[USA] Ivy Picket's Gamemaster Application

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Nov 24, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): michjorich

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: ~29.5 Days Playtime

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: Central Standard Time

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Ethics Committee Assistant Ivy Picket

Chaos name (include your rank):
Conscript Emma Picket

Civilian name: Lily Picket

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196330963

Discord ID (name#0000): lunaria4211

What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I have a mic.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have no active kicks/bans/warns

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
-No, I do not have any previous Event Manager experience besides my experience running events as an previous Director of Research.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-Yes, I have numerous hours of serious roleplay experience.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
-A conservative estimate of about 2-3 hours, especially as we head into the summer season.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
The primary reason I want to become a Gamemaster on the server is that I want to conduct more unique and fun RP that I can not otherwise do in my current roles. Whilst it is amazing fun to be able to do fun events with other factions and for the site opportunities for me to do them now are few and far between. The entire point of the server is to do RP and build connections. That has been at the base of what I am hoping to conduct and do. Coming from a background of DoR I have a very strong taste of what can be done as a GM and want to pursue that side of things to a further extent than what I had done at the time.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am very adept at setting up events and helping breathe life into the RP. It's one thing to simply know all of the lore surrounding an event and commit it to memory but it's another thing to bring it to life to engage the player base in it. That is our tertiary purpose, to help bolster RP for the player base that is often lacking it from either their capabilities or creativity. To get a little more specific than stating "to breathe life into RP" is a little too vague to be tangible I mean to say that I know how to properly manage events. I can go through the process from creating fun props for people to see, adjusting the lore to matching the server, getting the actors, creating interesting messages and a clue to start it, and more. While I am certainly not perfect I have a very solid grasp of what needs to be done and how to do it. I'm special compared to other candidates due to my background in the Research Department being its Director for numerous months. In my time there I helped be the guiding hand for what I hoped were very fun events for people to participate in while also furthering my own story arch up until its eventual end when I could no longer find the time for things.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
[1] //ATTENTION// "PROTOCAL-ZULU IS IN EFFECT" the loudspeaker blared throughout the Foundation. A mysterious protocol seemingly no one has ever heard of, not even the Site Command themselves. Suddenly a loud crash and bang is heard within SCP-999's containment chamber. It seems it is going feral. The researcher enters the room to see fog all around and the colors to be off, an almost puke green then red within the chamber. The walls of the chamber are covered in a dark orange substance not unlike the slime of SCP-999 yet it seems off. The slime feels not happy but instead somber and almost angry as if it were alive. First combatants are sent in to secure the area but these combatants, but no one has seen them before. They are dawned in all black gear with eyes piercing anyone that looks in their direction. The only distinguishing factor is a Foundation logo found on their left arm that seems slightly distorted. They say nothing standing guard as the researcher enters the chamber to study the now-changed SCP-999. When they open its chamber they see not SCP-999 but instead a glob of sludge, so vile and disgusting it makes many of the newer researchers drop on the spot from the stench alone. One researcher who was not dragged to safety is consumed by the glob now hungry for flesh. To turn their beloved slime back into its caring and lovable self the researchers must follow steps to an ancient ritual given to them by the mysterious figures. It reads "The blood of gods so vile must be sprinkled upon a beast so vile. For if this beast is not contained once more, scarlet blood shall flow throughout the world." After being read out a scream from SCP-682 can be heard across the site as a hint that it is the god that's blood is needed. If they successfully sprinkle the blood over the beast then it will morph back into 999 and the guards will evaporate into thin air. If not then SCP-999 turns into a beast and must be re-contained via other methods...

GM Notes: This event will take a little bit of backend work to do. Mainly with sound changes and announcements, however, they can be pretty easily voiced over. The main concern of the event would be if players don't figure out how to change 999 back and have the model and weapon for 999 on stand-by to use. My idea was to morph 999 into the SCP-178 model already used and put an orange overlay on it using pac.

[2] "Terry The Toaster" Chef Zephyr is diligently working on his cooking to ensure the D-Class doesn't starve when he hears a crash on the table behind him. A toaster, like any other he has seen before, has appeared out of thin air. As he starts walking over to said toaster it bellows out in a horrifically scratchy voice that of a 60-year-old smoker "Hey, you! Yes, You! What the hell are you doing??? Where the fuck is the food!? I have been waiting ages, I will have your heads!" The chefs are very startled by this new entity and likely mildly aggressive towards it knowing them. They find, however, that this toaster is glued down like a rock and incapable of being destroyed. The toaster will yell out "What do you think you are doing? You bumbling buffoons! I don't get it, can you not cook? Well? Get back to work!". The toaster will then go on to describe dishes for the chefs to create such as cakes or other meals to feed the D-Class. The toaster can be thought of as the head chef with a little bit of spice and comedy. If the Chefs get the dishes right then the toaster is nice to them and may even reward them with something of a small value. If they fail, then the toaster will get progressively angrier until fire starts coming out of the top. If fire continues to come out of the top and they keep failing then the toaster will explode damaging the chefs and ending the event. If they continue to succeed then the toaster will leave stating "I must go help other kitchens somehow worse than all of you". Being the "good" ending to the event.

GM Notes: This event has a much smaller scope than the previous one which could be its downfall. It also has to do with chefs who are notorious for minging which could make it difficult to actually do the RP with them, however, with the substance of the event it should work. The toaster model and effects itself should also be very easy to do with the rewards being given out by me as they would be small things like small chems or perfect ingredients. Things that you'd expect a chef to drop.

[3] "Awww... It's so Cute!" In this event, the Chaos Insurgency is sent an urgent message from "The Engineer". It reads "Danger, lake house, no time, feed, after, m-" The message is then cut off as blood is seen splattered on the page. The Insurgents then make their way towards the lake house armed to the teeth prepared the rain hellfire on the unspeakable beast that lies there, however, nothing. When they get there there is no hellfire, beast of an ungodly nature, just... A puppy. A small little dog no bigger than the size of an average hand. It barks and yips with joy at the insurgents who are extremely confused. Should they decide to pick up this puppy and bring it home they are in for a bit more than what they bargained for. Whilst they may think they picked up a cute puppy they have unknowingly just signed their death warrants. Once back at the base, they will likely play with the puppy for a while until it starts barking and stomach growling. Much like the pop culture hit "Gremlins" you cannot feed this cute little beast after midnight. Should the CI feed the puppy, which is almost certain, nothing will happen at first. The puppy will be as is and continue to be its cute self around the masses but when alone, something changes. The puppy will attempt to be let outside by a single or small group of CI so it can relieve itself to which it is then going to consume the poor CI whole. When let back in the other CI will likely be confused by the disappearance of their friends. Slowly more and more CI will disappear until just the puppy remains ending the event. If they discover that the puppy, is in fact, not a puppy they will have to fight off a sort of Slenderman-looking tentacle monster until it disappears.

GM Notes: The main difficulty of this event isn't the models or sounds but the CI themselves. Keeping the veil of secrecy will be slightly difficult as they are usually in external comms with each other so to keep the veil it may be necessary to drag them into a separate channel once they've been "eaten" to keep them from leaking what happened. It would also serve as a good idea to hold them somewhere else such as a stomach to prevent them from respawning and unintentionally metagaming the event. Overall this is the most difficult of the events to conduct.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"Dawn of a New Day"
This event would follow the event of the sun rising on the surface with a couple of twists. The basis of it would be a sort of scorched earth event occurring across the surface. It'll be broken down into a couple of different phases, 3 to be exact.

Part 1: "The Dawn"
The sun begins to rise over the Foundation after having not risen for years upon years. As it begins to rise alarm bells start going off in all of the servers' factions for this is no normal sun. The sun rising is a blood-red color and slowly damages all the players around it. The only protection against this is to be dawned in protective gear [radiation suit for ease] so as to not be burned. At this stage of the event, we will let people explore around for a bit and all of the factions mingle with each other to figure out what is going on. They will all see that there are abnormal hume readings and hume fields are becoming much more common than they normally are. As this ramps up a figure appears in the middle of a frozen lake demanding a head from each of the factions. One from GOC, one from Foundation, one from CI, and one from the Civilians. Once they all have gathered the figure will give them each a piece of what seems to be a broken circle with runic symbols carved into it. The stranger then tells them "This I give you, is the key to the world untold for this is your mission to unite as one and save our god-forsaken world." With that, the figure disappears without a trace only leaving behind the 4 pieces of the circle. The heads of each faction are then teleported back to their respective homes where they are to mess play with the object and do their own analysis upon it. Whilst they are doing that we move into the second phase.

Part 2: "Solar Apex"
It's begun, and the sun is at its peak. Now no one is safe or able to get outside without being burnt to a crisp. The faction has since likely determined that these pieces must fit together unlocking something but their time is running out. As the sun beats down on the factions the heat becomes more and more unbearable to them. Death is almost certain for them all if they can't figure out a way to get together and figure out how to set the sun to rest once more for the sake of all of their lives. The figure may re-appear to them if they are struggling to put the simple puzzle together. As for how they are to get to each other it lies under the lake itself. The lake has now melted away and evaporated revealing a pedestal with a circular void the same as the pieces they had been given. As they are scrambling to figure out how to make it outside alive the pieces start glowing a cool purple hue forming a bubble. This bubble protects them from the heat of the sun beating down upon them allowing them to make it to the now evaporated lake where they will find the aforementioned pedestal. If they can refrain from murdering each other and see the slot they can each put their piece into the pedestal. This now leads to the final phase of the event.

Part 3: "Solar's Wane"
Once they put the pieces in the pedestal they meld into one solid piece which shoots a beam up at the sun. This causes the sun to crack and the light to wildly change (in a slower pattern, we don't want to cause people to have a seizure if they're epileptic. As more cracks form something can be seen flying down towards them at a rapid rate. At first, it's no bigger than an ant but slowly begins to morph into a titan above all. It looks like an almost devil character. Once it lands with a big crash nothing happens at first until a roar can be heard everywhere. The creature begins to rip and slash at everyone it can see in sight killing virtually anything with the flick of its finger. To take the beast down requires the help of everyone that can be mustered no matter their rank or file for the one goal of taking down the gargantuan beast. Should they succeed the sun will disappear and the moon will rise setting the server back to its normal state and conclusion of the event. As a final send off a note can be found in each of the factions' designated areas reading "Sorry about my brother, he can have a bit of a temper, please, do forgive this minor inconvenience." The note is merely signed by "X". Leaving everyone in a state of confusion as they try to figure out what has just occurred.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: It's happened, the absolute worst thing any Omega-1 member can hear. The entirety of the Ethics Committee has been taken hostage by rouge agents. Not merely one member of the committee but them all. They had only realized such following a failed check-in of the committee members after noticing they had gone missing. A while after noticing they are gone and having already likely discussed with CI they realize it was not them who had captured the ECMs. No, instead they receive a transmission from MC&D who has grown tired of being ignored and treated as nothing more than lowly sellers of macaw goods. They tell the O1 that they will kill their beloved ECMs in two days' time and there is nothing they can do, however, a mistake was made. The MC&D agents had forgotten one simple rule. Don't poke the bear. With that, all of O1 gear up and head to the surface to take down the MC&D who are armed to the teeth with a plethora of unique and strange weapons.

A-1: ~~~H~~e~~~~p~~~ is all that's heard from the radio of O5-4 "The Pharoph". He had been doing his routine walks around heavily checking up on the runnings of HCZ as he had done when he was a DoR until he got to SCP-087. Instead of the door being closed as it normally should be it was open. He, of course, walked over to close the door when suddenly he was grabbed by a humanoid figure. The figure then dragged him down the steps and through a door that had never been there before where he was then strapped down while the figure just watched him. It's the job of the A-1 to track the movements of their O5 through the use of his bodycam uploaded and save him from what is likely certain doom.

Nu-7: Reports have been coming in from officials on the surface that people have been going missing. Nu-7 is sent out to investigate these disappearances. It seems that a hole with the radius of a house and an undetermined depth has appeared near the gas station. Their mission is simple, rescue the people that fell prey to the hole and learn what's truly going on. Though they should be warned, death may be an all but certain outcome for them if they are not careful.

E-11: A ghastly scream is heard from the room of SCP-096. E-11 is dispatched immediately prepared to re-contain the SCP which all too frequently breaches its containment chamber. When they arrive they are not met with a belligerent tall white deformed man ready to rip their heads off but a man dawned in gear that you'd expect to see on someone climbing Mt. Everest. Nothing on his face can be seen except the glow of his eyes threw pitch black goggles. The man speaks and says "Don't mind me, I'm just here to see my creation, the one for which I am master" At this E-11 is very off-put by. They attempt to contain the entity, however, it will not go quietly into the night. It seems to have powers of an untold magnitude warping and shifting the space around them. It's soon identified as SCP-1529 "The Mountain King". The reason for which he has gone back to SCP-096 and off of Mt. Everest is unknown. It's up to E-11 to contain the entity and figure out what its motives are.

CI: It's happening once again, an all too common occurrence for the Chaos Insurgency. Their deep cover operatives have been captured and are being held for ransom money but somethings different. The hostile forces aren't the Foundation, no they're the GOC. The GOC has taken it upon themselves to capture the CI deep cover as they have uncovered something more valuable than all of the Earth's gold. Immortality, a seemingly unused version of SCP-963. Whilst the amulet had been tied to a single wearer for an eternity it seems the original wearer has been cast out. The means of how or why the amulet has untethered is unknown and will likely never be known but what is known is that it needs a new wearer and whether that's the GOC or CI is yet to be determined.

UNGOC: The GOC receives word from one of their operatives inside doing penetration testing on the Foundation for security weaknesses. They have found and captured deep covers possessing an extremely odd anomaly. Word comes from command that they are tasked with extracting the deep cover CI and the object at any cost while still keeping their identities a secret. Should they fail in this mission an object of untold powers will forever slip out of their hands and into the hands of the CI or even the Foundation which cannot occur. This is not their only goal however as the CI has also been told of these riches and will be coming to get back their operatives and the anomaly.

Foundation Staff: "Have you or a loved one ever been maimed, hurt, or otherwise afflicted in any negative way by an SCP? Well then, come on down to Josephus Blake's law firm where their pain, is our gain! We will help settle any suits against you and guarantee a handsome payout if you have event the smallest scrap of evidence of being hurt by the Foundation. Stick it to those big wigs now and come on down!
*We cannot guarantee your personal safety, the outcome of the case, cover any damages throughout the hearing, stop any demons from taking your soul upon conclusion, and are not held legally or spiritually liable for any other damages that could or may have occurred in your time working with us.
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