[USA] Gure's DEA Special Agent Application

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Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
900 Hours


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character names
Gure - Civillian
Gure Buchan [PW-9] - Foundation
"Gure" - Chaos Insurgency
Gure "Gerbal" MacGavin - UNGOC

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
Yes, I do

What are your total levels?
Combat Level 39
D-Class Level 41
Research Level 21
SCP Level 26
Support Level 32
Total Level 159

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Medical Consultant - Holding
MTF Nu-7 LCPL - Holding
DEA Senior Agent - Holding
CI Beta - Holding
CI Gamma - Held

MTF E-11 CPL - Held
GSD Captain - Held
Ethics Committee Assistant - Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
All inactive

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
2 Weeks

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I am interesting in applying for DEA Special Agent, as I know obviously that it is my next step within DEA, and I generally like the aspect of DEA/NU-7, as yes they are similar. I enjoy the various things and operations you can do as a DEA Special Agent, and wish to make the department more pleasing for new agents alike with older/more experienced agents. I am mainly applying as I really enjoy the department, and I am looking to get more out of playing it.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?
I am suitable for DEA as I am pretty active on the server, being able to play a few hours a day, and that I am also active on DEA. I can make various things that I can do fun and maybe do the impossible (dea rp). I am a good combatant within the Foundation, and have plenty of experience due to my previous experience as DEA Sr. Agent, and NU-7. I have had plenty of Clearance 4 experience, and do currently hold a Clearance 4, which definately plays a heavy part into being a DEA Special Agent.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?
I have written numerous documents, 8+ excellent graded docs, and 30+ good rated documents during my time as IA, aswell as Medical Consultant, which I am currently. Various aspects make a document good, such as a Title, usage of words, spelling/grammar, and ease of reading.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?
Training new DEA agents and operatives
Making sure all DEA are doing something, and running efficiently
Dealing with relations between UNGOC and CI
Keeping surface clear of Chaos Insurgency, aswell as GOC (when at a state of war)

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in
Gure ████ Buchan was born in 28/01/████ to parents Fiona █████ Buchan and Duncan ████ Buchan in the Woodend Hospital, located in Western Aberdeen. At a young age, just like any other child, Gure took an unusual interest in make-believe anomalies during his time growing up. In school, Gure was always a top student, acing most of his tests, all the way through his time in high school, and took a rather keen interest in the Military. After graduating from high school, Gure ████ Buchan enrolled into the Military, to continue his interest and passion in it. When he was driving to enlist, he went down a blockaded road, which then followed by muffling and a kidnapping. Gure ████ Buchan woke up later in Site-65 located in Saskatoon Canada, which Gure Buchan was swiftly recruited into the External Affairs Department.

Gure ████ Buchan excelled in his work and duties within Site-65. Gure ████ Buchan was then pulled beside by Director of External Affairs ████, who then went over with him his achievements alongside an interview to which Gure was then promoted to Senior Agent, and after a few months of work, Special Agent, to where he is now.


Active member
Apr 9, 2023

I have seen Gure on DEA very actively for the past couple weeks and I reckon Being able to help the DEA more by being a special agent is very good
Aug 11, 2022

Application Denied

after consideration with the senior team of External Affairs we have come to the conclusion that you are not currently fit for the position as a Special Agent. if you have any questions message me on discord .monkey​

Thank you for applying. Feel free to reapply in 1 week​

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