[USA] Johnathan Macson/Doggo Captain Application

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Resistance Doggo#8278

Active member
May 6, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:93262339
Discord name: Resistance Doggo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4ish Month's of being active on the server with atleast 100+ hours of playtime
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Johnathan Macson, Johnny "Dentist" Mikeson
Civilian name: Johnny J. Johnson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-G (Holding)
E-11 CPL [Holding]
Nu-7 CPL [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received only one warning for FailRP for running past some one issuing orders with a gun
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I want to be a Security Captain in GenSec because firstly, I want to help increase the presence and guiding force that Captain brings and I've seen a lack of Captains on during certain hours, and I believe I could help change that by being apart of the Captain team and being active during those hours, another reason why I want to be a Captain is because I want to help teach and guide new cadets so that they can understand the basics of the server and gensec, plus how the server operates and the many features they will interact with during their time on the server. My final reason why I want to be a GenSec Captain is because I really like playing as GSD when there's nothing going on the server so I want to help others by creating more RP in D-Block as Captain. Overall I want to be a GenSec Captain because, firstly I want to make Captains more present in hours with less activity usually, secondly I want to help new cadets or people who don't understand the game well to be able to develop within Gensec and understand all the rules and concepts within the Department and site as a whole.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I believe I am a very suitable Security Captain because firstly I've been apart of the Department and the community for months now and I believe that will help me because a very important responsibility of Captain is teaching newer Cadets and having that experience would be very important because of that responsibility, another reason I am suited for being a Security Captain is because I've been in a NCO position for multiple MTF units such as Nu-7 and E-11, alongside that I am a NCO on CI and AXO-III which makes me believe I am very qualified for this leadership position within Gensec. My final reason for why I believe I am qualified to become a Security Captain is because my activity which I believe would be vital for a position like this and I can deliver on this promise and lead during the late and early hours of the morning which sometimes I've seen almost no captains for hours on time. Overall I believe I am suited for Security Captain, because of my experience within the server and the amount of time and knowledge I have with the server, my second reason why I am qualified to become Security captain is because of my diverse experience and leadership position within the server, and finally I would be well suited for Security Captain because I can be extremely active, especially in hours that don’t receive as much love as others.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of Security Captains most correlate to D-Block and security of LCZ, one of their most important responsibilities is organizing and maintain Gensec within D-Block and reviewing the status of D-Block such as the amount of weapons and numbers of D-Class to the ratio of Security, and finally organizing sweeps and executing said sweeps which I believe is the most visible actions that Security Captains take, another responsibility they have within their purview is disciplining General Security Department members for Legal codex violations and Ethics violations. Another responsibility they have is within LCZ and guarding 914 and they can do this by organizing RRT and stationing them within these areas and incentivizing these behaviors by checking on them and crediting them. Their final responsibility is doing tryouts for HWL and RRT license.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

<:: Accessing File ::>

<:: File Accessed, Johnathan Macson Service Record ::>

Name: Johnathan Macson

Rank: General Security Department Sergeant

Qualifications and positions: AXO-III and Riot Response Team

Service Report:

Johnathan Macson has been a crucial Security Team member of Site-██ and has participated in multiple sweeps within his tenure on the site and has shown excellent leadership and combat prowess within the General Security Department, multiple Sergeants and Captains advised his promotion but due to the lack of slots being available on the site at the time he put in a request to transfer to Site-65 General Security Department in the hopes of becoming a Captain at the site, since his transfer at the site he has become a valuable sergeant for the site and has, at multiple times gone above and beyond to help secure D-Block and maintain security.

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