[USA] Ethics Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 17, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:489296551
Discord name: IDEC
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 Months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): John "IDEC"
Civilian name: Johnny Tools
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF O-1 CSG, MTF Nu-7 PVT, and CI-G

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Not that I am aware of.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I would say I am fit for this role due to my experience in Omega-1 and IA. I already have an understanding of what ethics does because I worked with them while in O-1 and I feel I can exercise this experience and use it as an Ethics Assistant to reduce the workload of the Ethics Members. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am willing to dedicate my time to learn and help the Ethics Committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
The Ethics assistants are there to assist the Ethics Committee Members at all times while making sure the Code of Ethics gets enforced. Assistants are there to help Ethics Members with writing documents for departments as well as reducing the workload of other Members. Assistants are also there to report unethical behavior that may be going on within a department.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"It has never been so cold," as Chaos Gamma said, and John knew this day would come. Death, the ultimate destiny of a Chaos Gamma, feels his blood slowly drifting away. His body begins to turn cold. He asked himself if this was his end. As a failure subject of Chaos's Project Overlord, they used him and then dumped him in the Pinewood forest, as they did to anyone that they considered as just another failure subject. He was highly expected when they first recruited him, being young and smart. Just like other elites that were recruited into Project Overlord, they trained him and made him feel like it was his home, a family that he could rely on, yet they dumped him like other failed subjects. Not more useful, as they said. As he slowly lost consciousness in the Pinewood forest, he saw the flashlight of a law enforcement from the foundation shouting, "We got him, Mr. Dalton, we got him!" "Get him to the medical center!" "Yes, sir!" He lost consciousness and was carried away by the Law Enforcement Trauma Team. A few days later, when he regained consciousness, he found himself not dead but well treated in the foundation's medical room. A man named Dalton pulled a chair and asked him, "Do you want your revenge?" John shook his head and said, "No, I knew it was coming." With a smile on Dalton's face, he said, "Do you want to work for me then?" with a shocked expression on John's face. He wasn't expecting a foundation member to ask him such things. As he nodded and said, "I guess I have no choice since now I owe you my life." With a smile on Dalton's face, he said, "From now on you are no longer John, you are IDEC, and you will be my hand to enforce what's just to punish those who dishonor the code of ethics."
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "IDEC's" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is currently putting applications on hold for the moment, and we will reach out to you when we have space.
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "IDEC's" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is currently not taking applications at this time. You may reapply in 2 weeks or when we have space.
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