[USA] Jakob "Reshen" Hopkins Site Adviser Application

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Well-known Member
Sep 4, 2022
steamid: STEAM_0:1:105710411

discord: Avoila#6254

For how long have you played on CG SCP? 1 week 3 days

Age: 14

In what country are you located? [USA]

Time zone: EST

in character name: Jakob "reshen" Hopkins

Civilian name: Jakob Hopkins

What server are you interested in?(SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic? yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Intelligence Ambassador
Riot Response Team

Have you received any kicks, bans, or warnings? and why?:
I was warned for RDM because i didnt know that D-Class couldnt mass murder other D class. I was also warned for ERP for making an innapropriate comment which I am sorry about.

- Why are you applying for Site Advisor?: I wish to help oversee the different departments and ive noticed a lack of actual site advisors doing roleplay/online in general. I wish to server every department and make it as fun as possible for everyone, and to make sure everyone is doing their job right. I also wish to gain CL4 experience to prove that I am worthy enought to help this facility well. I want to help multiple departments at once. I wish to help lead people in the right direction.
I wish to help the entire foundation as a whole to communicate better and for better understaning.

- What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: I have been able to watch and learn from every different department and ive learned what each of them do, I am an intelligence ambassador and I what different department directors do in each department. I wish to make every department as fun and as efficient as possible. I want to make them more lively and fun for everyone in roleplay. I am able to work will with every director of each department because I am well aquanted with each director of each department. I am very mature and I am very respectable to everyone around me and everyone is respectable to me. I strive my best to help solve problems that most people have and i am willing to help with any problem that someone may have. I am able to be online most of the time because I put most of my time into this server and roleplay in general. I am able to complete task with high efficiency. I am very well organised and most stuff and I am calm in all situations that I am put into.

- What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: They help organise the foundation. They make sure that everything runs smoothly and is tasked with high efficiency and nothing is lost. They make sure that each department, such as Intel,IA, GENsec,MTF, etc., is doing their jobs correctly. They correct any mistakes that any personnel make and they are supposed to be calm in any situation. Advisers work with the director to make sure that they are both organised and also doing their job well. They help each other with documents,departments, how efficient the site is running, how well everyone is doing their job, and so on. They help each department know what they are doing correctly, they help with communication between the departments aswell.

- Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:




Lore 1: Entrance into Intelligence ambassador:

Navy Seal CPL Jakob Hopkins was known for his immense bravery and his ability to think critically in intense situations, but little did Jakob know that a shadowy organization was keeping tabs on this honorable man. Upon transfer to the foundation, Jakob was assigned immediately to E-11 PVT as per request of site inspection, after witnessing and documenting his work in the field as a SEAL. However, Jakob believed that he could contribute more to the foundation than just relocating SCPs. So he took a liking to the intelligence department, having lengthy conversations with their staff. His work in the intelligence department has positively benefactored. He found purpose in doing his job in the department. He would often assist in miscommunication campaigns on the surface, alongside infiltrating and raiding the CI bases. but he felt that the department could be more than what it was at the time. So he actively transcended his peers in their work and in the way they carry themselves to be the top agent. When he reached the top, he felt he could go higher than that, so he reached for the Ambassador.

Lore 2: Entrance into Site Administration:

Jakob was finally proud of himself after becoming an ambassador for intelligence. He felt as if he'd made it to the top, the kind of the world even. But something seemed to bother him. For a while, he became quite distressed and wanted to strive to become something even better, to help the foundation even more. Seeing as how loyal he was, he was quick to impress many of the on-site personnel. he felt as if it would be easy. He fought hard and struggled but was eventually able to impress the 05 council. He was interviewed and had been given many tests. Eventually, he was able to strive and eventually was able to make it into Site Administration.
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From the office of ████████

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. Unfortunately, The ████████ ███████ has decided that you are not fit for the position of Site Advisor due to a lack of Senior CL4 Experience as well as concerns regarding your conduct. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
Secure. Contain. Protect.
- ██-█​
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