[USA] James Baker IA Ambassador Application

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James "Baker" | "Pilgrim"

Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512146164
Discord name: rixus#0001
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 3-5 months
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Spain but I am fluent in English and from the UK
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): James "Baker", Oliver "The Medic" Johnson
Civilian name: James Baker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 LCPL [Holding]
CI Beta [Held]
CI Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
No kicks/bans/warnings
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Mostly because I want to enjoy this experience and fulfill my dream of being it, I feel, that if I become this I can bring a lot of leadership such as good communication, accountability, integrity, honesty, creativity, innovation, inspiring others, etc, helpful, kind, teamworking, hardworking, I work well with others, I have plans, I want to build a career within this experience/job, I know what to do as being apart of the Site Affairs Category and the responsibilities it upholds, problem-solving, decision-making capabilities, negotiation. Persuasion, perseverance, motivation, and elegance when I first saw this it came to my interest straight away. I thought for once in my life I could be this I thought to myself. I also want to also become a moderator on CG SCP: RP server because I think that I will be a good addition to the team, thanks to my previous experience as Internal Affairs Ambassador on other servers. I joined CG approximately a few months and during that time I got to experience the server and how things work around here.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
Well, my maturity to start with. As I've played this game for over 120 days I've matured over the years a lot. I still like to have fun and keep things light-hearted but I'm way more serious now compared to when I first started playing good. I've gone through the CoE and CoC numerous times to keep myself up to date. I really like this server because it's a breath of fresh air for me as it's a new concept and it has seen a lot of development to make it unique from the rest of the servers.
I have quite a lot of experience as an IA Ambassador, seeing as I've held numerous high-ranking positions within different foundations over the years on different servers and that has given me a lot of knowledge on basic ethical codes and conduct.

I can offer Good communication, accountability, integrity, honesty, creativity, innovation, inspiring others, etc., helpful, kind, teamworking, hardworking, I work well with others, I have plans, and I want to build a career within this experience/job, problem-solving, decision-making capabilities, negotiation. Persuasion, perseverance, motivation, and elegance. One of the things that make me the best candidate is my leadership; I can establish order in any situation that requires it and delegate tasks in a clear and concise manner leading to a more orderly and efficient work environment. I am also strict with the people who I work with as I expect great things from them which in my opinion pushes them to complete tasks to the best of their ability which is what we need regularly, Furthermore, I possess an array of skills which all come with separate responsibilities and obstacles to deal with on a regular basis while dealing with people of different skill-sets.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written some documents for investigations, and most of my documents are research papers. In total, around 6-7 documents that I can remember. Good documents have a flow to them and are organized and not haphazard. The information inside is presented clearly and concisely, leaving little room for doubt from the reader.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Manage the Internal Affairs agents and operatives, ensure they follow procedures and policies as outlined in the training, conduct investigations as approved, and be available to train and respond to issues that require CL4 input before proceeding.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Joined the Marine corps at 20, Got deployed out to Iraq at 21 during the late stages of the Iraq invasion. James Baker couldn't get enough of it so he did several tours to Afghanistan and Libya. After having made a name for himself as a young gunslinger within his unit he was approached by a MARSOC representative. James Baker jumped at the chance to join MARSOC cause he loved the idea of becoming a Marine Raider. After having served in MARSOC for a while doing several black ops raids to capture/kill high-value targets in the middle east he decided to leave MARSOC after his contract was finished. Due to James's impressive military record, he was able to become a CIA contractor, the jobs that he had to do were mostly protection jobs for CIA's assets. After a few years of being a contractor, James was approached by an old friend that was apparently killed in action, after catching up he offered James a job within something he's never seen before. The SCP foundation. James was persuaded by that old friend due to promises of excellent payment and also because James was very much intrigued due to the secrecy around the job. He worked his way up into the foundation as an Intelligence Agent, prospering through his assignments by utilizing all the skills he acquired during his time as a Marine (raider) and CIA contractor.


Active member
Aug 17, 2022
+ No warnings
+ Dedicated to the job
+ Good Lore
+ Mature

James "Baker" | "Pilgrim"

Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022

Advertisting appliactions.
Broke one of the main rules of the appliaction, cannot see someone who will break the appliaction rules to be a Ambassdor.

View attachment 3075

Just had a re read over the recruitment rules and didn't realize my apologies and sorry for disturbing you.
Once again very embarrassing for me to mistake that, please do not take this as a way I didn't care more than I didn't see the rule stated. I am aware of my mistake and it won't happen again
Have a wonderful day.
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Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
While it is a solid application I am going to have a -Support due to the fact of advertising

Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022


Good Day, Mr. Baker. After a review of your application and input from the Ambassador team, your application for Internal Affairs Ambassador has been denied. You are, of course, welcome to re-apply later on down the line. Thank you for your interest in the position.​

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