[USA] Flashpoint/Slaughters Advisor Applicaton

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Over a year


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

Character name(s):
MTF E-11 Captain "Flashpoint"

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: MTF E-11 Captain

Held: Security Captain | Internal Affairs Ambassador | Executive Researcher | Chief of Security | Site Advisor | O5 Council/O5-8 | MTF Alpha-1 | MTF Omega-1 | MTF Beta-1

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, all of which have expired over the past year.

RDM - As Chief of Security, I killed a D Class in airlock due to misidentification.
PAC Abuse - I became tiny as a Researcher and sent myself through the pnuematic tube
Job Abuse - I had switched jobs while arrested to an SCP, unaware of the effects. I had taken a long break from the server at this point.
Equipment Abuse - I had used a Matador on an SCP during a mass breach.
Misconduct - Was banned for misconduct against another person. Ban was appealed.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
During the year that I've been around in this community, I've held a great variety of positions. From Security Captain, Site Advisor, all the way to the O5 Council. I loved being part of all of these positions. I feel I was able to make a significant difference, from offering a leader for Security during its lowest, to reworking entire departments that shape them into much better versions of them that we still see to this day. I am applying to Site Advisor because I want to be part of those changes again. I want to be able to lead the Foundation toward a more fulfilling direction, and be part of its continued growth, expansion and improvement. I have full faith in those above me, and I would be happy to serve under them as a leader toward the Foundation. Along with this, as Site Advisor, I want to be able to lead great Roleplay opportunities. Creating my own roleplay for other to participate in, remaining in character as much as possible, and creating immersive environments for those in the server using my power as Site Advisor.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I have been in this community for a long time, since it first opened its doors to the public. During that time, I've held many roles of leadership. Roles such as Site Advisor, Security Captain, Alpha and Omega-1, and even the O5 Council. With this vast amount of experience, especially being in the Site Advisor role in the past when the Foundation was much less developed than it is now, I believe I will be a valuable member of the Site Administration. Using my experience, I will dedicate myself toward leading the Foundation as a whole into a better and promising direction. I will dedicate myself toward offering good roleplay and immersive environments for those I interact with, while maintaining a high degree of respect and professionalism. I believe that, with my year of leadership experience here, and my several years of leadership experience in life as a whole, I can be a valuable candidate for the Site Administration team, and I am excited to work with everyone if I am chosen.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration is responsible for ensuring the every-day functions of the facility they administrate are running smoothly. Typically, each Site Advisor is responsible for the oversight of a specific department. The Site Advisor in charge of that department will oversee its specific operations, and be assist that Department and its Command Team with whatever it needs. The Site Co-Director and Site Director oversee the Site Advisors, and often assist in inter-departmental issues. Overall, Site Administration runs the entire site and all of its forces, and follows the directions of the O5 Council specifically.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jason Rosewood, a 22 year old man originally born in the eastern coast of the United States and was recently transferred to Canada by the SCP Foundation. When he was 18 years old, Jason served in the United States Air Force. When Jason was 20 years old, he fully certified as a pilot of the AC-130H within the Air Forces possession. On 3/20/2020, Jason Rosewood was deployed toward an active clandestine operation in the forests of Congo, Africa. Rosewood was the pilot of the AC-130H deployed to the battle, along with several aircraft crewman to assist with flight and operations of its weapons. The only information available for the incident was that a PMC employed by the United States reported being attacked by unknown hostiles. The PMC employed was heavily armed, however their exact purpose for the mission they were on was classified. Due to the swift loss of contact the United States had with the PMC despite the equipment available to them led the United States to panic and quickly deploy their military to assist.

ALPHA 2-1: "Alpha 2 - 1 to Actual, we're arriving on scene now. Requesting ETA on Digger."

ACTUAL: "Copy. ETA on Digger is 5 minutes. Secure the perimeter until then."

ALPHA 2-1: "Copy Actual, standby for status update."

ALPHA 2-1: "Alpha 2-1 to Actual, contact at 131 North! We need that AC-130 now!"

ACTUAL: "Copy that Alpha 2-1. ETA is 2 minutes, hang in there. Describe the threat."

ALPHA 2-1: "It's not soldiers, it's moving way too fast! It's a messed up animal, I don't know!"

ACTUAL: "Alpha 2-1 what the hell are you talking about? How is an animal causing this much damage?"


ACTUAL: "Alpha 2-1 do you copy?"


ACTUAL: "Actual to Digger, what's your ETA? I need eyes on that scene now."

DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Copy Actual, ETA 30 seconds. We'll start getting eyes on shortly."


DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Digger to Actual, we got eyes on. Thermals indicate a lot of dead bodies here... Alpha 2s vehicles look trashed. No eyes on the threat, over."

ACTUAL: "Copy that Digger. Keep me updated."

DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Digger to Actual, got eyes on a group of 3 survivors, presumably from Alpha 2. I'm unable to establish contact. I'll keep providing Close Air Support, requesting emergency extraction team for the survivors."

ACTUAL: "Copy. Beta 1 is already enroute, ETA 7 minutes. Keep them covered until then, we'll strike again when we know more after we evacuate."



DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Digger to Actual, the survivors are being attacked by what looks like... a really big fucked up cat. We're engaging the target now, whatever the hell it is."

ACTUAL: "Actual to Digger... copy that. Keep me updated."

DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Actual, no effect on target. Repeat, no effect on target. The survivors are being... what's been described as dismembered and mauled."

ACTUAL: " Copy that Digger. Keep eyes and engage the target, it can't be immortal."

DIGGER/ROSEWOOD: "Mayday, Mayday! Digger going down, emergency landing at coordinates 2*13'24.1 Degrees North, 17*05'50.4 Degrees East! Some golden... portal thing appeared and tore our wings apart. The cat appear here too, he jumped off the hull. We need eme-"

ACTUAL: "Actual to Digger, what's your status?"


ACTUAL: "Digger this is Actual, do you copy?"


The AC-130H crashed in a cold forest in Congo. Upon impact with the ground, Rosewood was rendered unconscious for approximately 30 seconds. When he woke up, he injured. His head was bleeding, his arm appeared fractured, and his leg was stuck in the AC-130s . Jason looked around... his co pilot was dead. A large chunk of metal had impaled him. Jason tried to look behind him and check his crew members, but couldn't.

Jason: "Hey! Is anyone alive back there..?"

There was no response. All of his comrades were dead. All of the friends he made in the past 2 years training in the airforce were all dead. Jason had figured this. He grunted as he attempted to move and get unstuck, but with no success. Due to his broken arm, he was practically helpless in freeing himself.
Soon, there were footsteps in the back end of the plane. Along with these footsteps were strange, almost mythical sounds. Jason remained quiet, knowing that nothing happening was normal, and neither were those coos and sounds.

The footsteps approached closer. Cooing continued from the same direction. Soon, the source of those sounds came into view. Jason looked in shock. The creature was similar to an extremely large feline. It has golden eyes with no pupils or mouth. It had perked ears with golden markings across its body. The creature cooed as it stared at Jason. Suddenly, a loud bang pierced Jasons ears. The creature was shot with something. It stumbled, and a beam of light quickly zoomed from behind the cockpit and struck the creature. It screeched, and slowly became sluggish, eventually being rendered unconscious.

???: "Eta-11 to Command, anomaly secured. No visible survivors on the plane. Requesting exfiltration route."

Jason: "Hey.. in here."

A soldier wearing white camoflague, a mask, tinted camoflague and a beret enter the cockpit and approaches Jason. Other soldiers wearing similar uniforms, except with hard helmets and N.V.Gs, enter and begin to secure the creature.

???: "Eta-11 to Command, one survivor found. Seems to be the pilot. Advise."

Jason: "... Who are you?"

???: "Copy. Alright, everyone else move to Route Foxtrot. 7, 4, both of you with me. Help me with this pilot."

???: "We're gonna help you out here. Stand still, this'll hurt."

The soldiers proceed to help Jason out of the cockpit and exfil him to a facility on the American East Coast. Jason was interrogated on his knowledge of the anomaly, and questioned on how the anomaly behaved and its potential abilities. Jason complied, and barely questioned the situation. Jason asked if anyone else in the plane survived, this is when he had confirmation that no one in his squad survived. Jason was then left into a cell for 24 hours before he was introduced toward several men in suits.

The Foundation had decided to offer employment to Jason after reviewing the situation and his abilities. Jason accepted the offer after being debrief on what the Foundation is and what they do. Jason was recruited into Nu-7 "Hammer Down" as a pilot, and served the foundation for the next two years, operating out of America.

Overall, Jason has a strong belief of the "for the greater good" mentality. His character will often hold a lack of regard for morales and ethics, and would rather now serve the Foundations best interests as a whole. He is an extremely loyal individual toward those who run the Foundation and his superior officers. He can often be referred to as "cold" and "soulless", but has friends which he interacts well with. He holds a high degree of respect for most people, and will treat most people with such respect, even with his lack of morales and ethics.​


Well-known Member
Apr 6, 2022
Massive +1
-Through all experiences with Flashpoint, there hasn't been a single negative experience
-Outstanding leader, has helped E11 in so many ways
-RP is good


Active member
Sep 9, 2022
+ Support
+ Previous Experience
+ Active
+ Great Application
+ Good Interactions

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding Site Advisor Applicant - Flashpoint

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.

We believe that you have the skill, experience and conduct necessary to work well in this position. Please contact ██-2 or ██-4 at your earliest convenience to get started.​
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