[USA] Espeon Vastila's Ethics Application

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I do honestly see Alpharius and Pynput as the next Leaders of CI, and this has been something I've been discussing with both of them. I am kind of a relic in CI now.
As much as I'd love them both to be COM and LTCOM, I will have to say that leaving them with no commander will leave them with a gray area even with good leadership, as you saw happen with O-1 during the CPT Council era.
As much as I'd love them both to be COM and LTCOM, I will have to say that leaving them with no commander will leave them with a gray area even with good leadership, as you saw happen with O-1 during the CPT Council era.

I will add on, as I forgot to do this a bit earlier, I have been in communication with SSL in regards to the future Commander, and I've been working with my MCOM's to ensure, what ever happens, the future Commander is which one they wish.

Either Path can divulge, and time will tell.
I will add on, as I forgot to do this a bit earlier, I have been in communication with SSL in regards to the future Commander, and I've been working with my MCOM's to ensure, what ever happens, the future Commander is which one they wish.

Either Path can divulge, and time will tell.
I guess, I also have a biased viewpoint due to watching O-1 fall apart due to internal issues that I'm sure you remember. As I said, would not be opposed as you were a fun ECM who was goofy but not too goofy.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
he was like the chairman or something + he is CI LTCOM so he got the skills necessary for ecm


Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73012697
Discord name: Sylveon#9198
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Nearing One year of overall playtime. [ 11 Months ]
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): "Javelin", Espeon Vastila, Sylveon Vastila, Umbreon"Serenity" Vastila
Civilian name: Ellis Huckleberry
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes​

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Lieutenant Commander [ Holding ]
- Ethics Chairman [ Held ]
- NU-7 Command Sergeant [ Held ]
- B-1 Command Sergeant [ Held ]
- E-11 Lance Corporal [ Held ]
- O-1 Command Sergeant [ Held ]
- A-1 Corporal [ Holding]
- Security Captain [ Holding ]
- Intel Ambassador [ Held ]
- DEA Senior Agent [ Held ]
- Ethics Assistant [ Holding ]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received Two Counts of FearRP, Both are Warnings.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for a seat on the Ethics Committee, the reasons behind this is due to the fact that I wish to help drive better roleplay and change inside of the foundation. My time has been primarily dedicated to CI, with the exception of when I first joined the Committee, and I feel that my time in CI is coming to a draw. Due to this I want to re-direct my efforts towards the Foundation, due to this I am filing this application for the Committee Once again.
- My Drive stems to a genuine desire to change the server for the better, and the Committee is a strong area to work from due to its ties towards enforcing an ethical understanding and maintaining the Humanity on site. All and all, I wish to bring change to the Foundation, working with all current members of the Committee once again, O-1, and the site at large to help develop RP storylines on site.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- Experience: Due to my prior post on the Committee, I have a FIRM understanding of what the Committees jobs and responsibilities are, and being appointed chairman affirms that experience over. I have a very broad understanding of how the Foundation works and what it needs and doesn't need, and my time in CI has ensured that I am open minded to anything that is on the table or under the table.

- Roleplay Imitative: My time on the server is heavily roleplay driven, and what I have contributed during my tenure on the server can be validated by that, I have driven CI into a better state then it has been, during my time on Ethics, I took initiative to drive roleplay for anyone who came looking for it, and as a Game Master, I am able to drive roleplay in general to keep the server fresh and interesting.

- Activity: I am heavily dedicated to this server, and I do not see that stopping any time soon. I wish to provide a strong presence for the Committee on site, be it any time zone as I tend to rotate between time zones, heck at the time of writing this application, I am keeping a Night Owl Schedule. If Accepted into the Committee, I can promise an active presence on the site, ensuring the ethical wellbeing of everything on site, and a solid enforcement of the polices dictated by the Committee as a whole and by definition the Chairman.

- Leadership: I know and have experience in leading, this is made clear by what I have achieved on the server. Due to my experiences in Leading the Site, and CI, I have a very open mind, and generally have the mentality of Neutrality. I will speak up if I believe something could of been roleplayed better, or if some one clearly did something stupid.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- The Ethics Committee's role within the Foundation consist of overall enforcement of the Code of Ethics, on top of ensuring the equal rights of all human beings within the site. As a CL5 Member of Staff, it is their job to also designate Code Blacks and Nuke the facility in the worst scenarios, such as ERT Failure, and uncontainable. Ethics Members should also be able to work with other members of Site Administration to ensure the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics are properly enforced and updated. Ethics Members should also be able to make calls such as D-Block Mass Terminations and Mass Amnestizations. You should be a roll model for all lower clearance foundation staff, ensuring you are making an example while following the Code of Ethics and make tough calls that ensure the overall stability and completion of the goals of the S.C.P. Foundation. Remember, our goal is to Secure, Contain, Protect.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Ethics Committee Assistants - Which is Decided by Ethics Committee Votes
- Director of Internal Affairs - Voted upon by the Ethics Committee

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Accessing Files on.... Espeon Vastila...

File Loaded Viewing now Viable.​
File Compiled: 04/17/1989
Compiled By: Ethics Committee
Minimal Viewing Clearance Required: 4
Glory to the Foundation!​


For all intensive purposes, Espeon Vastila was a reasonably dedicated man... even before his recruitment into the Foundation he took his job very seriously, as we can reference from field reports from surface operatives.

Mr. Vastila, was originally employed by ████████-██████-████████████ Facility, in which he served as a Correctional Officer of this location. During his tenure here, the Facility was attacked by a 323 Instance, causing mass paranoia and a large scale riot leading to roughly ██ casualties. This Incident was labeled ████████-██-A and will mark the beginning of his career in the foundation.

Due to the nature of this Incident, and the contribution that Vastila provided in terminating this 323 instance, he was offered a position within the General Security branch. Interested in the prospect of what we do, he accepted and began his training on site.

Nothing of super importance is noted, besides his abnormal aptitude in combat, he managed to climb his ranks to the position of General Security Captain, in which he did his duty diligently until his calling was made some where else. That calling, was within the Committee. He started off simple, and got accepted into the Committee as an assistant, during this time learning what the future job could offer, after a while he was voted into the Committee.

His time in the Committee was solid, per his efforts to the foundation he was eventually rewarded the position of Chairman, one of the most influencal members of the Site Command Staff. However, due to complications with his health, this position was short lived. During a Containment breach, the Chairman's corpse, along with two escorting members of Omega-1, where found burnt to a crisp within Delta Wing. The Two Omega-1 Bodies where easily identified, however the Chairmans body could not bring a positive ID, however there wasn't reason to suspect his death being faked, so he was declared KIA during a breach, and his relevant biometric access and clearances stripped since a dead man can't possibly need them.

Shortly after this, a new NCO found their way in the Omega-1 Ranks, blending in and playing his role... Unsure of what the future had in store for him. During this time, he made efforts to continue a research project of his... silently, he waited for a moment to better expand his project, in hopes to help secure a brighter future for the Foundation.

Side Note: For those who weren't aware, and why I flopped pretty quickly as a Chairman, despite my best efforts, is I was dealing with a Huge amount of IRL shit at the time, and due to this my mental game wasn't up to play ball. Regardless I wish to rejoin the committee, and achieve Chairman for real this time in the future, and help Drive Ethics down a great path.
All in all, I wish to start dedicating more time on site, as I am slowly growing more stale and bored with the Insurgency, Heck, I have dedicated roughly a year of my time inside of the insurgency, its only natural that I look for a change in pace.

Bad at war thunder
Oct 26, 2022
Incoming Message From: Ethics Committee Chairman Randal Murphy



Greetings, Espeon.

In regards to your application for
ETHICS COMMITTEE MEMBER, after Committee Vote; your application has been unfortunately denied.

Please contact the Chairman at his email address for questions. (asomeJFK#7561)

You may re-apply for this position in
2-weeks time.
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