[USA] Gure's 5th Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
1330 Hours, since I started in February 2023. (1W 2D 12H VTime)


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character name(s)
Gure Buchan [PT-EN] - FOUNDATION
Gure "Gerbal" MacGavin - UNGOC

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
Yes I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
CI-C DELCOM - Holding
MTF Nu-7 CPL - Holding
DEA Sr. Agent - Holding
Ethics Committee Assistant - Held
Security Captain - Held
Medical Consultant - Held
MTF E-11 SGT - Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
None that are active

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for Site Advisor as I am definitely intrigued into becoming Site Administration for a while now, ever since I joined the server (I wouldn't have applied for Site Administration 5 times if I didn't), and I feel that now my obvious next step in the server is to obtain a Sr. CL4 on Foundation, due to me already having Sr. CL4 experience and plenty of CL4 experience in numerous different jobs. I feel that as me being a Site Advisor I can do a lot, and also due to me being AU time zone I can help benefit roleplay in down time, since AU has never / hasn't in a long time had a Site Advisor.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?
I think that I am suitable for Site Administration as I have definitely matured since joining the server, and I definitely do have enough CL4 experience backed up as well as a Sr. CL4, which shows that I would have what it takes to be a member of Site Administration. I am extremely active on the server (1W 2D 12H VTime), and can be on through active hours during the weeks. I get along with a fair amount of the server, which would also contribute a good reason. Another reason is document writing, throughout my time on CI, Ethics Assistant, GOC and Medical Consultant I have written a fair good amount of documents as well as a few excellent graded documents on various other jobs.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?
Authorizing AA to MTF in the case of a mass a breach
Apply new policies to personnel of Foundation
Overview the departments and MTF's Nu-7 and E-11 of Site-65
Work on making departments improve and are running at efficiency
Authorizing sweeps if no GSD Captain is present to do so
Hearing the voices of Foundation personnel's complaints and issues, and work on fixing them
Authorizing various research tests/crosstests, if required to or in the absence of Executive+ Researcher
Assisting department seniors in running their department
Assisting in GOC's relations and requests within the Foundation
Working on peace terms and demands with GOC
Negotiating for kidnapped personnel in the absence of DEA/NU-7
Vote on Director of Research, Medical and Chief of Security applications to help the Site Director put a verdict on

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in

File searching...

File Found!

File Name: Gure ████ Buchan Personnel File

Accessing Data...

Accessing Data Failed!


Data Found!

BY ORDER OF THE ████████ ███████

Preparing Memetic Kill Agent...

- Please Input Security Credentials -

- Security clearance adequate. Accessing file... -

File Recieved...

Gure ████ Buchan Personnel File

NAME: Gure ████ Buchan
AGE: 22

Gure ████ Buchan was born in 28/01/████ to parents Fiona █████ Buchan and Duncan ████ Buchan in the Woodend Hospital, located in Western Aberdeen. Grew up in a drug abusing family, to which Gure grew up partly unloved and uncared of, due to the insobriety of his parents, which complicated his early life development. He went to the local school, which he received many suspensions due to misbehavior, which grew in and out of getting suspended from numerous schools across Scotland, to a point where his parents stop sending him to school, due to the passing of his father, who overdosed on drugs ██████, ███████. He was found dead on 18/03/████, at 9:37 PM, when Gure ████ Buchan was just 15. Gure ████ Buchan was not phased by his passing at all, due to the fact his father was never really there for him throughout his life. This loss put his mother Fiona █████ Buchan in debt, and caused them to lose the house. Gure ████ Buchan then searched for a job, and quickly after getting a job in the police force, Gure ████ Buchan fled from living with his still ongoing drug abusing mother, to rent out a caravan in a local caravan park. Gure was soon then promoted to Sergeant, Badge Serial RW79. On 19/12/████ The police recieved a call of a armed domestic violence report, to which Sgt. Gure Buchan quickly got to the scene, and called for backup. Sgt. Gure Buchan swiftly entered the house to find a father beating his wife and 2 kids, which Sgt. Gure Buchan recieved childhood flashbacks to, when he was of young age. These flashbacks took over his mind, of which he shot all of them dead, and with the final bullet in the magazine, Gure ████ Buchan attempted his life, to which was stopped but the bullet hit his left arm, shattering the bone and damaging all the nerves in his left arm. Gure ████ Buchan was quickly rushed to the hospital to undergo his treatment, and after was questioned on what he did, which was taken to court on 08/08/████ at the High Court of Justiciary. Gure ████ Buchan pleaded guilty, and was admitted transport to █████████ Prison for the Mentally Ill at 18/08/████. During transport, the prison bus was overran by ████████████████████████████

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Files Corrupted.

Loading Audio Logs...

Audio Logs found!

Opening Logs...

Preparing Memetic Kill Agent...

BY ORDER OF THE ████████ ███████


- Security clearance adequate. Accessing Dossier...-

Opening introductoryfile.mp3

Audio File Loading...

Audio File Loaded!


████████: Wake up.

Gure ████ Buchan: *audible muffling and gagging*

████████: I'll remove the gag off of you so we can talk.

Gure ████ Buchan: Who the fuck are you? *Chair rattling and metal restraints clinging together.*

████████: We are here to save you, especially from the shithole you were going to.

Gure ████ Buchan: How the fuck is this saving me? What the fuck are you doing to me! *agitated screams audible*

████████: Calm down. We are doing you better. Just calm down, and you will be released of your blindfold.

Gure ████ Buchan: ... Okay. I'll calm down, if you tell me who you are first.

████████: I'm afraid I can tell you that, but I'll remove your blindfold.

Gure ████ Buchan: Who are you people? Why am I tied up? Why am I in this orange jumpsuit thing?

████████: That's what you'll be for a little bit of time, until your freedom. Now can you tell us your full name, age, race and a brief description of your past?

Gure ████ Buchan: My name is, Gure [REDACTED] Buchan, I am 22 years of age, and I...

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File Corrupted.

Loading D-Class File...

D-Class File Found!

D-Class File Loading...

D-5938 File
AGE: 22

Medical Examination
Results from D-5938 Medical Examination, showed a sort of stable mental health, with occasional rush of flashbacks, causing uncontrollable behavior. The nerves in his left arm are destroyed, so tests given should not have to involve both hands being used, physical strengthening tests authorized and to be given daily. During a breach with 049, an instance of 049-2 bit 2 fingers off of D-5938 on the left hand, the middle finger and the ring finger.

Length of Testing Period
D-5938 is to undergo a 1 month testing period, to which he will then be recruited into the Internal Intelligence Department at Site-65.

Finding File...

Transfer File Found!

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Transfer File
After D-5938 completed his 1 month testing period, after being taken to do his daily arm strengthening test, D-5938 was blindfolded and gagged, and was taken into the interrogation room for debriefing about his next step within the Foundation.

Continue to Audio Logs

Loading Audio Logs...

Audio Logs Loaded!


████████: Okay, this is the next step, D-5938.

D-5938: What do you mean the next fucking step? I thought I could leave? Release me! *chair bashing audible*

████████: I am afraid, at this time we cannot do that. But I will have to give you 2 choices for you to pick from.

D-5938: I just want my freedom! I don't want to slave under your tests anymore! I barely escaped the previous test with my life! *grunting and kicking audible*

████████: We know, but you're going to have to pick. Choice 1: Be recruited into the Foundation under the Intelligence Department, or Choice 2: Be executed right here, right now.

D-5938: So I have to be recruited? Or your just going to put a bullet in my head?

████████: That is exactly what is going to happen. So, make your choice.

D-5938: Fine! Recruit me then you motherfucker! I'll work for you bastards, but is my freedom assured?

████████: Eventually, with some complications down the line perhaps.

D-5938: At least I will. Get this over and done with.

████████: Okay just what I like to hear. You will be blinded and gagged so you don't have to feel this. Dr. █████, prepare amnesticising kit.

Dr. █████: On the way.

*audible muffling, followed by an injection sound.*

Audio Log Ended.

Open Personnel Profile

Finding Personnel Profile...

Personnel Profile Found!

Personnel Profile Loading...

Personnel Profile Loaded!

Agent Gure ████ Buchan Personnel Profile #2
Agent Gure ████ Buchan
AGE: 22

Training Examination
Whilst undergoing training under standard Agent training, Agent Gure ████ Buchan sustained muscle damage to his left arm, which previous signs show the nerves were damaged. After following through with standardized testing protocols, Agent Gure ████ Buchan was quickly accepted into the Internal Intelligence Department at Site-65.

Medical Examination
Medical examination shows that the muscles in Agent Gure ████ Buchan's left arm have been severely torn. Medication and training to strengthen the arms nerves and muscles are to be followed through twice a day, to assure Agent Gure ████ Buchan can return to his assigned orders as soon as possible.

File End.

Open Operations and Achievements File

Finding Operations and Achievements File...

Operations and Achievements File Found!

Operations And Achievements File Loading...

Operations and Achievements File Loaded!

Agent Gure ████ Buchan Operations And Achievements File

Operation Blue Water: During a moment where tensions were insanely high between the Foundation and the United Nations, negotiations were held to keep peace between the two groups, with negotiations being held by Agent Gure ████ Buchan.

Operation Green Delta: During a heavy raid on the Foundation from members of the Chaos Insurgency, the goal was set out by Agent Gure ████ Buchan to retrieve any possible Chaos Insurgency members to be put under question.

Operations And Achievements File End.

Open siteadvisorinterview26.mp3?

Finding siteadvisorinterview26.mp3...

siteadvisorinterview26.mp3 Found!

Opening siteadvisorinterview26.mp3...


Site Director ████████: Thank you for coming here today, obviously you heard out to our call of inviting you here for an interview.

Agent Gure ████ Buchan: Yes, indeed I did thank you, shall we get on with this? Suprised I didn't get taken into restraints for this once again. *audible chuckle*

Site Director ████████: Yes, we aren't required to do that, we are role models within the Foundation. Anyway shall we move on?

Agent Gure ████ Buchan: Yes thank you for giving me the opportunity to become a member of the Site Administration *background screaming and yelling audible*

Site Director ████████: Alright, may you please come with me? We shall be going to somewhere quieter.

Agent Gure ████ Buchan: Alright you lead the way- *Long extended static*

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File Corrupted.

Dossier End.​
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Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: "Gure"
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings "Gure,"

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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