[USA] Freeman's Executive Researcher App.

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Combine Freeman

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:245725058
Discord name: Qwerty or iseethat1236625._
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about 1840~ or so hrs
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Gardan "Combine" Freeman
Nick "Nickolas" Anne
Greg "Athene" Stephens
Civilian name:
Collins Smith
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
B-1 CPT [Held]
A-1 PVT [Held 2x]
Overseer Assistant [Held 2x]
Ethics Assistant [Holding]
Nu-7 CSG [Holding]
Nu-7 SGT [Held]
E-11 LCPL [Held]
CI-G [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received a few warnings in the past, although all of them are currently expired.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I am applying for Executive Researcher due to my general enjoyment of research, and I am hoping to help progress the Research Department in the future. I want to be able to mentor and help guide other Researchers to becoming fully capable of understanding how to work with documentation, help present themselves in a more professional manner, and in general help the Research Department with all things related to it so it can prosper.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?

Documentation and experience, combined with all my other previous jobs, especially all my previous assistant jobs, I have fully understood how to carry myself as a CL4 Member, and not only that I properly understand how to make good documentation. Additionally, I am also helpful and very active, I try my best to attend to other researchers and correct them on things, and to generally be someone they can look up to when they need a superior.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

So far, I have made approx. 4-5 excellent graded documents, one of them being a test on 7722 which was one of my most recent excellent graded documents. On how to make Excellent grade documents there are a few criteria that I will list,

Formatting: To have a proper document that is visually appealing to the reader, you must understand how to properly format the document in a way that makes your document flow in a nice straight line and makes your document easily readable.

Proper Grammar: Proper grammar is an important factor when writing an excellent grade document, a few grammatical mistakes in your document can cause the flow of the document to suffer quite a bit, and make it look less intelligent, so it is much better to double check your grammar before submitting it.

Do not add redundant information: This something most researchers do to bump up their document to add more pages, it is better for the flow of your document as well as the reader to condense and bring your information and points in a straightforward manner rather than adding more complicated wording and enlarging the text to add more pages. Which in general makes your document harder to read.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?

The management of Research Personnel, Reviewing Tests, and Enforcing Research Policies. As well, they are expected to uphold the CoC and CoE, and to be professional at all times, and to be able to handle paperwork and documentation.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
Freeman is a competent and experienced guy. I see him fit to be an Executive.

Furthermore, his lore and application alone proves him to be an extremely suitable candidate.

The Research Team would be missing out if they denied Freeman.

+ Support

Harold Hawks

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Mar 12, 2023
Greetings, Freeman.

On behalf of Ivy I am responding to your application in her place with this outcome being her choice.

Unfortunately your application was denied. Please contact me or (after the 19th) Ivy Pickett over discord for more information on why your application was denied.

You may reapply in two weeks.
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