[USA] John "Madanarch's" Inspector Application

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Jun 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:423948862
Discord name: seraphimrobotics
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3+ years
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Character name(s): Foundation: John "Madanarch"
GOC: "Seraphim"
CI: "Alpha" Maximus
Civilian name: Ellis McKenny

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF NU7 SGT (Held long ago)
MTF NU7 CPL (Held)
MTF E-11 CSG x2 (Held long ago)
CI Delta (Held)
CI Gamma (Holding)
GOC MAJ (Holding)
GOC SPC (Held long ago)
ISD Investigator (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Only active warnings was job abuse when I meant to flag up to 8837 I accidentally flagged to 860, there wasn't enough evidence to prove my side so I got warned.
The FailRP warning was from me info breaching as mayor, this was before the mayor and GOC thing we have now I think.

Ok so the DDOS threats one I dont remember very well but what I do remember is trying to log onto the server and seeing the ban message so my guess is someone changed their name to mine, seems far fetched? I got proof. As you can see further in my warnings list theres 2 labeled "Dreemurr" thats because someone changed their name to Duke Dreemurr when I was on 035. They had gotten warned and instead of warning the steam id they instead did "!warn Duke Dreemurr" then the reason, this was later to be found out to be the wrong person they warned and never removed my warns. Back then id change my name to "SCP-035 "Possessive Mask" for more RP feeling, this guy changed their name to mine when I did and proceeded to say the N word to someone and I got banned for it, this person also got me blacklisted from E-11 and it wouldn't be till 2 months later when I asked the E-11 CO of E-11 why I was blacklisted he said and I quote "Someone changed their name to yours, I know because they put down the real person's steam ID." I was then unblacklisted. This also explains the N word warning which I had made a appeal since I was randomly banned on the UK server when this supposedly happened on the US server. As for the other warnings I don't remember them very well, all I can say for those is I probably deserved them since I was a bit of a minge when I was younger. I never bothered appealing any of those because the staff who warned me for the major warns have all transitioned out of the staff team so I couldn't appeal anything without evidence which is now long gone. All of these warns are years ago, as you can see I don't get warned very often.

The inappropriate conduct was a RP action that I did for torture whilst on CI, I had been ordered by a BCOM to do it after I had suggested it and said Id stop. To be more specific, I asked if we should do the torture method I suggested and was ordered to do it by BCOM. I got banned and appealed it to who I was told to appeal it to via DMs, providing the clip showing I was ordered to do it by my higher up. The person I appealed it to never responded, never replied, and I don't think they ever saw it. I still have the DM screenshots to prove I did try to get it appealed however.
All my other warnings are from a while ago, listed below.
warnings 1.PNGwarnings2.PNGwarnings3.PNGwarnings4.PNG
Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
- I have been doing a whole lot of ISD activity on investigator, usually at night since that's when I'm on the most, I was talking to a Commissioner about something when they suggested I applied for Inspector. I am on my 15th day but have been an ISD from back when ISD was first made a test requirement. Back then I was never logged so I was never on the roster sadly it seems, I decided about a month ago or so to start focusing on ISD more seeing as I had enjoyed playing ISD and never once have I minged on ISD, I can say that for a fact. Getting Inspector will allow me to climb up the ranks slowly but surely seeing as GOC is fun for combat along with CI but ISD has more RP and preventing problematic people from ruining RP/being unethical.

Another reason for me wanting to apply for ISD Inspector is so that I can conduct trainings, hopefully host some lectures on overlooked CoC and CoE policies, along with helping with investigations. I already have plenty of activity within ISD so I can be really active as a Inspector.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
-I'm extremely active on ISD.
-I know almost all of the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and Departmental Policies of almost every department that is public. (So not A-1/O-1/ECM/SA ETC.)
-I am always available and whenever I need to deafen I always say "poke me if you need me" incase any agents/operatives/ETC. need me for something.
-I have been able to clip 90% of the arrests I made, the other 10% is arrests ordered by CL4 personnel.
-I always have a reason for when I do things as proved in my investigator test.
-I can also provide plenty of time to specifically ISD as well as aiding new ISD recruits on how to properly do things within foundation like arrests, arrest reports, policies on what to arrest them for, and knowledge of what I am and am not allowed to do.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
- Someone who is always available or available 90% of the time when on ISD Inspector, someone who can always be just a poke from TS away from interaction, someone who knows the ISD handbook and CoC/CoE very well, and someone who is willing to put time into training new recruits such as agents/operatives if they need help. Not only that, someone who is available to help investigators if they have trouble on something.
How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:

- On ISD I had written documents on Major arrests such as ECM ordering me to arrest a tech expert, people committing treason, or generally arrests that are warranted for 15 min arrest, such as arresting technicians for attempting to start a riot against the foundation which I have bodycam of to prove my involvement.

As for on research I have written many cross tests and regular tests including but not limited to.
SCP-008-2/SCP-082 cross test. (yet to be conducted due to complications during testing)
SCP-076/SCP-9000-A-3 test (Scipnet was wiped)
SCP-049/SCP-7722 Cross test (Scipnet was wiped)
SCP-008-2/Class-F to see if it would be able to override the 008 brain effects. (I think this might still be in scipnet under cl5 seeing as an O5 had given me a cl5 to submit it. It might have been wiped during the mass Scipnet wipe.)
Already currently in the process of SCP-082/TG-A cross test.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
- ISD Inspectors are tasked with handling higher level investigations such as ones on cl4 matters. Not only that they are able to host summary tribunals which can be either Civil or Criminal. They are also tasked with giving tests to the operatives/agents of ISD and grading it to allow them to be apart of ISD, they can give the BAR exam but cannot grade it. During summary tribunals they act as judge and do not require a jury for said tribunal as its a low level tribunal not requiring one.

ISD Inspectors have the responsibility to take any complains against ISD and forward it to the respecting commissioner as well as making sure ISD staff are remaining professional at all times and not engaging in unacceptable behavior. As an ISD you're also able to host lectures and trainings to keep activity up and moral higher as well as to inform new ISD agents/operatives of things to look out for. ISD Inspectors are expected to be a example of what to do and how to act within ISD as well as assigning ISD staff to certain activities such as sweeps, patrols, ID checkpoints for things like code 1s, code 2s, or general ID checkpoints.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
- I have shown to be available almost always, have shown constant activity, and have been a member of the ISD community for a bit. I make good and detailed documents and almost always have evidence to back up my claims such as clips, screenshots, and reasoning behind my actions. I am always in the TeamSpeak whenever I flag up to ISD even before becoming a investigator. Not only that I am extremely well versed in CoC and CoE along with Departmental Policies making me able to help with any arrests that new operatives/agents/anyone who is unsure might need help with. My activity is my strongest point as I have shown to be active for hours on end and shown to have bodycam of every arrest I make. I always try to listen to both sides and pieces of evidence before making decisions and try to hear the reasoning. Whenever ISD is called somewhere I almost always say that I am E/R (in route) to assist unless I am busy at the moment.

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:

John "Madanarch" has been a MTF Nu7 and an E-11 prior to their study into the ISD division. Before coming to the foundation they were an attorney who got picked up by the foundation after winning a court case involving a undercover DEA agent being sued by the mayor of pinewood for defamation, identity theft, and vandalism. During his time as NU7 and E-11 he had witnessed multiple unethical behaviors and actions which made him grow a distaste for combat. After leaving NU7 Madanarch decided to join the ISD division to crack down on those not abiding by ethics, departmental policies, and the CoC. They have extensive knowledge in the departmental policies and Ethics guidelines as being an attorney they have always been taught to read the fine print and read everything provided to them to have a strong case to defend actions.

Madanarch first started studying their law degree after a seeing countless criminals walk free due to corrupt members of the court system and the untrustworthiness of attorneys. Raised in Florida Madanarch had seen many crimes committed and decided to pursue their law degree at the age of 12. At the age of 18 they were deployed to the Military governing military experience on the way as they were in the military for roughly 5 years before returning home. By the age of 30 they had graduated with their Masters Of Law degree and were later picked up by foundation after moving to pinewood for what they say is a "quiet life."

The SCP Foundation's first interaction with John "Madanarch" Valendez was in a civil court case within pinewood with DEA disguised agent ordered to keep tabs on the Chaos Insurgencies' movements and activities. During this court case John "Madanarch" Valendez had pointed out multiple activities the CI had committed in the past such as kidnapping civilians, shooting anyone who sided with the Foundation, and threatening the DEA civilian for speaking their mind. In the end the case was thrown out and the Agent reported their findings to the foundation.

Upon interview by the SCP Foundation they were asked about their military history in which they stated they had been deployed Military Police Corps Regiment FM 3-39, primarily crowd control. They seemed like a fitting spot within the General Security, soon earning their licenses and later joining Epsillon-11, after some time they resigned from E-11 and had joined NU-7. An even shorter time later they resigned from that finally perusing Internal Security where they currently reside as an Investigator.

Full Name: John Valendez
Codename: "Madanarch"
Age: 30
Current Foundation Occupation: Internal Security Department Investigator
Last edited:
Jun 2, 2024
Don't get me wrong Seraphim, I don't think you are as bad as some of the folks I've seen, but I can tell you hate Foundation. You've been very aggressive towards me before and it has left a bitter taste since. I do not trust you in a CL 4 position in ISD, you've also for very little reason ran into D-Block as 912 without orders to just sit amongst the D-Class. I just don't think the Foundation is for you, if you're bored of GOC I suggest CI


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Call me devil's advocate, but, having worked alongside Seraphim, I think he would do good. Plus, he's had no recorded/reported issues while he was Agent/Investigator.
+GOC :sneaky:


New Member
Mar 2, 2025
- Support. A lot of frp and metagame warnings and being toxic. Dosen't fit to be an inspector unless he changes his behaviour.
Jun 3, 2022
Could you please explain (or re-explain) the following warnings?
- Wed DECEMBER 18th 2024 : FailRP
- Thu FEBRUARY 6th 2025 : Job Abuse
Failrp: Info breaching as mayor before the whole GOC and Mayor thing was made and the rules of civis info breaching was rather loose.

Job abuse: I accidentally swapped onto 860 when I meant to swap onto 8837, because I didnt have the evidence to prove otherwise I was warned. During that time MTF was in 860 and I had killed them.
Jun 3, 2022
Don't get me wrong Seraphim, I don't think you are as bad as some of the folks I've seen, but I can tell you hate Foundation. You've been very aggressive towards me before and it has left a bitter taste since. I do not trust you in a CL 4 position in ISD, you've also for very little reason ran into D-Block as 912 without orders to just sit amongst the D-Class. I just don't think the Foundation is for you, if you're bored of GOC I suggest CI
That 912 incident I was watching waiting for D-Class to pull out contraband. I cannot cuff, metal cuff, or attack D-Class that do not have contraband out or that are attacking. Not only that I was told to go find the TB so I was watching for a TB. Later I would call out the TB numbers as a result and theyd be terminated whilst holding a Auger Minigun.
Oct 26, 2022
-support has more warns than Uganda's gross GDP worth in US Dollars, and has demonstrated a considerable hate for the foundation faction through both their in-character actions and out of character complaints, your efforts would be better placed elsewhere for the time being, I want to see you succeed, but this isn't the place for you as of this moment


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 9, 2024
Application Denied

A discussion and vote within our Department Leadership team has been held. The conclusion was to deny your application for Inspector at this time. If you would like further information, reach out.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.
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