[USA] Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Jun 17, 2023
Steam ID: Discord name: Leon Morris
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 - 3 Months
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: WALES
Time zone: GMT/UTC+00:00
Character name(s): Leon Beck
Civilian name: Leon Michael
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? I am applying for the Executive Researcher role because I have a deep fascination for SCPs and a genuine desire to actively participate in their research and exploration. Being an Executive Researcher would allow me to delve into different types of experiments and tests. I want to understand these entities, I am eager to engage in the scientific study, testing, and documentation of SCPs, working alongside a great bunch of chaps who love to RP on this server. I want to expand my knowledge and look into different kinds of test, "what works with this" "what works with that" "what happens if we.." you know? I just feel, If I get Executive, I could help those who would love to try out new things. (in a controlled and common sense environment)
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Well, I've been playing on this server for a while, I follow the rules... and I also bend them a little, "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" - Pablo Picasso, anyways went off track a bit there.. but, I am a very helpful and kind person, I'm always there to lend a hand or look at another researchers document and give them feed back on how to make it an Excellent-Grade document. I know most of the SCP's and what they do, so again, if a Jr. Researcher needed a hand with a higher clearance level SCP, i'm always there to help. but as an executive, I could do much more and be even MORE helpful!
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? Most of my documents have been classed at Excellent-Grade Documents, Can't really find them on the SCIPNET programme, but I've seen on the right hand side of my screen saying "Your document had been graded as Excellent" then getting that big phat XP drop. at least 4 or 5 have been graded Excellent, to the best of my knowledge anyways...
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: Honestly, Just be a genuinely cool, kind and helpful person, but also keeping in the reins a bit, I don't want to make a fool of the research department and getting anyone killed!, but also having great leadership skills and time management for everyone and having patience for them. some main jobs as an executive would be to hold lectures, assist in tests, perhaps create an idea for an experiment and handing it to a lower-level researcher and see how they do, then grade their research paper and giving them tips on how to improve it!
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what story-lines they would be involved in:
My lore revolves around helping others and ensuring the smooth operation of research endeavors. As an Executive Researcher, I would take on the responsibility of mentoring and guiding junior researchers, providing valuable insights and fostering their growth. I am always ready to lend a helping hand, whether it's reviewing documents, offering advice on experimental procedures, or assisting in anomaly containment protocols." I would be nicknames "the Helpful Researcher, kind of like a super-hero!

I would also like to thank Dept. Director Harold Hawks, for actually making me write this in my own words...personally I feel like If i showed my colours, (colors to you Americans ;) )
I wouldn't get the position, and If i don't get it, all good! i'll try again another time and just write something better! Thank you for the feed back!
and I hope you enjoyed reading my application!
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Jun 30, 2022
Oregon USA
Leon has been an amazing researcher to roleplay with and knows what he’s doing. I’m not just saying this loosely. Leon has always taken his tests and sampling very seriously and always makes sure that the test goes flawlessly with the least amount of casualties all while being so very calm and collective. He has the experience and execution to be an executive researcher. Not only is he very ethical and professional, he also is very helpful when it comes to teaching new researchers on what they should be doing before testing, how to properly write up a document to be proposed to Ethics and happily proof reads those who ask for it. He helped me understand how to write up a proper Research Document since everything has changed in the last year. I appreciate how helpful Leon is and I hope he goes far in the research department.


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2023
Your application gives me the thought you take researching serious while maintaining a fun and social stature. I believe you'll do great!
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Apr 20, 2023
From: cdarby@scpf.int
To: lmorris@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Elevated |

Greetings Leon,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been elevated to the next step. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; please contact a member of the Research Directorate to schedule your interview.

You may contact either myself (thegypysbard) or Dpt. Director Kylie Ringer (dontforgethawaii) to progress your application.​
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