[USA] James "Mapper" A's Site Advisor Application

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Active member
May 30, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:170131538
Discord name: mapperguy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the start of May this year
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): SCP-5074 "Moe Kalashnikov", James "Mapper" A ,
Civilian name: Samuel Smitherins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher, Ethics Committee Assistant, CI-B, SCP-096 [All Current]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 2 total warnings for FailRP. My first warning was for accidentally doing the 079 glitch my first time switching to the SCP, and not understanding whether I was allowed to noclip around or not. My second warning was for dissolving an escaped D-class as a Thaumatologist. At the time of these warnings, I did not understand what I had done wrong, but after learning from the rules and future experience, I now fully understand and take responsibility for my previous actions.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
My main short term goal within the server was to expand the more RP oriented aspects of the server, to put it in broad terms. But, as I've really grown within the server and thought about how the site can be bettered, I have now expanded my goal to a more direct approach. This is to introduce new kinds of RP within many departments of the site in places they've never been before. I want to do this to give anybody the opportunity to really experience their character and the server as it truly should be. While this goal was my main motivation for applying for SA, I do also have other reasons as to why I'm doing so. To put these motivations into more simple terms, I enjoy the server a great deal, and I see a huge potential for internal growth. I feel very comfortable acting as a leadership role within the foundation, and I feel natural when helping or guiding others. I am committed to these leadership roles, and I see myself doing this for quite awhile.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I believe I am suited for the position of Site Advisor for many reasons. First of all, I understand the leadership structure of the server very well, and I am very familiar with acting as a non-combative leadership role, through both the research and ethics departments. As well as this, the influence I have had in these leadership roles has been great, as I am known to frequently work with both higher site leadership and the GM team to create unique RP that certain groups get to experience on a multi-weekly basis. Doing this as a Site Advisor would go much smoother, as I would be able to direct the RP as a member of Site Administration for the entire site, and I would be able to instigate roleplay scenarios with nearly any group/department in the entire server. I am also very proficient in the communication aspect of being SA, and I am confident in doing so. Going from the communication aspect, I am very friendly and approachable, which is vital for the SA role, as they are known to have a close connection with junior CL4 foundation personnel. Finally, I think it's very important to mention my dedication. I put a lot of time and effort into my endeavors on the server, and I see myself continuing to do so for a long time. I believe dedication may be the single most important trait a SA can have, as the role requires frequent in-game action and engagement, which I have proven to do on a daily basis.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Compared to the duties of junior CL4 members, Site Administration have much more overseeing based and generalized responsibilities. In fact, the role of a Site Advisor can be very closely compared to the role of an assistant to Site Command in multiple aspects. Both roles are constantly observing certain departments and their health, and have the job of brainstorming solutions to the internal and external issues of their assigned department. To adhere to their responsibilities, Site Advisors must be prepared for many aspects of the job that include frequent Communication, Collaborating, departmental leadership overseeing, departmental leadership guidance, feedback reception, and policy creation. Communication involves speaking to department directors about pressing issues, and staying up to date with SA matters. Collaboration includes working with fellow SA to solve sitewide issues, and being open to work with any junior CL4 (specifically ones in your department) on internal matters. Overseeing the leadership of a department includes taking necessary forced action when leadership is failing in their duties, and investigating the status of a department's health from many perspectives. Guiding leadership is extremely vital to a department's health, as it is SA's job to ensure the Department Director is maintaining their department and understands how to uphold their role. Receiving feedback plays into two aspects, direct SA feedback and feedback towards the department you oversee. It's very important to be open to these suggestions and make decisions based on general feedback, as remembering those you're affecting when making changes is vital. SA must keep all this in mind while making additions to the server, as it involves every aspect of being a Site Advisor that I described, and is part of what keeps the server interesting and healthy. Lastly, acting as a role model to others is very general, yet one of the main responsibilities of all SA. Acting as a role model passively directs those learning about the server in a positive direction that will benefit RP and the servers environment in the future.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Here is my currently developed lore for James "Mapper" A, as time goes on and server RP occurs, the lore will expand. As well, here is my lore for Assistant SCP-5074 "Moe Kalashnikov"

Max "Arcturus" Shephard

Active member
May 18, 2023
+Major Support

I've seen Mapper's career start from an inspiring Junior Researcher to Executive, and now Ethics Assistants. His 914 cross test series was amazing to partake in, and assist him with his tests when I was present. This is one of the people I hope in the Site Director Position to help influence great RP.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: James "Mapper" A.
Application Verdict


Greetings "Mapper,"

This message is to inform you that your application for the position of Site Advisor has been placed on hold for a week, since all SA slots are currently full. Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for this position; if after a week all SA slots are still full, your application will be denied.

If you would like to discuss manners further, or have questions regarding the status of your application, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: James "Mapper" A
Application Verdict


Greetings "Mapper,"

This message is to inform you that your application for the role of Site Advisor has been accepted. Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for this position; we shall be in contact with you soon.

Welcome to your new role.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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