[USA]Frank G Mann's Director Of Medicine Application.

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Well-known Member
Jun 6, 2023
Steam ID: 0:1:119150607
Discord name: Cowboy_Egg(NEW ACCOUNT)#2291
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days, 16 hours
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: UTC
Character name(s): Frank G Mann
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1st was for RDM which was for killing a afk d class, I was new too g-mod and didn't know most of the rules and it was maybe a year ago and I am sorry for this one.
2nd was mic spam for saying monkey man a bit too loud multiple times, everyone was kind of doing it and I was the unlucky one.
3rd or 4th? I think I remember getting warned again but I don't remember.
1 ban when I was in a bad mood and left in the middle of a sit for something I don't remember
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
Because I genuinely enjoy helping people no matter who they are and I also enjoy healing everyone and making sure they are in tip top shape and I make sure that no one stays injured on my watch. Most of my time on the server was mainly being medical staff and my support level is the second highest at level 21, I worked for hours being a doctor and running around healing and reviving all the guard who are bravely defending us from dangerous SCP's and violent d-class. I also have been a doctor for months now and I still enjoy being a doctor so being able to rank up to director of medicine and continue the role play and be better at would be a dream come true to me personally.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
As I have already said I have been a doctor or battle medic for months now healing all the staff from chefs to guard and also reviving everyone I can under the approval of the guards of course. My level for support which I mainly levelled up from being a doctor is level 21 and I make sure that the level will continue to rise as I spend more time on the US SCP server. Also I would take the role as Director of Medicine very seriously and make sure I would do nothing at all which is considered unethical or just bad in general but I would still sometimes have a laugh with the others and not be so hard on everyone because SCP roleplay is a place of roleplay and fun not just boring roleplay.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
Training the new Medical Recruits.
Representing all of the Medical staff as a responsible man and great medical director.
Supporting all members of the Medical staff and make sure all of them are doing fine physically and mentally.
Always thinking of ways to improve the medical department and improve the quality for the staff .
Enforcing Ethical Department approved rules made for the Medical Department and making sure they are followed.
Having meetings with all the other Cl4 and CL5 members.
Holding lectures, meetings and training events for all of the Medical personnel.
Hiring and training new Medical Consultants.
Creating new documentation about the Medical Department and rules for the staff.
Also making sure that all of the Medical Personal act professional and ethical to everyone in the SCP foundation.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The gang that he had joined in the past has been searching for him ever since he disappeared from death row because he was a primary member of the gang and did a lot for them also since he has been in the SCP facility the gang has gone nation wide and has gang members in every part of the wold from the states to the cold sloped of Russia and they have been getting closer and closer to finding him ever since. Frank G Mann also has condition where one minute he could be the most cold man you have ever seen and then the next minute he has a manic attitude and a loud laugh. The doctors say it could bipolar or split personality disorder but due to his mysterious energetic energy and his compulsion to not really answer questions they haven't gotten a straight answer. Rumours has also spread that he might be related to unknown being which is said to be a business man which other people of great interest employment opportunities and has yet to be classified as an SCP. But once they finally classify this unknown man, Frank G Mann may be classed as one too...


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2023
Clearance Level: 4
To: Applicant
From: Site-65 Site Administration
Subject: Foundation Site-65 Role Assignment

Hello, @Cowboy_Egg . Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position. After deliberation between the members of Site Administration, we have come to a conclusion regarding your application. This application is to be denied. Elaboration on your denial is available if you decide to get in contact with Site Administration. You may re-apply in two weeks time.
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