[USA] James Anderson Level 2 Demotion appeal

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James Anderson

SCP-RP Staff
Feb 24, 2024
Name: James "Bear" Anderson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:543398710

Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA

Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2

Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes, I have attempted to do a level one appeal to SA which was denied because SA did not find it to be false.

Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: SA, via TS Chat

Rank demoted from: LTCOM (E-11)

Demoted to: MAJ

Who demoted you?: Site65 SA

Date of demotion: Sunday, June 30th, 2024

What is the case against you?: The current case against me is that I am "toxic," "rude," and show "poor leadership," with little to no evidence to support this.

Is this true?: No, this is not true.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, never.

Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A

What is your side of the story?: In this particular situation, there is no "side of the story to give" as I am being told that site administration was informed by multiple people about these poor qualities that I have allegedly been displaying. What I will say in my defense is as follows: In any regiment, there will always be people who do not agree or like the commanding officers that are appointed over them. One very important thing to keep in mind is that personal feelings/opinions and performance of duties are two very different things. During my time as the lieutenant commander, I have improved relations not only with my subordinates in the regiment, but also with other task forces such as Omega One. Whenever I am on site, people seem generally happy to see me as I have always attempted to be a positive and uplifting member of the task force. I have always made myself available when needed to people who require my help with something. I was never rewarded for this, nor did I expect to be; the only reward I gained from this was the thank you when I was helping people late at night or guiding someone through a tough situation, and that was more than enough for me. A select few people have made reports on me; however, this group of people have made these reports in an extremely biased and unfair manner, working together to manipulate the SA team into thinking I have done a “bad job as LTCOM” or that I am “toxic.” Unfortunately, the site administration team has fallen victim to their bias and manipulation. As a result of this, they have denied my level 1 appeal, which is why I come before you today to make a level two appeal. I urge the 05 council to sit down with me so we can have a private chat, as there are many details of this situation that should not be discussed in a public forum. On top of that, it is also to prevent words from being twisted or manipulated. I also do not wish for any unnecessary drama or friction to be made in a public setting.

While I appreciate your personal opinions/accounts of situations that you believe James was demoted for, I ask that you refrain from commenting unless you are directly involved with the appeal process. As we are actively investigating the matter, you should reach out to myself directly if you have information you wish to share.

Appeal Denied

Hi @James Anderson,

Thanks for taking the time to make a roleplay demotion appeal.

After thoroughly looking at the evidence and the reasoning behind your demotion, I believe your demotion from the rank of LTCOM to MAJ was warranted.

I would like to start off by saying that the reasoning behind your demotion wasn't communicated to you very well. I'm going to addressing this myself with Site Administration to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again. I would've hoped for more transparency especially in cases like these but they did not meet my standards. For that, I apologize.

For transparency on my side, this decision was based upon your merits as an LTCOM as well as the reports made on you by other players. Your merits and judgement calls you've made as an LTCOM and your previous work as both an LTCOM/MAJ was heavily weighted in my decision. The reports played a lesser role but were still considered as part of my investigation.

After interviewing you, speaking with Site Administration, and looking into your past within E-11, I don't believe you meet the standards of an LTCOM. The expectations are very high for someone in an LTCOM position as they have near ultimate authority within the regiment and as such should have good judgement and passion for improving the regiment. When reviewing evidence and looking into some of the things you've said/done in high pressure situations, I don't believe you have good enough judgement for an LTCOM. (Please contact me privately if you wish to here exactly what I'm referring to when I say this as I do not wish to publicly post clips/proof.) You've also listed off some of what you've done as an LTCOM for the regiment and while I believe those duties you've performed were good for the health of the regiment, it's also not something specific to your duties as an LTCOM. What you outlined to me during the interview was a lot of what I would expect any CO within E-11 to do. From what I've seen, during your time was MAJ/LTCOM you haven't done anything that pushed the entirety of the regiment forward in terms of large or long term plans.

As for the player reports, some did not have substantial enough proof to warrant them playing a role in my judgement but I don't believe all of them can be discredited as a simple group of players trying to remove you. Numerous players both inside and outside your regiment, a lot of which do not have connections to one another came to Site Administration with concerns about your behavior. While some of these individuals could be linked together, lumping them all into one pile would be unfair to them. However, the reports that did not have significant substance behind them did not play a significant role in my judgement.

After reviewing all the evidence, I believe the one rank demotion was warranted. Any more would have been excessive in this case and any less would be a "slap on the wrist."

As this was a Level 2 appeal, you may escalate to a Level 3 appeal if you feel there was bias in my decision-making.​
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