist them as they need.

- List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held -

N/A - I main research, and usually switch over to other branches to only gain an understanding of them to better my RP for research and interactions between myself and others.

- Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why? -


- Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? -

The reason I am mainly applying for Executive Researcher is for the platform to help the branch flourish in an RP sense. I would like to begin explaining this by stating that tests/research concerning the SCPs on site are as important as RP-oriented roleplays, and my focus will lie on improving how tests/interviews are conducted as a standard for minimum requirement. For example, it is commonplace for someone to go to ' The Hole' and do the same test over and over again - just popping something out. Though, what if there were lectures/seminars that included having an executive demonstrate excellent testing procedure and interaction. I would like to make these instructional seminars a regular and even scheduled activity amongst others.(Different trainings/demonstrations on different days that anyone can view or participate in with proper clearance.)

I also would like to be able to coordinate with other branches and executives in order to make research procedures better understood and universal for newer and senior parties. I have met Executives that are confused(or RP confused) about procedures such as HCZ checkpoint, more-so around the jurisdiction that E-11 or other combative departments may have such as the difference between D.E.A operations and D.E.A surface team. This misinformation has lead and can lead to problems, so I would like to take a more group-oriented approach to work closely with each department in order to better have an understanding to teach the future of the Scientific Department.

Excellent relations = Excellent research = Excellent RP!

In conclusion, I want to be able to further the department itself in every sense of the term. Interdepartmental, research/operations with other departments, and even down to setting an example for the standards of an Executive alongside a number of others that are doing the same.

- What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: -

There is a long list of potential reasons that I could spew in order to support my case, but if I had to choose one - it would be my passion. I wouldn't say it is for 'research' itself, but to create stories with others and build others up with these stories. With this intention comes with the expectation of responsibility, not only over a large group of individuals - but also a set of responsibilities/expectations that I will need to carry out from day to day. I not only will be diligent in these expectations and responsibilities, but self advocate so I may bring a better environment and standing for the Science Department. These responsibilities I expect to carry out are to lead and mentor each and every researcher, coordinate with other branches, lead seminars and lectures, be a vessel for fair and constructive discipline in cooperation with I.A to ensure department efficiency and safety, and to carry out the Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct. Although these are but a few duties that I will be managing as an executive, they are the foundations for the future changes I hope to inspire in the branch.

These changes would reference back to my reason to apply for Executive Researcher, which is to sprout a wildfire of RP within the branch via divisions and tests. I will be actively working with other researchers, executives, and departments to improve how the department functions in a sense of 'principle' than 'official procedure'. Rather than changing the rules and documents, I want to breath life into the roleplay and possibility that the branch holds.

My maturity and attitude, being firm yet kind at the end of the day is a trait that I am proud of and would like to platform if I am asked 'Reasons why you are suitable'. I make it a point to look at every aspect of a situation or scenario, making the best of it as much as I can and looking towards my peers to work together. I make sure to try and be as approachable and kind to those that come to me, but at the same time be firm with procedure when need be and lax with people having harmless fun that doesn't disrespect/upset others.

- How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? -

I haven't really been keeping track, though I do submit quality documentation after every test. This is what my memory serves me and from what I was able to find in the terminals.



A document is as strong as the research it covers, and as such a document should never cover a miniscule test - and in some cases should never cover just a single test. As per the basic foundations of the science, it is commonplace to test things multiple times with different variables. A document will possess an aim/purpose with multiple variables and possibilities, with the intent to have a productive outcome that can output detailed findings or data. Proper indexing is crucial to a document for efficiency, as referencing in the Foundation is a constant. This format following an aim/purpose that is earlier explained to have the intent to discover/learn something conclusive - should have the important details written down concerning materials and resources used. Miscellaneous info is sometimes beneficial in a record-sense, such as clearance/classification information or an elaboration on affiliated personnel concerning the research.

A document should, of course, always include a methodology. It is important to detail out the steps one took for a research test/series of tests so that other scientists may be able to understand the process taken and be able to replicate it. This can sometimes be brief, but highly important as it could paint a better picture of what happened during the test.
Lastly, It is vital to include a transcript for any audio-related tests/interviews and an image gallery. Again, visual representation goes a long way when other scientists look back at past research.

Creating an EXCELLENT document takes as much passion as it does literacy skill. A 'long' document does not necessarily mean a 'excellent' document. While length is highly encouraged for foundation standards, making sure a document is informative and the test is beneficial/worthwhile is a MUST above all. Creating a document that is difficult to understand will not inform or teach anyone, and a vital piece of information could be glossed over by needless exposition.

For formatting standards, it is important to include a title page and a end-log page. This is a personal decision of mine, as it feels more professional.

- What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP? -

Executive researchers are considered mentors, leaders, and most importantly - teachers. There is nothing but a plethora of researchers that have potential, and those that falter simply just need a helping yet firm hand as well as patience. Helping the research branch includes inspiring new or regularly active researchers by showing them how much fun and rewarding it can be by doing research, Executives holding the leadership skills in order to reach out to whomever they can to help improve both their experience and skills. An example of this would be noticing a researcher submitting documentation that does not fit minimum foundation standard and reaching out to the individual - as chances are they are merely just unaware.

Along with being a prime mentor, an Executive researcher is a much needed vessel for discipline. Leading a team and department as large as Research takes a firm hand, Executives having to carry out the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and any foundation procedure. Not only do they have to abide by it and diplomatically enforce it, they should always be on the lookout for occurrences that may inspire ideas concerning better conduct and ethical testing. Ethical testing and proper conduct is important for relations with each and every department, as well as keeping the site and researchers safe during all times.

Addedly, Executive Researchers are the voice for the research department. They should coordinate with other departments such as GENSEC, E-11, NU-7, Medical, and even I.A/D.E.A to make sure everything runs smoothly and maybe even improve. They need to stay diligent and self advocative in order for the department to be evermoving and ever improving.

- Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in -

Lore Sample #1: I created this document for the start of a passive RP that I am already bringing around the site and attempting to have be a fun activity for others to enjoy. See it HERE if you would like, though a more detailed and storyline-oriented version of it that I plan to submit as official Site-56 lore can be found HERE even though it is heavy WIP. In summary, it is a changed version of the SCP-7999 story, a very recent publishing to the wiki but still an interesting concept to build off of. The story is changed to reflect this servers limitations, departments, and with the intent to bring every branch into the fray - especially our awesome new D.E.A and of course RESEARCH! Dr. Xavier Adams has brought this information to Site Director 'Khan', Dept. Director John Iceland, and multiple Ethics Committee members and counting in hopes that I may get the proper backing for good roleplay to come from this.

Lore Sample #2: Dr. Xavier Adams has extensive lore that can be found HERE. This lore is a building block foundation for the character, giving them depth so I may use them as a catalyst for storylines to be created and build off of. In summary, Dr. Xavier Adams has had experience at multiple canon sites at the SCP Foundation. From Site-87, a Nexus site that would be considered a representation of a town where the Veil had fallen and anomalies lived with society - to Site-120, a hellish and highly noted facility of interdimensional and reliquary focus. At this Site-120, Dr. Xavier Adams researched many things - including a revival of the SCP-6172 PROJECT. This project would bring about the massacre of his entire team - and the voluntary amnestic treatment towards himself.
After transfer to Site-56, Dr. Xavier Adams was administered Class Y Mnestics by the sites Ethics Committee, causing him to remember his research and his past. Hence, the obsession with SCP-7999 in Lore Sample #1.

The research into what is explained in Lore Sample #1 will extend from extraterrestrial to interdimensional, becoming more serious and broad over time to allow other storylines to branch off.

John Iceland

Well-known Member
From: Site-56 Research Directorate
To: Xavier
Subject: Application Verdict

O5 Council Clean.png

| Application On Hold |

Greetings Xavier, This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you of your application now being put "On Hold" as we would like to preform an interview with you regarding this position. Please Email (Discord Message) Either Myself (Pup#1341) or Deputy Director “Lunaro” (Bees#4431) at your earlier convenience to do so.

Kind Regards,
John Iceland, Director of Research.
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John Iceland

Well-known Member
From: Site-56 Research Directorate
To: Xavier
Subject: Application Verdict

O5 Council Clean.png

| Application Accepted |

Greetings Xavier, This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been accepted! We look forward to working alongside you and hope that you will enjoy your time within the team. Please contact your nearest RAISA Office to get your clearance updated (Contact staff to get the whitelist), and EMail (Discord Message) myself (Pup#1341) or "Lunaro" (Bees#4431) for your onboarding.

Kind Regards,
John Iceland, Director of Research.
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