[USA] Jason Baker Medical Consultant Application

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Jun 12, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44311020

Discord name:Sanderp (In server as MTF Nu-7 PVT Jason Baker)

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started around April/May, however I have almost 4 full days of playtime on the server (3 days, 21 hours and 30 minutes at time of this writing.)

Age: 25 (05/05/1998)

In what country are you located?:United States

Time zone:EST

Character name(s):Jason Baker
Civilian name: David Zlatko

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7, and I have licenses (and permission) for Riot Control and Heavy Weapons
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:N/A
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I am applying for medical consultant because I greatly enjoy the medical roleplay and roles in the server and I wish to both get involved with AND contribute to the medical staff. I also wish to help people in any way I can, both as a medical character and as a teacher, showing new players the ropes of all things basic and advanced when it comes to the servers medical gameplay. I also wish to show new players of medical how fun it can truly be to both roleplay and play in general as a doctor, combat medic or psychiatrist.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?

What makes me suitable for Medical Consultant is my utter dedication to support and medical on the SCP-RP server. Support is my highest class out of all five potential leveling skills. And when I was able to join the medical team, I spent the entire day leveling and learning to get my license on the same day. (Meow Pavlov can attest to this.) I also really love to roleplay, and have several years worth of experience in this, especially in medical related roleplay in games like Space Station 13, or Arma 3. I also believe that with my experience in both roleplay and medical gameplay, that I am really suited for helping people in the way a medical consultant could do so with mentorship, advice, and general leadership and a friendly, patient attitude.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
I'll do a classic and common one: Electroshock Therapy (EST).

When a patient demonstrates and shows a need for electroshock therapy via infection of a cognitohazard or other entities, one should:

1. Bring the patient to the treatment center and instruct them to stand behind the line towards the wall
2. Ask the patient which SCP they were affected by and/or which symptoms they are experiencing.
3. Ask the patient if they consent to EST, if they say yes, you are free to continue to step 4.
4. Ask the patient whether or not they have been revived/defibrillated in their "current life", if they have been, you must not continue (refer to 4a.), If they have not, go to step 5.
4a. If they desire so, you can ask ethics permission for an "ethical termination", so that the patient does not have to suffer the trauma of a cognitohazard.
5. Ask the patient to face the wall, so the EST does not further traumatize them, remind them to "not go into the light"
6. Pick up a harpoon, aim at the head and throw the harpoon. After the patient is down, quickly pick up the harpoon and begin to use your defibrillator.
7. Once the patient is up, proceed to use your FAK (First Aid Kit) to bring them back to full health, after which you are free to discharge the patient or hand them off to Gensec in the case of D-Class.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

The Medical Consultant is responsible for overseeing and directing the operations of the medical team unless overruled by a department director or anyone of clearance 5. They have a responsibility to train, mentor and guide the trainees and lower levels of the medbay and ensure that they learn how to do their duties both safely and ethically. They also can help site staff in general with their extensive knowledge of medicine in situations outside of the medbay.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jason Baker is a former US Navy Corpsman and Correctional Facility doctor who was scouted to the SCP Foundation due to his background in both military and medical. Once hired, he had made himself at home in Site 65's medical bay as a member of the combat medical crew and a private in Nu-7, assisting Gensec in particular due to his prior history in police/prison settings. As he grows older, weaker (and balder), and tired he wishes to continue his medical career, and pass on his knowledge to the younger blood, but also finally close a chapter in his book by lessening his time in combat. As such, he wishes to join the consultancy crew and hang up his medical armor and Nu-7 Helmet for good (or at least as much as he can, in this crazy anomalous world.)
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