[USA] Florenzo's Medical Consultant Application #2

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Dec 7, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Ethan "Florenzo' Parker

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Medical Consultant [Resigned]
-Ethics Committee Assistant [Current]
-E-11 CPL [Resigned]
-E-11 PVT [Current]
-Nu-7 LCPLx2 [Resigned]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
-When I was a Medical Consultant, I really enjoyed that job and I want to be able to do that again. I have started to be more active on the medical department and I want to help try and fix all the problems it has and to have better roleplay. I want to be able to help as much as I can in the medical department. I want to be able to give out medical licenses again and I want to be able to help the Dpt and Consultants out more than I already am. I feel like I can bring more leadership to this department as a Medical Consultant.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-When I was a Medical Consultant, I learned more about Medical than I ever thought I will. I have been in many RP scenarios that helped me learn how to roleplay. I have had experience as a Medical Consultant and also Cl4 jobs, I know almost all the duties of a Medical Consultant. My activity would allow me to spend a few good hours on consultant. With me being able to be on consultant I can help give more people medical licenses and make sure the Medical Department. I have great communication skills that could help if someone is about to die and needs medical help immediately.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
The Medical Procedure will be picking is EST.
-First ask them why they need EST
-Second you ask them for consent if they want EST.
-Third you ask if they have been revived before in their lifetime.
-Fourth you say don't go into the light then throw the harpoon at the patient's head.
-Fifth you procced to use the defibrillator on the patient.
-Sixth you then heal them to max HP.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
The responsibillities of a Medical Consultant are to:
- Train trainees and test them for a Medical License
- Performing basic medical procedures
- Overseeing medical personal to make sure they are acting professional and following the rules
- Performing psychological evaluations
-Ensuring the Medical operations run smoothly

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Ethan Parker
Code Name: “Florenzo”
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 23ed 1993
Time Hired: January 17th
ID: 7648329
Clearance: Level 4
Hired by: Redacted
Current Rank: Ethics Committee Assistant

Ethan Parker was a highschooler kid that did not know what to do with his life he wanted to become a technician but then one day he saw someone dying. He went right over to the man that was dying to help him, he performed SPR and saved his life. After that day that he saved that man's life he decided to pursue medical school. After he graduated from high school, he got a fully paid scholarship to medical school he spent 8 years in medical school to become a doctor. He started studying day and night making sure he can get his medical license. After the 8 years was up, he graduated Medical School and got hired at a hospital as a staff member in the Emergency room. He saved several people with his team; one person was losing blood rapidly and needed help. Ethan and his team had to work double time, so they grabbed lots of gauze and stitches. They immediately started pumping blood into his body making sure he did not bleed out. They started the process that they thought worked best and started stitching all the wounds. They saved that man's life, and he came out of the hospital the next week looking a lot better. After 10 years working as a staff member in the ER the Foundation started noticing his skill as a doctor and they wanted him to work as a Medical Consultant. One month later he was taken in by the foundation and was interviewed by REDACTED. He passed the interview for Medical Consultant and Faked his death then transferred to the foundation. Ethan had the option to give himself a Code Name, so he picked “Florenzo”. He led the Medical Department and gave out medical licenses. After two years as a consultant, he was noticed by the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee wanted to give him the option to become an Assistant for the so the next day they called him down to Ethics Wing in cl4 comms and was interviewed. He was there for about 3 hours getting asked questions. Ethan was then sent back to what he was doing then 2 weeks later he was given the position to become an Ethics Committee Assistant, but he wanted to focus on Assistant so he Resigned from Medical Consultant. He worked his butt off as an Assistant to impress the Ethics Committee and the Foundation to tell them it was a great idea to give him this position. He was always on the job working and made lots of friends throughout his time as Assistant. After a few years he found out that he started to miss being a Medical Personal so he started trying to show himself to the Medical leads to be able to apply for Consultant so after a few week he decided to apply and had a 1 and a half hour interview when he was called down. After that he was sent back down and waiting for the results of his interview them the Dpt of Medicine reached out to me and said...​
Last edited:
Jul 20, 2022
Hello Mr. Florenzo,
Thank you for your application, I know how long you waited and I would like to welcome you to the foundation's top medical lead team.
Your Application has been Accepted
Please reach out to me for your available schedule, so we can set up a meeting about your position.
In-kind regards,
Deputy Director Jon Dingleshmerg
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