[USA] Executive Researcher Larry "Jailbird" Marry Application

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Jun 24, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
Larry "Jailbird" Marry (okuyasu_)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
My achievements dictate I started playing March 21st, 2023. I have been a casual player since then but for a month or so now I've been a more dedicated and frequently returning daily to the server.



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s):

Senior Researcher Dr. Larry "Jailbird" Marry
CI-A J. "Schizophrenic" Hunter
Gargavel Von Stinkle (Unused)

Civilian name:

Gargavel Von Stinkle (Unused)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

During my time in the research department, I had often found myself unable to reach the supervising personnel with questions or concerns while I was a junior researcher. Eventually being arrested multiple times due to genuinely not understanding the proper protocol, I adopted the nickname "Jailbird".

I felt that if I had a real science team behind me my experience would be elevated. But from experience I find that researchers, specifically those of higher rank tend to shy away from group work. I wish to rectify this, to be an executive that is readily available to all personnel on the science team so that they can truly experience all the interesting potential that the research division holds and to support and elevate new players so that we can truly have a functional science team.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

Where others may prefer the documentation side of research, which I do not discredit whatsoever, I prefer the player interaction side of research much more. I find great joy in assisting both new and senior researchers on their projects, making sure that the protocol is properly followed so that they don't end up like me for my first few days of research.

I believe that with time, individuals who are assisted thoroughly will end up being the ones that are dedicated and returning researchers. Without guidance and companionship, research feels empty and soulless and I can fill that void and be there to assist the research division more frequently then most.

I understand how important signatures and documentation is for researchers to even do their job, nothing annoys me more then being ignored by those who are suppose to facilitate my experience on the server. I understand that the higher you go on a server like this, the more your job goes from just having fun to making sure you facilitate a good and exciting experience for those below you and that is something I truly love doing.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
While more recently I have one currently excellent-graded document, I have had a few lost to time it seems as well as a few pending submissions and a handful of recently good rated documents.

Some criteria for an excellent document would be:
-Formatting (Doesn't need to be 1:1 of every other document, in fact some unique additions definitely elevate an article)

-Peer Review
-Unique Ideas (Not every test needs to be a 106 Vs 682 cross test. Stories/tests involving safe or inanimate SCPs can be very interesting)
-Images (not required per say but can greatly elevate a document)
-Scientific Terminology (Written from the perspective of an actual researcher, avoiding personal pronouns or informal writing)

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

As an executive researcher ones responsibilities change somewhat drastically. Rather than researcher for personal fun, an executives new job is to elevate and support those below him in the research division.

Some examples of this could be:
-Reading and signing documents requiring executive approval
-Attending tests when requested by Jr-Sr researchers and assisting where needed
-Approving credit requests of Jr researchers
-Hosting lectures and seminars to facility rp between the science team members
-Grading posted research logs
-Providing assignments or ideas to researchers if requested

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

University of [Redacted] Faculty Discipline Board log
Date: [Redacted]
Attending Board Member: [Redacted]
Faculty Member:
Dr. Larry J. Marry

Dr. Marry: "You know this is [Expletive Expunged] right? I spend years researching in my field and you expect me to just take that [Expletive Expunged]?

[Redacted]: "Calm yourself doctor, you're already in a load of trouble for yo-"

Dr. Marry: "[Expletive Expunged] that! What do the-"

[Redacted]: "Enough! This is recorded doctor, I'm trying to help you and your vulgar language is unnecessary."

Dr. Marry: "[Inaudible]"

[Redacted]: "We've been colleagues for years now and while I've always been good to you, I don't think I can get you out of this hole you have dug for yourself."

Dr. Marry: "They don't respect my life's work, theoretical metaphysics should be just as respected as medicine! I am a real [Expletive Expunged] doctor!"

[Redacted]: "You understand the university's Chancellor will be hearing of this right, you are only digging deeper."

Dr. Marry: "What you think she's gonna fire me or something..."


Dr. Marry: "[Expletive Expunged]..."

"You may not be able to get out of this hole... but perhaps I can help you dig out the other side. Do you have a resume ready?"

Dr. Marry: "I haven't written a resume in over eight years [Redacted]."

"You better remember how to write one fast then, I know somewhere you may fit right in, just get it on my desk by six."

Dr. Marry: "It's already four thirty, my work day ended half an hour ago."

[Redacted]: "You better write fast then, your office will be vacant by tomorrow morning I wager."

Dr. Marry: *Audible laugh followed by a long sigh

*a sliding door can be heard opening before slamming shut

Iris Valentine

Active member
Nov 30, 2023
+ Support

Has a good head on his shoulders, often seen him helping new researchers, is honest when asked to express concerns and is just overall a good member of the department


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024

Hope he gets the job, we need more good Execs. Have bumped into him a few times in the facility, good guy all around.
Apr 5, 2024
I felt that if I had a real science team behind me my experience would be elevated. But from experience I find that researchers, specifically those of higher rank tend to shy away from group work.

US desperately need more active execs and jailbird is a great choice.
Active, friendly and competent.


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Progression to Interview Phase - Executive Researcher Application

Dear Applicant,

Following a comprehensive review of your application for the Executive Researcher position alongside the consultative input of our Executive Research team, I am pleased to inform you that your application has been elevated to the interview phase of our selection process.

To proceed, kindly reach out to me via email (g4rp1ays) or Halo (lafemmerose) at your earliest convenience to arrange a suitable time for your interview.

We look forward to discussing your potential contributions to our team in greater detail.

Thank you for your continued interest in joining our ranks.

Warm regards,

Dpt. Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department
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