[USA] "Foxtrot's" GSD Departmental Chief Application

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Apr 10, 2022


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83396470

Discord name: desiredtoresign (im not actually desired to resign some people ask, and honestly i hated that name as it gave me bad luck)

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 500+ Hours | Joined 04/10/22

Age: 14 (15 April 18)

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: MST

Character name(s):
Research: Dr. Oliver Anderson Ph.D
MTF: Dr. Oliver "Foxtrot" Anderson
Normal: Oliver Anderson

Civilian name: Greg Penderson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
5th GSD Captain x1

4th Overseer Assistant x1
3rd MTF E-11 SPC x1
2nd MTF Nu-7 CPL x1
1st Executive Researcher x2

DEA Whitelist
DEA Senior Whitelist

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, but no Active Warns (All were months ago and expired)

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?Through courage and dedication to GENSEC, I believe I can take up the role as CoS, GENSEC is one of the many jobs I have actually performed well and I have decided this is the path I wish to take. A month in GSD will seem low, but I am positive I can take upon this role, I have prepared documents and planned everything out for when the time comes. GENSEC I feel I truly belong and I feel accepted here, I know I can do this job, and I know others can as well, but it really just depends who gets chosen. I did not make the former CoS regret accepting my Captain application. So I can promise you will not regret accepting my CoS application. I truly believe in the General Security Department. Yet, there are so many other reasons I wish to become CoS, I finally have time to dedicate to it, Me and the Captain team get along very well. It's all too much to sum up in one paragraph. But I believe with the right amount of courage and dedication, I can take this role.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?As said in all of my other past applications, I am a leader, in fact an amazing leader, a leader who works together with his team, I hate the term boss because it is unfair for someone to be ruled around by someone who yells out orders from their desk all day, but I am progressive and I truly want to help my team. My knowledge on the Code of Ethics and Conduct are still exemplary, and my past experience puts me in a good standing, those positions I've held has taught me very much about being CL4, I have held a Jr. CL4 role 4 times, being an Executive, and being the Overseers Assistant. In my research days I was the Co-Lead of the Biohazard division performing many tests alongside my former colleague Dr. Anderson, I have also learned a lot about documentation and leadership from being executive which is why I applied for DoR, unfortunately another person surpassed me and so I quit being Executive; which was the worst decision I have made, but I shall not make again. I believe now is my time to ascend and become a Sr. CL4. Hopefully that can show how hardworking I truly am, and the sheer dedication I have for the foundation. In my time as being captain, in my eyes I see I have definitely impacted the department, through lectures, through sweeps, through trainings. I can do this.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?Overseeing: As the Chief of Security, you are now in charge of overseeing your entire department, that being overlooking your great captains, or just the department in general.

Management: In almost every Chief/Director role you will always have to manage your department, so you will have to make rosters, a lot of new procedures and guidelines, and if you cannot have the courage to do this, you are not ready. But thats not all of it, management also includes keeping your departments morale up and keeping a good image for everyone to see.

Mentorship: This is quite a new duty to uphold, but as a Chief/Director of your department you are required to mentor your captains, you must mentor them into being good leaders; so when you eventually leave your department to pursue something else, you will know that the department is in good hands knowing you mentored your captains into exemplary and dedicated leaders.

Applications: Applications for Captain will usually always be posted, so its also a Chief's duty to read and give a verdict on that application. Chiefs of security should take a good amount of time reading an application and make sure they are suited to be a CL4 of this department.

These are mostly all the responsibilities for being a CoS, as responsibilities as a Captain add on to CoS responsibilities; with CoS having to manage and oversee more. But I will go through the Captains responsibilities as well to ensure ALL the responsibilities of the CoS.

: D-Block is basically the most crucial point of GENSEC as it is essentially their heart, some responsibilities for this would be to patrol and manage D-Block to make sure everything is in check. D-Block must run as efficient as possible causing rarely any deaths, less deaths = more wins.

Coordination: Everyone in GENSEC MUST be coordinated with each other at all times to ensure less accidents happen, that being announcing the radio frequency. Or that being a sweep, wouldn't be very good if nobody coordinated in a sweep now would it.

Documentation: Not a very important skill, though still is a good skill to know how to perform and do. Mostly will be included in RRT/HWL tryout's. See now me from my research days, I am well enough educated on this and I have made my fair share of spreadsheets and documents in my time.

Protocols: There are certain protocols to being a Captain as you have expanded responsibilities. So a first would be knowing how to authorize a sweep. A sweep can only be called during a Code 2, and a Code 2 can only be initiated if 5 or more D-Class have weapons or there is a hostile GOI in the let's say bathrooms supplying them with guns. Now HCZ-LCZ procedures include tasking 2 Containment GENSEC to either patrol or station themselves at those 2 zones. It really helps out E-11 if they do. Now with Response Teams they also have the same responsibility, though they are mostly limited to patrol or be stationed at D-Block or LCZ.

Communication: Adding on to Coordination, GENSEC must always communicate with each other via radio or in-person or on comms. To work as a team communication is a must to do so. For example if a C2 gets called, someone needs to be there in order for the Site to know what is exactly going on. Especially SA-SC.

These responsibilities have been pulled from my previous Captains Application, but once again a Chief is just a Captain with extended responsibilities and duties. There is not a lot of others things I can add onto this but this should sum it up.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved inFile #01324


-Year 18-
Oliver is now 18 years old, meaning he has more purposes and responsibility in his life. He had just finished High School at the Ross Sheppard Institute, and is nagging to go to the University of Alberta, Canada. Luckily his parents saved up a little tuition for him to major in Biological Science with a Ph.D, and a Masters in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Physics. On the journey to university keep in mind it was 2007 when he had seen this, he saw on the news a battle between Iraqi insurgents and US soldiers had broken out causing 300 deaths to suspected resistance members. This stood out to Oliver, sparking an interest for him about the Military. Too bad he's Canadian. Unless.

-Year 32-
Chaos, reeking from out of every square inch, the Canadian Climate crisis, unmarked Residential school graves, Taliban taking Afghanistan. But most of all, COVID-19, It's hard when a global pandemic spreads like wildfire when the 20th year milestone has been hit. Oliver had just gotten his degrees from 14 years of dedication to education. All this chaos buzzed Oliver and he didn't even really celebrate his graduation, well because he couldn't really. With the pandemic causing all these safety concerns, and the stock market almost crashing, he wasn't able to have a graduation ceremony or party. He was just stuck at home reading books or anything to cope with the stress and reality. In fact he got so bored, he started studying anomalies, he thought it was weird chaos broke out in the 20th year into the 21st century. I mean doesn't it seem peculiar that a pandemic broke out during 2020? There has to be a reason.

-Year 34-
2 years later, on the day before his birthday which happens to be April 18, he's just having a coffee at the local Tim Hortons. Then everything went black minute after minute. Turns out what actually happened was he got gagged and bagged by none other than the Foundation. They injected him with some sort of anesthesia and he dropped dead, then they threw him in the van and veered off. They took him handcuffed to the chair and started asking questions. Looks like ole' Oliver was put on a watchlist for investigating these anomalies a bit too much. But that's not exactly why they put him on a watchlist. Turns out someone hacked into his laptop and put a bunch of illegal software on it, Bitminers, and they started clicking on terrorism links which lead to a whole cluster****. It was so bad the foundation got him, but I guess it was weird a valedictorian with 3 Masters and a Ph.D would be searching and downloading that. So that caught the foundation's eye as it was originally the RCMPs case. Oliver found out the foundation could use some help with some research. The job being 6 figures he took it. It was honestly his dream to be invested in research and the military.

-Year 40-
It's 2029, he's been working at the foundation for 6 years, bounced around some jobs, Oliver didn't really enjoy the methods the foundation used for testing, but I guess it was somewhat ethical. He became an Executive Researcher for such exemplary work as in the contributions to the SCP-106 research and the Alternate Methods program which included a new type of technology called "Sleeper Agent's", him and his colleague ██████ ██████ (Randal Murphy) both came up with the same idea and decided to combine paths. He had a special serum, 2 kinds actually, 1 prep and 1 main. All of this has been declassified from CL5 to CL1 as it was radically unethical. But a medical consultant was on standby, whilst ██████ injected the subject with the serum, it was such a great discovery that it had to be put to waste because of how effective it was. He is quite the scientist. But back to his job path, he was as I said an Executive, to being rejected for the Director of Research, tough luck, to the DEA, then the MTF from a Nu-7 Corporal to an E-11 Specialist, and finally the Assistant to the ████████, but now he has found another job in his path and decided to take a job in none other than GENSEC, well fellas, let's see if he gets accepted.
Last edited:
From Site Administration
To: Desired


Hello @Desired

Thanks for showing interest in the Position of "Chief of Security", At the current time Site Administration has decided to place your Application ON HOLD till further Discussion is made.

Kind Regards,
Site Director Pyro


Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
From Site Administration
To: Foxtrot


Hello Foxtrot,

Thanks for showing interest in the Position of "Chief of Security", as of now Site Administration has decided to Deny your application for Chief of Security. Please contact me or the SA over your department for further information.

Kind Regards,

Site Manager Harold
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