[USA] Johnson "FireFight" McQueen's ECM Application

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Active member
Jun 28, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33328184
Discord name: Justin328
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Months, with 4-5 Hours a day or more 7 days a week
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Johnson "FireFight" McQueen
Civilian name: Larry Bobby
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- IA Ambassador (Holding)
- Ethics Assistant (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Warning for Mixing
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for Ethics Committee Member because I have dedicated most of my time in the foundation working to better the foundation and uphold the legal codex and the code of ethics, I have spent countless hours as an IA Ambassador and ECA studying how to keep the foundation secure, fine tuning of documents and I'm ready to make a change and be able to lead the charge on issues that spike my interest. Being elected as an ECM comes with greater responsibilities as a CL5 personnel, allowing me to make a change in how the research department conducts tests, and keep General Security ethical with the D-Class.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- During my time as an IA Ambassador I've worked side by side of multiple DoIA, as well as leading agents to properly uphold the Code of Ethics to a higher tier.
- My willingness to mentor and provide critical advise to other members of foundation personnel shows strong communication and public relation skills would be of great value to the Committee as a whole. My supportive attitude will allow the other members of the committee to come to me for assistance in any situation, and more importantly my integrity which allows me to best represent the foundation and provide the quick and un-biased judgement to any questions that may arise, my ability for decision making at stressful times while keeping a calm and collected composure to assist when in need.
- During my time as an IA Ambassador I've been able to setup a repour with multiple different departments and this continued when I was honored to get the position of ECA.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee are to firstly ensure that activities are being conducted in the most ethical way possible, whether this be as basic as making sure researchers brief D-Class before their tests, or treating Captives in a humane way to ensure their safe return. Next are the smaller issues such as approving tests, approving or assigning investigations to Internal Affairs, assigning tasks to the ECAs, and keeping the CoE up-to-date with current site culture as deemed necessary. ECMs also have the responsibility to authorize KOS past the D-Block airlock, D-Block sweeps if needed and authorizing AA for SCP Breaches, code blacks and finally if all else fails, the Alpha Warhead to keep the foundation and its personnel, secret, safe, and secure.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-Update the Code of Ethics and legal codex as needed.
-The Ethics Committee holds weekly meetings about new applicants and accepts/denies them for the following positions:

Internal Affairs Department Director
Ethics Committee Assistant
Ethics Committee Member
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Johnson McQueen, Born and Raised in New York City, Grew up to be an officer with the NYPD worked on the job for 25 years doing a number of operations with them from desk duty all the way to escorting the presidents over the years and finally retiring as the assistant to the Police chief. Johnson McQueen was ready for a change he loved the secrets the government entities held from the public and that's when he knew he wanted in but didn't want a lot of action, so after asking around for months he finally met someone who knew about how to get a job working in a secret location working with Top Secret information and personnel, But he never knew what he would get himself into. After applying he got the interview working as Maintenance Personnel, he loved his job but he wanted more responsibilities so he transferred to GENSEC as a Cadet and kept working his way day to day, then he saw men dressed up in a nice shirt, tie, some in suits, that is when Johnson knew he wanted to work with them, once again he transfers to Internal Affairs as an agent just barely knowing what to do. He met Ambassador Murphy "vad" while waiting to take the test, Murphy gave him everything he needed to know how to do his job properly and after passing the test he took off to be the best agent he could possibly be. Shortly after McQueen was promoted to an IA Ambassador where he took over the External Liaison position, and working closely with EC he has started to grow a passion to assure D-Class are treated Fairly and Ethically.

Since McQueen's appointment to ECA he has since worked tirelessly to ensure the Code of Ethics has been upheld by all departments paying close attention to Research, GENSEC, and E11 as well to Observe and teach incoming E11 of the protocol for documents and policy's in the rare chance a document misses Ethics they can stop the test before it even starts.


Active member
Jun 28, 2023
okay eca
no sr cl4
never in TS
I'm actually always in TS while I'm in the server, but as I have yet to be given the roles to join the channels, I've asked probably a dozen staff if they could. Never get an answer.
Jun 18, 2023
+ support

Good guy from what I have seen, always in a good mood and has two Cl4 positions that relate to the skills a ECM needs.

Would be nice if you strived for a Sr. Cl4 first like DOIA, but I figured that since you are nice and have ECA and Ambassador whilelist, would just give a plus support. :)

get your TS3 join perms please :D
Nov 20, 2022
in your walls
- Support

+ Great responses to the prompts but that's not very hard
- No Sr. Cl4
- No actual playtime listed
- Even when you claim to be on 4-5 hours a day I haven't seen you on and have had no interactions.
Maybe it's timezones maybe I just don't remember seeing you.
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65
Ethics over all.png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "Johnson's" Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are not yet suited to be an Ethics Member. Please get in contact with us for your reason for denial.
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