[USA] Fredo's GENSEC Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:438140711
Discord name: fredoisdead
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Security Sergeant Fredo
Civilian name: Frederick
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Security Sergeant (Current), MTF E-11 LT (Former), Executive Researcher (Former), MTF B-1 LCPL (Former), MTF Nu-7 SPC (Former), SCP-096 (Current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- When I first started the server, I was warned for a failRP against a rule I had mixed messages about as D-Class. Which I believe it was something having to do with Fear RP and harming other D-Class. Recently I've gotten two more warnings, one for RDM (ARDM) and ERP. While bad on the surface, I never killed nor intended to kill the person I had shot (It was a surface FearRP situation between myself and GOC with other parawatch in the vicinity whilst on civilian) and the ERP warn was not for harrasment, but for the use of a NSFW word ("Groom.") Though nothing else past this, nor do I plan on it.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?:
- I would like to apply for Security Captain to offer a more consistent output of RRT and HWL for the GenSec team throughout the later/earlier times of the day to allow people with jobs or other obligations such as school to have the chance at obtaining said items. I would also like to set a new model and example going forward with the quality of D-Block control to allow ease of access for the researchers away from Code 2 and Code 5 scenarios. Speaking of which, I would also like to set the standard for all available security personnel to be on standby at D-Block ready to assist all non-combative personnel to the Personnel Wing. Along with increasing the relations with GenSec externally with other combative units. I would also like to maybe host some occasional crossfire and CoC/CoE training for all GenSec personnel. Finally, I would also like to maintain consistent and ethical security sweeps in D-Block when Code 2 riots come into place in a timely manner to ensure all researching personnel have more opportunities to conduct their experiments and such at a more convenient pace. Finally I'd like to give the top brass a new standard to follow for all Captains to come as I set out to run GenSec with a close eye under my supervision.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have previous clearance level 4 experience as an executive researcher & MTF Commanding Officer and understand the procedures for said clearance level and it's responsibilities. I also extensively understand the proper procedures when it comes to our role as security in addition to the researching and non-combative personnel procedures relating to D-Block and D-Class personnel. This also includes operations within the MTF units I have been a part of as well as DEA. I also believe I hold the character and qualities necessary to execute the role in a manner deemed fit of current Department Directors of Security. These character traits includes being able to take control of a situation when needed, dishing out disciplinary action regardless of relations to the person needing them, following ethical guidelines and following outlined server rules/code of conduct, and cracking down on breaches of conduct of other personnel within D-Block. I also possess several years of real life management and even currently work in corrections that directly correlates with what we do in-game.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- A Security Captain's responsibility lies in a variety of things before mentioned in my application above. This, mapped out, includes: Authorizing and organizing sweeps of D-Block when riots break out to confiscate and locate any illegal items and contraband held by D-Class personnel, Addressing internal and external issues regarding the security sector and it's members, Supervise all procedures taken by security personnel in handling D-Class personnel and assisting all other foundation personnel, Holding RRT (SRU) and HWL License tryouts for all eligible security personnel at reasonable intervals as well as directing all personnel struggling with said licenses to the appropriate document and material to study over, Assist other combative units when requested with reasonable parameters, Maintaining and upholding standards and safety of D-Block and it's corresponding departments, among other things.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Security Officer Fredo was always your average security guard, clocking in and reporting for duty as he was getting paid handsomely to do so. While he could always do away with the constant chatter of nonsense coming from the prison ward of D-Block, he always found solace in the fact that he only had one area to really worry about in the mess that is the foundation's countless hallways. Of course this was the best job in his head, as there were many obstacles, defense measures, and armed personnel in between him and those dangerous entities outside the watch tower's walls. Though, he'll never forget the one breach that would instill a sense of fear that brought about this gratitude previously mentioned. That day, everything had changed for him and his appreciation for the Foundation's mission grew ever so larger because of it.

What should have been an easy day on the job turned into a nightmare, as the elusive Chaos Insurgency had other plans for the Foundation that day. A large scale breach occurred with the low sector of heavy containment and all was calm as they heard it was only a singular entity that had gotten loose. What was odd was both the fact that it was only one entity that had gotten loose and the intruder was apparently swiftly executed in the same time. "Well I guess that's that then." Fredo then leaned back in his chair overlooking all the D-Class huddled around the recreational areas. Though he noticed a shift in behavior from their body language moments later. All of them were peeking around the see through glass doors that provided the researchers access to their unwilling test subjects with both a hint of curiosity and worry in their expressions. Soon those expressions turned into those of fear as a wave of reptilian skin washed over the sea of what was once orange but was now red painted all over the concrete walls.

Just his luck, the entity was the bane of mankind's existence SCP-682. Luckily he hadn't noticed the Officer that was overlooking from the watch tower as he had his feast whilst the other D-Class cowering in their cells. Shaking and unsure of further action, he hurriedly made his way to the announcement system located on the wall. With stutters due to the rushing adrenaline, the Officer informed the facility of the current situation at hand and then began to think about what actions to take next. It was then he noticed a Janitor personnel attempting escape from the horror of being eaten alive, begging for anyone to help him escape the oncoming clutches of death that was approaching him with a sadistic smile as if to toy with him before claiming his soul. Fredo on instinct, placed his hand hand on his standard issue rifle and approached the door control to the catwalk slowly. He briefly contemplated if losing his life was worth the risk he was about to taoe, but gave into his empathetic nature to save another life that was incapable to help themselves. He then opened the door with a loud yell to gain the entity's attention followed by many hollow tipped rounds that seemed to barely penetrate it's skin. Annoyed by this bold yet stupid attempt at saving the janitor, the monster then turned his attention to the Officer and made haste for his new kill, as Fredo then began to pray for a peaceful afterlife and forgiveness for his crimes against humanity. It was then that E-11 personnel made their way through the airlock and began firing Anti-Armor Rounds into the flesh of the SCP, tearing chunks out of it's invulnerable body, in the process removing all of it's legs. The MTF were quick to detain and escort the mass of flesh that was beginning to regenerate back to it's bath of acid to re-contain the situation.

Fredo was lucky that day and he reminded himself of this fact as he fixed himself a cup of coffee to begin his day, pulling his chair closer to the observation. It was then the watch tower door opened and the Department Director of Security followed by the Site Director came in. "Whoever that is behind me, you don't want this post trust me. I'm speaking from experience, besides I already got the shift anyways." Fredo said as he filled his mug. "Oh I'm sure you have experience Officer, I have reviewed the footage of the last breach and looked at the report submitted by MTF personnel. I must commend your efforts and a reward is in order." the Site Director responded. Fredo turned around realizing his mistake, then apologizing for the rude manners displayed to his bosses. "Pay no mind to it, follow me please for a moment. A promotion is in order for the model and example you have set for all other Security Staff in the foundation." All three then exited the room letting the door close behind them as they headed towards the personnel Wing and Fredo's mug sat atop the console cooling off.
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Jun 2, 2024
I see him frequently and he is firm yet fair while on the role. Good luck pookie


Well-known Member
Dec 30, 2022
Unprofessional on General Security
Hey there Pyro, first let me start off by saying it's nice to meet you as I don't think I have seen you before and thank you for leaving your comment. I plan on reflecting and using this as constructive criticism to improve going forward, however would like to inquire about specific instances where you may have came across me being unprofessional on the security role? Have a nice rest of your night today and I eagerly await your response.
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Hey there Pyro, first let me start off by saying it's nice to meet you as I don't think I have seen you before and thank you for leaving your comment. I plan on reflecting and using this as constructive criticism to improve going forward, however would like to inquire about specific instances where you may have came across me being unprofessional on the security role? Have a nice rest fo your night today and I eagerly await your response.
A few instances of you being on GSD Officer & goofing around with Cadets & Guards viewing, gives off a very poor look, I am willing to change my support if I see an improvement in the future
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Well-known Member
Jun 21, 2023
+support Fredo is a great guy he'd do well some of these Super Admins be tripping for real.
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May 30, 2023
2/4 Support, who are you? you have +Supports from people so you have been around, Could be timezones. but people also say you are unprofessional at times. I get it, bad examples once in a while are fine in a literal entry level department when nobody is on. but I do really like your ethic and dedication to GSD you have shown in your app.


Well-known Member
Dec 30, 2022
2/4 Support, who are you? you have +Supports from people so you have been around, Could be timezones. but people also say you are unprofessional at times. I get it, bad examples once in a while are fine in a literal entry level department when nobody is on. but I do really like your ethic and dedication to GSD you have shown in your app.
Hi thank you for leaving your comment and I'll be happy to explain myself the best I can to answer your question. While I believe a firm approach to discipline could be a good correction to bad behaviors, I also believe it is equally important to empathize with your personnel to gain their compliance and understand them better. I utilize this by practicing what I learned from my job IRL. "Ask. Tell. Enforce." You ask someone to do something, if that doesn't work then you tell them to do it, if that does not follow through then do what you need to do. However, wording things carefully can also save you a lot of trouble. For example, if someone told you "Drop the knife or I'll fucking kill you," that would only escalate a situation you'd normally be able to avoid. Now say something like "Drop the knife, please, I dont want to have to kill you." and it is something that can get you what you want and de-escalate the situation. These philosophies lead me to my unusually laid back but successful leading style that some find to be "unprofessional" while others appreciate it for what it is. Does this mean I go out of my way to minge and break SOP/CoE? No, absolutely not. As a matter of fact I just got after two sergeants that took a plethora of GenSec to catwalk as it was against protocol to which they attempted to rebottle with "They seem so eager, and we never had this eager, let them have fun." My definition of fun is dancing and joking in front of the airlock waiting for researchers and the such. If joking on downtime and building rapport with the other guys is unprofessional then it is something I can fix though I do not see it as such. As for timezones, it could be. Normally I work from 8 am - 4 pm CST.


Jun 4, 2024
He understands that there is a time and place to relax a bit vs being in a very serious RP situation. To add to that, he took time out his day to show me the ropes to things that I had yet to do on the server, IE hacking, code of ethics, and helping me when I got lost.


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2023

By far the most dedicated and best person for this position.


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2023
Makes GENSEC fun whenever I get on, although I am more of a rp guy so I focus researcher more. He made the combat experience fun so I gotta hand it to this man. He's also knowledgeable asf when it comes to the server so you know what to do with this man...
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