[USA] Ivy Picket's Director of Research Application

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Nov 24, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196330963

Discord name: lunaria4211

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1,628,700 seconds or 18.85 days roughly of gameplay time and started around early summer/late spring of 2022 | That's up just over 2 days from two weeks ago when previously denied.

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: Central Standard Time

Character name(s): Ivy Picket

Civilian name: Lily Picket

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I do have a mic.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Executive Researcher

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have no active kicks/bans/warns.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

I am applying for Director of Research so that I may further help the department that I hold dear. This builds upon my original goal as an Executive Research in helping out researchers on a 1 to 1 basis or slightly larger. I've done quite a bit already as an Executive, however, I know that I can do more and I want to do more. As an Executive, I've been a part of a cornucopia of various things that have already helped further the Research Department. As the first example of such I will be discussing my ongoing work as a head of the Chemical Research Board. The Chemical Research Board which will hence on out be shortened to CRB is focused on helping in chemical research and gathering of such chemicals for research. We had to jump through quite a few hoops to get where we currently are with the Subdivision. I should also note Executive Researcher. Tyrone as the other head of the sub-division providing monumental help in getting things set up, couldn't have done it without him. Former Executive Researcher. Tomato is also notable as the original creator of the idea that is CRB during its early phases. What in the hell does that relate to me wanting to be Director of Research? I want to be Director of Research so I can better do things like create CRB for the greater good of the Research Department. It would allow me to avoid some of the loopholes and checks that slowed the process of getting CRB to where it is now, however, such isn't of a major concern whilst we have good Site Command. The main reason is so I can really polish up the department and make it shine. We are in an absolutely amazing spot right now in the Research Department but we can do better. There are always things we can do to improve, and I want to be that hand that helps the department further.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I'm suitable for Director of Research for a couple of reasons. The first and foremost reason is my care for the department. I'm not just here to get a Sr. CL4 position or some bullshit like that. I want to actually help the department and see it genuinely grow. I can do this with the experience I've obtained as an Executive Researcher in not only the backend of policies and RP but also management. That is the key thing that I've been working on during my time in the department. I have the capability of taking on the hefty responsibility that comes with being the DoR. The main evidence of such would be the CRB and its ongoing success. I had to reach out to many people to get things off the ground and going. This ranges from meeting with E-11 to smooth out issues, and updating our current chemical log to be nicer. My commitment to a balanced maturity is also another major factor that makes me suitable for being a DoR. I have consistently shown that I know when enough is enough and when you can have fun. An example of such would be the Serpents Hand RP that I had going on for a while. Once I had been caught and killed by the O5 Council instead of continuing to go along with the RP I let it lie in peace. It was fun for the time that I did it and fun to collect the information slowly, however, continuing the RP would simply be a nuisance to all parties involved. I do not tolerate those who are here to simply be a nuisance to the department and have no intent to roleplay. The last piece of solid evidence I will note is my ongoing project; my current project "The Universal Cleanup Crew" or U.C.C. for short. The U.C.C. is by far my biggest RP project yet. I've had some quite large tests and cross-tests but that takes the cake for the biggest. It combines multiple SCPs of different backgrounds all being tied together slowly. The progress has been slow but sure and has been ramping up as I prepare to conduct the second test for it as a prerequisite to the main body of the project. It also shows a certain form of management and commitment. Not everyone is able to create their own project and stick with it for such a length of time, most people can only be committed for a couple of days at most. In conclusion, I will now talk about the length of time I've been an Executive. I started back in mid-August as an Executive, and in that time I have been consistently active as an Executive; (withholding the last week due to medical reasons in which I was completely gone) showing my commitment to the department and its progression.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
I'd split the responsibilities of the Director of Research into two separate pieces. The management side of RP and then the research side of RP. Both are immensely important to the responsibilities of the DoR. I'll first start with the responsibility that is management. The very first thing that comes to mind is managing all of the policies. We have a vast array of rules and policies that have to be constantly updated and changed as the department grows and changes. Following that is managing connections with other departments and SC/SA. Changing things like a document's policy may seem pretty minor, however, it has a ripple effect and can impact other departments and their duties for better or worse, that's why diplomacy and communicating with other departments is important, especially SC. Next is managing the Executives themselves as that's a keystone to being a DoR. You must be capable of knowing all of them on at least a basic level as they are indescribably important to the smooth running of the Research Department. With that being able to do things like set up meetings on a regular, setting goals, and finding new Executives along with being a role model all come along with this. The next aspect of the responsibilities of the Director of Research is the research side of things. You as a Director are a beacon of light when it comes to tests, this also means you are always under a light being constantly analyzed. Your tests must be absolutely pristine and airtight. You cannot falter and instead must keep pushing to do better in your tests so that other researchers see that and hopefully strive to do the same. You also carry the responsibility of looking at certain tests as some cross-tests and tests in general require the approval of a DoR instead of an Executive; this also saves SC a bit of a headache when it comes to signing papers. But overall if there's one key takeaway for the responsibilities, you need to want the department to grow. Without that passion for it you're just some bump on a log taking up a slot you don't deserve.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Ivy Picket started her time at the Foundation, like many, a long long time ago. She came in all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed excited to see what awaited her behind the oh-so-mysterious yet alluring curtain of the Foundation. She soon found out that what's hidden isn't always meant to be revealed, however, it was too late to put what had been let out back in. She slowly grew more and more desensitized to the gruesome nature of the SCPs that surrounded her working very closely with some of the Foundations' most dangerous entities. As time went on she also gained much more knowledge about the Foundation and how it works. With this knowledge procured over years of experience, she soon became an outstanding member of her current Site. She now spends her days tirelessly working for the Foundation so that what has been revealed to her isn't revealed to the public for their own sake. She later is contacted by the current Director of Research and is quite excited and a little nervous to hear what he has to say. She thinks to herself all sorts of things he might say from offering her a seat on a project to punishing her for something she didn't know she did wrong, however, what he said next she could never have predicted in a million years. She was given a promotion from Sr. Researcher to Executive Researcher. She knew that she had been a Sr. for quite some time and worked on many projects but never would've imagined herself making it all the way up to the level of an Executive. As time passed this excitement simmered down and she settled into her position as an Executive getting tied up in numerous projects and plans over the years. At this point, she had seen all that the Foundation had to offer, well, that the Foundation showed her. Recently one of the Directors of Research had an untimely death while working on a project of an unknown nature. She saw this as a chance to elevate her skills and the department. You see she had enjoyed being an Executive but she could only do so much and wanted to do more. After a while of waiting and hoping she received a knock on her office door which is not an uncommon thing for her as she is a go-to when it comes to help, however, this time it was different. Instead of a new researcher or fellow Executive walking through the door, it was the Site-Director. She had heard of the Director before but never really got the chance to meet her and as such was quite excited. They sat down and talked for hours, question after question until the Director said the two words that would catapult her career in the Foundation "You're Accepted". Just like that, she was the new Director of Research. She certainly had her work cut out for her and was eager to get started immediately. What she could do was now only limited by her imagination, what would she do next?


Active member
Oct 21, 2023
Did not read a single word of that app because too much but great Exec would make an amazing DOR


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: Ivy Picket
Application Verdict


Greetings Ivy,

This message is to inform you that your application for the position of the Director of Research has been accepted. Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for this position; we shall be in contact with you soon.

Please re
ach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_)!

Welcome to your new role.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”


Active member
Aug 11, 2023
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: Ivy Picket
Application Verdict


Greetings Ivy,

This message is to inform you that your application for the position of the Director of Research has been accepted. Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for this position; we shall be in contact with you soon.

Please re
ach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_)!

Welcome to your new role.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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