[USA] Driver's 2nd SA Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530693319
Discord name: sstff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Romania.
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): "Driver" (Foundation) | Inventor/Polar (past names)
Civilian name: Steve "Inventor" Schröder
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer Assistant [HOLDING]
DEA Special Agent [HELD]
MTF Alpha-1 CSG [HELD]
MTF Epsilon-11 LT [HELD]
Chaos Insurgency Gamma [HELD]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, 3 warnings that expired a long time ago.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:
I am currently applying for Site Advisor for multiple reasons. One of them being my wish of expanding and improving the departments from the entire site, such as involving the Mobile Task Forces more in RP. As for now, the most roleplay they get is "guard this and guard that" which is very boring for many people. I also want to have more influence on surface roleplay, such as holding up relations with the GOC, Involving civilians and other surface roles in operations with DEA/Nu-7 and just overall giving more interesting things to do to DEA and Nu-7. Another reason I am applying for SA is that I am very experienced with making documents, so I am able to help with creation of documents that are spread around the site.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- Professionalism is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Site Administration, and I have it. When on-site, doesn't matter if I am a tech expert or a captain, I will remain professional at all times.
- I have a lot of experience as a Clearance 4 personnel, most notable is my Overseer Assistant role that I've held for a good while now.
- Roleplay skills. I try my hardest to create high-quality roleplay whenever I am on-site. In my time as an A-1 CSG, OSA and Captain, I've always tried creating roleplay with people around me, and I'm more than sure they enjoyed it.
- Overall experience on the server is also something to note, as I have been a member of Civil Networks for an entire year now and I've met a lot of great people on this community, aswell as on the server. I've been through almost every department and I've enjoyed every single one of them.
- My last point is my activity. I consider myself a very active person on this server, averaging ~5 hours per day helping people out and trying my hardest to keep an enjoyable atmosphere around.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The responsibilities of Site Administration in RP are:
- Appointing department leaders for all departments and appointing MTF Commanders for Nu-7 and E-11.
- Reviewing and managing departments to keep up their performance.
- Keeping up relations with GOI's.
- Managing Site wide policies along with Site Command.
- Organizing tribunals.
- Authorizing Advanced Armory during breaches.
- Managing On-Site emergencies.
- Being the first point of contact for all departments.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Surname: Krylov
Forename: Steve
Gender: Male
Age: [##]
Nationality: Romanian

Clearance: 4
Pre-Foundation job: Detective.

Early Life

Steve Krylov was born on 05/07/██ in Bucharest, Romania. He was the only child in the family and went through education up to the Police Academy, where he signed up to the detective courses. 2 Years later, he became a full time detective. Nothing else is notable about his past life.


Steve Krylov, during one of his cases, found some sort of device with "SCP Foundation" written on it. When he came back home, he tried opening up the device but then suddenly a knock was heard on the door. Standing in front of the door we're some agents that rushed into Steve's home and took the device, leaving him a paper with a phone number on it. Calling the phone number, Steve realized that this foundation is a research base, and he became interested in it, later on joining the foundation as an Internal Affairs Agent.


After notable work in the foundation, Steve Krylov has been called up by the Overseer Council on Floor 3. They explained him what was about to happen and if he wants to take the role of Overseer Assistant. Steve accepted with no hesitation and from there on, he kept upholding the Code of Conduct with his life.

Incident TG-205-01/03/██

On 01/03/██, late at night, when almost no one was even on site, a massive breach including: 079, 682, 035, 076 and both Type-Greens happened. This could have been catastrophic but thanks to Steve's quick thinking, this has been avoided. He went up to EOC and called MTF Unit Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" and MTF Unit Alpha-9 "Last Hope" on site and guided them through. The breach lasted around 5 hours but thankfully the number of casualties was very low. After 5 hours, all SCPs we're detained with the help of Steve and the MTF Units. The next day, Assistant Steve "Driver" Krylov has been called up to the Site Administration Offices because the Site Director noticed his excellent performance during the breach. After an interview, he has been promoted to the position of Site Advisor.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
i like him he cool, he gangsta and all dat might not have any senior cl4 but he still cool because e11 LT thingy so i guess he has lot of leadership and whatever you need for site advisor
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