[USA] J P Bingus' Captain Application

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J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64412451
Discord name: pepperjack28
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have about 350 hours, joined in mid 2022.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): J P Bingus (Foundation), "Dust" (Former O-1), "Stratum" (Current GOC), J P Bingus' Evil Twin (CI, previous)
Civilian name: J Q Bongus
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chief of Security [Former]
- [AXO-A] Assistant of the AXO GENSEC subdivision
- [A6-LT] Officer in the A6 GENSEC subdivision
- GENSEC Captain
O-1 SPC [Former]
CI-B [Former]
GOC SPC [Current]
Nu-7 SPC [Current]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am applying for Captain because with my return to the server, I want to rejoin the department that I have always enjoyed and cared for the most. I'm also hoping that with the new update, GSD can rise to even greater heights due to their new influence around the site, and that I can help contribute to that in some way. The state of GSD is something that needs to be addressed. When I left things were alright, could have been better, and I still blame myself for seemingly giving up on the department I love so much. Right now, though, GSD is in a sorry state from what I have seen. I don't want GSD to be seen as a group of stupid, mingey players who can never hold it together. I can remember a time where we were solid. The Sergeants behaved like Captains, and the Officers respected their superiors. Right now, I feel like even the Captains I see act like Cadets sometimes, and I do not want to just stand on the sidelines and watch it happen.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
What makes me suitable for Captain is not only my passion for GSD, but also my capabilities. I work hard, I work efficiently, and I never dissapoint. I care about professionalism when others (not just superiors) are watching, but know how to have fun with other behind the scenes or in low-action environments. I truly care about GENSEC, and becasue of this, my full effort will be on display whenever I flag onto Captain. I believe my past time as a Captain and Chief also speak towards my capabilities.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Hosting tryouts (RRT and HWL)
- Leading D-block, including sweeps and making sure it runs smoothly aswell
- Improving the department through document work/edits, and creating new programs for Cadets, Officers, and Sergeants
- Punitive measure for unruly members of GSD (including job bans)
- Helping run, maintain, and develop both A-6 and AXO

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
After his long medical leave, Bingus is back on site and ready for action... but at the same time he is ashamed. As he wanders around site he sees glimpses at the life he left behind, the life he abandoned. As he sits on surface, fights CI, he longs for his time in D-Block. He remembers his days as a Captain, the GSD that he helped create and lead, the Captains he worked besides, and the Foundation he helped cultivate. There will always be good times and bad times in GSD, it is inevitable. Even so, with the current state of GSD, Bingus knows that his experience can help lift it up yet again, especially with the new renovations hes been hearing about... He marches on to General Security. The place where he came from, and the place where he belongs.


Active member
Aug 5, 2023

Literally the most capable captain you could probably have.
It’s not unprofessionalism, it’s honesty. Better an honest enemy than a lying friend. Nothing wrong with speaking the truth.
(ok before I say anything this my opinion I do not wish to offend anyone)
I can understand your Philosophy but when you say "Northing wrong with speaking the truth"
do you mean that its good the speaking the truth and not lying? Or thordan should not be captain?
can you clarify
but I will stay with -SUPPORT from what has been said above


Active member
Aug 5, 2023
(ok before I say anything this my opinion I do not wish to offend anyone)
I can understand your Philosophy but when you say "Northing wrong with speaking the truth"
do you mean that its good the speaking the truth and not lying? Or thordan should not be captain?
can you clarify
but I will stay with -SUPPORT from what has been said above
I don’t mind him staying what I’m saying is he expressed his opinion and that’s all. He didn’t necessarily express hatred towards him just that he would’ve fired him

J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022
-support. He will openly talk negatively about captains in public comms. This shows unprofessionalism.

View attachment 9923
Considering you openly disrespected GOC on surface, going against the direct command of a Nu-7, I don't think it was out of line for me to say this. I try and keep things private when neccessary but everyone who was online knew that you caused a GOC raid solely to capture you, so I didn't feel like I needed to take it to DMs.
+rep old CoS

The whole thing of him talking down to a captain is because the captain in question was completely out of line, disrespected not only a MAJ and LTGEN of the GOC (Me being the MAJ), but disrespected Nu-7 COs along with another captain. His reaction was 100% justified, in my opinion, though I think a strike would have better fit the crime than a removal.

It is 100% true that GOC raided solely to kidnap these 2 captains (although they only got 1). I know this because I authorized and carried out the raid.

Either way, he is allowed his opinions on people. Lord knows I have my opinions, as does everyone else.
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