[USA] Gure's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Steam ID

Discord name
!epid !!#1946

For how long have you played on CG SCP
I have played on the server for about 2 months now, with 1,134,900 seconds (Roughly 2 weeks.)


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character name(s):

Civilian name

What server are you applying for

Do you have a mic?

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have received 3 warns and 1 ban. 3 warns for FailRP (only 1 active) and a ban for toxicity (2 day ban)


Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador
I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador as I want to be able to make foundation roleplay funner for everyone, by being able to make Internal Affairs Agents better at their job to make sure no foundation staff are breaking the legal codex and making everybody abide by the rules of ethics and the legal codex.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador
I think I am suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador for my quick thinking and understanding of situations of situations as a Internal Affairs Agent, to make sure I am able to read situations correctly during investigations and arrests, and to do so quickly so the offender can get their jail time done quicker, and not have to wait 10 minutes before their jail time, for an ultimate sentence of extended time. I will also be willing to host lectures for all Internal Affairs Agents, and training's that can increase their knowledge of their job, and the various things that they can do.

How many documents have you written?
I have written numerous documents in game, which consist of arrest records and investigations due to my playtime as surface ranger. I have also written documents about hostage interrogation with my playtime as a Chaos Insurgency, and have written a document about an SCP. I have not written any arrest records as an Internal Affairs Agent, but as said above I have experience writing arrest records.

What makes a document good?
There are many aspects that make a document good, such as detail of information, more pages/words written in detail, and correct usage of grammar, lines and pictures.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP
The responsibility of an Internal Affairs Ambassador is to make sure that all Internal Affairs Agents are abiding by the Legal Codex and the Code of Ethics, and for them to not abuse their powers. Internal Affairs Ambassadors also have to whitelist Internal Affairs Trainees into an agent via the docs test. They also hold lectures to increase Internal Affairs agents knowledge about their job, and make them more efficient.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what story lines they would be involved in
Gure Bob was born in the small town of Allan, Saskatchewan to parents Charlotte and Benjamin Bob. Gure grew up as an only child and had a relatively normal child hood growing up, with very loving parents, as he went to the local school which only consisted of about 80 kids, 15 of them being his age. He grew popular and was very socialised with the kids, which grew up for him to have a strong mental, which helped him excel in school all the way up until graduation, which Gure then enlisted into the police force. Gure spent a lot of his time training up until he was fully admitted into the police force as an officer. Gure quickly climbed the ranks until SGT, where the misfortunate part of his life hit. During a patrol, the police recieved a call about frightened civilians running around screaming, and slowly driving until the point of insanity. Gure quickly drove to the site of all the panic, which he sighted a humanoid deer standing on top of a hill, hidden in the trees staring down at the paranoid crowd. All of a sudden, heavily armed soldierlike people came and started shooting at the deer, which all the civilians then ducked from the roaring and the bullets flying. Gure was questioning who they were, so he ran out of the line of fire and approached the men shooting at the deer. Few words came out of Gure's mouth as he started shouting at one of the military personnel, which then he was knocked out cold by the stock of one of their assault rifles. Gure woke up in an empty room of a mysterious place, with no knowledge on how he arrived their. The same military personnel that knocked him out were there, as Gure recalled no knowledge of who they are, as he was amnesticised shortly before. From there, he was quickly recruited as an internal affairs agent inside of Site-65, as he quickly climbed through the ranks, to where he stands now. An Internal Affairs Ambassador.
IA Logo.png

Application Denied
Hello Agent Gure,

Me and my team have decided you are not fit for the role of Ambassador at this time. Please reach out to members of my team in regards to the duties of an Internal Affairs ambassador. After you have made more of a name for yourself in this department, you are encouraged to reapply after the 2 week waiting period. Please contact me personally for further information in regards to your application.

Highest Regards,

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