[USA] Driver's Captain Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530693319
Discord name: sstff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Almost 2 years now.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): 'Driver', 'Jägermeister'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 LT; MTF Nu-7 CSG; MTF A-1 CPL; DEA Special Agent; MTF A-1 CSG; CI-Alpha; Overseer Assistant; DEA Manager DEA Special Agent, MTF A-1 CSG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received a warning for NLR, one for FearRP and one for FailRP, all of them are very old and I didn't know the rules that well.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?: I am applying for Security Captain because I feel that I am experienced enough to hold this role and be active on it. I have dedicated a lot of time to GENSEC and even though I am only an officer, I can manage D-Block and GSD pretty well. I also am applying for this role because I enjoy this department, even with the occasional minges in it. In my opinion it's one of the underrated departments and if taken seriously, could be better than some of the MTFs on this server. I would like to give this department a chance and use my best qualities to benefit it and its members.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I have multiple traits that make me a good candidate for the position of Security Captain:
I have a lot of experience and knowledge of how most of the things work around the site. I've been A-1 twice, which shows that I am a trustworthy and serious person, E-11 CO/DEA Manager show off my leadership skills and that I can manage and help people below my rank and OSA which shows off my roleplay skills (yes, I roleplay every now and then).
I consider myself a very active person as I had a 6 days Vtime in the past month.
Last but not least is dedication. I have been very dedicated to my past roles and have given my best to make the regiment I was part of better. If this application gets accepted, I will be extremely dedicated to my role because after all, GSD is one of the core elements of this server.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: The responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP are:

1. Managing GENSEC and D-Block such as doing sweeps, taking care of minge GSD members, making sure GSD is doing their job, etc.
2. Holding Tryouts for HWL, RRT License and Sergeant Whitelist.
3. Upholding the FLC/CoC/CoE and making sure GENSEC are following it aswell.
4. Guide and teach new GSD members.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Officer "Driver" is doing his daily duties in D-Block, making sure everything runs smooth and well. Suddenly, some muffled sounds can be heard from his radio. After taking the radio from his belt, Driver realizes that it's Dpt. Chief Viggo asking him to make his way to the his office.
Driver does as he's told and speaks with another officer to watch D-Block over for a bit.
As he reaches the Dpt. Chief office, Driver starts thinking of why would Viggo need him. He's never spoken with him before so as he approaches the door, he starts worrying more and more. Driver knocks gently on the door and it almost instantly opens.
Dpt. Chief Viggo: Hello Driver, please come in and take a seat.
**Driver takes a seat at a table with a single folder on it.**
Officer Driver: So, why was I called in here?
Dpt. Chief Viggo: You don't remember? Your Captain application you made a while ago?
Officer Driver: Oh, that one, I almost forgot about it.
Dpt. Chief Viggo: I'm glad to inform you that it's been accepted, I know it took a while but we just had to watch you and see you perform your duties before actually making a decision.
Officer Driver: I'm surprised myself you guys accepted it, thank you for giving me this chance.
**Dpt. Chief Viggo takes a beret from a drawer and hands it to Driver**
Dpt. Chief Viggo: This is yours now, behind you is a locker and it contains your new uniform, welcome to the team, Captain Driver!
Dec 29, 2022
General Security Department
From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Driver'
Hello 'Driver', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
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