[USA] External Affairs Special Agent Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201473839
Discord name: Glazzing
For how long have you played on CG SCP:1698172220358.png
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): "Glazzing" [BTAC] F | "Glazzzing" UNGOC | "Demetrious Tiggle" CI
Civilian name: Hildegrad
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: Nu7 SGT, DEA Senior Agent, SCP-096, UNGOC SPC
Held: E-11 CSG, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 Active warn (Failraid for entering UNGOC base to pick up a CL4 as regular civ), plenty of inactive warns
How long have you been a Senior Agent for? Round 4 weeks
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
-I'm applying for Special Agent, because I feel that I am suitable for the position. I want to be in a position where I can actually contribute to DEA, aside from just being active on Senior Agent and being mostly just a combative grunt for DEA. I want to be able to use the time I put on Senior Agent into giving tests to new Agents & Operatives, and performing duties of a Special Agent within DEA. I just enjoy playing DEA & Nu7, and want to be able to contribute to these regiments/departments more than I already do.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-I know I am suitable for Special Agent, as I've been in every surface regiment for a decent amount of time. I understand everything there is for surface & how to properly handle any situations on surface from being in Nu7, CI, UNGOC. I understand duties of DEA, as well as I understand the duties of the current sub-regiments within DEA, as I am currently inside BORTAC. I also have ran a sub-regiment within CI (X-RAY), which while didn't last long since they purged all of the sub-regiments within CI. It was able to give me leadership skills, as well as having leadership skills from being an E-11 CSG, and a Nu-7 SGT. I also play on the server for several hours almost daily, and would love to be active on Special Agent to better represent DEA as a whole.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have several excellent graded documents for Research document.

- A good document would consist of consistent and good formatting, having a clear index & have detailed information on each page, as well as a proper signature and proper reasoning for the document.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- Handing out tests to new agents & operatives
- Hosting Senior Agent tryouts
- Handing permits out to MC&D
- Monitor DEA members to ensure they aren't breaking CoC
- Leading DEA & giving orders out to DEA
- Negotiating with CI
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Glazzing" originally know as Demetrious Tiggle in his civilian life, was an agent for the FBI working under the Unusual Incidents Unit. They were an agent working for the UIU from 2007-2016. Demetrious Tiggle was apart of a joint operation with the Foundation on a raid on an MC&D facility that had been holding SCP-972, as well as several other anomaly's. With Demetrious Tiggle & other UIU agents on the operation having SCP-6635-1 on themselves the affects of SCP-6635-2 made the operation be a success, as well as having gained SCP-972 into UIU custody for the time being. After the operation, Demetrious Tiggle was assigned to interrogation of SCP-972, however with no prior knowledge of SCP-972, it's infectious affect of SCP-972-2 was able to spread in the containment cell of SCP-972. SCP-972 was later moved to Foundation custody & members of DEA & E-11 properly cleansed the holding cell UIU had SCP-972 stay in. Following the work Demetrious Tiggle had done for the UIU, he had been scouted to be recruited into the Foundation's Department of External affairs as an operative. He was given the codename "Glazzing", and was placed within BORTAC and stationed at Site-65. "Glazzing" eventually was promoted to Senior Operative after an extensive campaign with UNGOC, improving relationships with them & working with them to better protect Pinewood from gaining knowledge on the existent of the two factions. After being within the position of Senior Operative within BORTAC as a diplomatic ambassador to UNGOC, "Glazzing" was promoted to Special Agent to better suit his position within DEA, and to better improve relationships with rivaling factions.
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Jun 15, 2022
Please un-redact the text in your lore section for your application to be considered.

- Dep. Director David Armada


Jun 15, 2022
Application Accepted

The Senior Team of External Affairs has decided to accept your application.

Please get in contact with me or any Agency Managers for more info regarding your new position.

Thanks for applying.

Discord [lefleur]
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