Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:583714553
Discord name: alex22772277
For how long have you played on CG SCP: seven-ish months
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone:EST
Character name(s): Abdul Lanahan / Johnny Rico
Civilian name: John Ramsey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Previously I have held Executive Researcher. Currently I have MTF E-11 SPC, Combat Medic, Internal Affairs Agent, and External Affairs Agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Six warnings all spread apart and for different things. Quite the learning curve when I was first starting. All are spaced about a month apart. Three are for RDM, two are for FailRP, and one for FearRP. My last warning was about two months ago.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: I really enjoy the Research Department and always have. It has such a wonderful subcommunity within the community of CN SCP RP. They provide a lot of the role play experiences to the facility such as testing. I'm also aware of the shortage of active Executive Researchers and would like to be a part of the wave of new Executives that helps change that. I have lots of time to spare for the position and when I use to be an Executive, I was highly active. To put it bluntly I was let go for goofing around and pushing boundaries. That is why I'm not an Executive and I do answer honestly about what I did. I have since taken some time to deeply learn the rules and understand them. Hence my time as an IA Agent where I would uphold the law of the server under the name Johnny Rico. I would like to come back to the Executive team even if that means that I'm on a "one strike, you're out" program.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Other than previously having experience in the role. I have taken some time to work as an IA Agent and member of E-11 to learn the rules deeply. I enjoy helping other Researchers and so much so that I have joined both BoE and CRB. In BoE I help to mentor new Jr. Researchers that are learning the Research Department. I want to help these Jr.s avoid unnecessary visits to IA during their learning process. I teach them how to conduct themselves, write documents, and offer them writing challenges for cash. The current challenge I'm doing will include ten Jr. Researchers, each having the possibility to win 10,000 dollars. I have so far handed this challenge out to five Jr. Researchers and look forward to seeing their documents. When I'm not doing BoE, I'm typically helping with CRB. I work as an "Enlisted" member of the CRB collecting samples and fulfilling orders that are placed. It took me a while to join them as it's a chance happening to bump into some of them. I finally did and got recruited, I have enjoyed it since. When I'm not doing CRB or BoE work, I spend the extra time I have working on several projects. I alternate projects so that it doesn't get too dull. Recent projects I have completed are SCP-427-1/SCP-099 Cross Test, SCP-427-1/SCP-012 Cross Test, SCP-714/SCP-178-1 Cross Test, SCP-106 Statistical Review, and SCP-939 sampling. I've almost complete the assignment that Dpt D. Halo assigned to me. All I have to do to finish that assignment is to finish my testing with SCP-427-1/SCP-3378 Cross Test.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?: Many, though, it is just simpler for me to tell you what makes a document excellent. Following the correct format is a great first step to writing your "excellent-graded document". The format goes as following; Cover Page, Index, SCP Info, Goal Of Study, Test Procedure, Participants, Test Space, Conclusion, and if needed an Authorization page. Make sure to use proper spelling and grammar. Formatting is very important and it is good to make your document look "appealing". Do not create unnecessary filler space for your documents. Be as detailed as possible when recording the results of a test. This is what I would tell someone for the bare minimum. Though if they wanted to go above and beyond, I would recommend adding pictures or coming up with unique ideas for test.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: There are many responsibilities of an Executive Researcher and I will go through each of them. Firstly, being the most obvious will be to sign documents for CL3 Researchers and down. The reason we do this is to promote the role play element of the server. Secondly, we will be the "Tree Of Wisdom" that people will come to when they have questions needing answers. We are here to answer those questions and to assist them in their studies. Next up is upholding the Code of Conduct, Research Policy, and Code of Ethics within and for our department. This can range from as little as being a good role model or as much as job banning a noncompliant Researcher within the department. Not only do we look at documents and give advice on them. We will often find ourselves grading documents on SCIPNET. Finally, one of our responsibilities can be acting as a "quest giver" for Research personnel who request it.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Studied at MIT, was top of his class, and was recruited to the foundation by Professor "Redacted". He really hates his wife and will voice this vocally when injured/near death. He also practices Islam and will fast on occasion. I work for BoE as a Mentor and I work at CRB as a Enlisted. I typically will be on for shifts in the evenings and mornings. On occasionally for late nights. Abdul Lanahan is looking to further his career and not repeat mistakes of the past. He would be truly grateful for the opportunity to come back to Executive team.
Discord name: alex22772277
For how long have you played on CG SCP: seven-ish months
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone:EST
Character name(s): Abdul Lanahan / Johnny Rico
Civilian name: John Ramsey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Previously I have held Executive Researcher. Currently I have MTF E-11 SPC, Combat Medic, Internal Affairs Agent, and External Affairs Agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Six warnings all spread apart and for different things. Quite the learning curve when I was first starting. All are spaced about a month apart. Three are for RDM, two are for FailRP, and one for FearRP. My last warning was about two months ago.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: I really enjoy the Research Department and always have. It has such a wonderful subcommunity within the community of CN SCP RP. They provide a lot of the role play experiences to the facility such as testing. I'm also aware of the shortage of active Executive Researchers and would like to be a part of the wave of new Executives that helps change that. I have lots of time to spare for the position and when I use to be an Executive, I was highly active. To put it bluntly I was let go for goofing around and pushing boundaries. That is why I'm not an Executive and I do answer honestly about what I did. I have since taken some time to deeply learn the rules and understand them. Hence my time as an IA Agent where I would uphold the law of the server under the name Johnny Rico. I would like to come back to the Executive team even if that means that I'm on a "one strike, you're out" program.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Other than previously having experience in the role. I have taken some time to work as an IA Agent and member of E-11 to learn the rules deeply. I enjoy helping other Researchers and so much so that I have joined both BoE and CRB. In BoE I help to mentor new Jr. Researchers that are learning the Research Department. I want to help these Jr.s avoid unnecessary visits to IA during their learning process. I teach them how to conduct themselves, write documents, and offer them writing challenges for cash. The current challenge I'm doing will include ten Jr. Researchers, each having the possibility to win 10,000 dollars. I have so far handed this challenge out to five Jr. Researchers and look forward to seeing their documents. When I'm not doing BoE, I'm typically helping with CRB. I work as an "Enlisted" member of the CRB collecting samples and fulfilling orders that are placed. It took me a while to join them as it's a chance happening to bump into some of them. I finally did and got recruited, I have enjoyed it since. When I'm not doing CRB or BoE work, I spend the extra time I have working on several projects. I alternate projects so that it doesn't get too dull. Recent projects I have completed are SCP-427-1/SCP-099 Cross Test, SCP-427-1/SCP-012 Cross Test, SCP-714/SCP-178-1 Cross Test, SCP-106 Statistical Review, and SCP-939 sampling. I've almost complete the assignment that Dpt D. Halo assigned to me. All I have to do to finish that assignment is to finish my testing with SCP-427-1/SCP-3378 Cross Test.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?: Many, though, it is just simpler for me to tell you what makes a document excellent. Following the correct format is a great first step to writing your "excellent-graded document". The format goes as following; Cover Page, Index, SCP Info, Goal Of Study, Test Procedure, Participants, Test Space, Conclusion, and if needed an Authorization page. Make sure to use proper spelling and grammar. Formatting is very important and it is good to make your document look "appealing". Do not create unnecessary filler space for your documents. Be as detailed as possible when recording the results of a test. This is what I would tell someone for the bare minimum. Though if they wanted to go above and beyond, I would recommend adding pictures or coming up with unique ideas for test.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: There are many responsibilities of an Executive Researcher and I will go through each of them. Firstly, being the most obvious will be to sign documents for CL3 Researchers and down. The reason we do this is to promote the role play element of the server. Secondly, we will be the "Tree Of Wisdom" that people will come to when they have questions needing answers. We are here to answer those questions and to assist them in their studies. Next up is upholding the Code of Conduct, Research Policy, and Code of Ethics within and for our department. This can range from as little as being a good role model or as much as job banning a noncompliant Researcher within the department. Not only do we look at documents and give advice on them. We will often find ourselves grading documents on SCIPNET. Finally, one of our responsibilities can be acting as a "quest giver" for Research personnel who request it.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Studied at MIT, was top of his class, and was recruited to the foundation by Professor "Redacted". He really hates his wife and will voice this vocally when injured/near death. He also practices Islam and will fast on occasion. I work for BoE as a Mentor and I work at CRB as a Enlisted. I typically will be on for shifts in the evenings and mornings. On occasionally for late nights. Abdul Lanahan is looking to further his career and not repeat mistakes of the past. He would be truly grateful for the opportunity to come back to Executive team.
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