[USA] Jokers Ethics Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:

Snoop Dogg#8820

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

6 Months



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Darnell "Joker" Jackson

Civilian name:

Donovan Smith

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF A-1 Major
Gensec LT
B1 LT (Current)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have, but the reason was invalid and has since been proven incorrect.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

My experience, and knowledge of both what it does, and what it means to be an assistant. I have the core values needed to do great at Ethics Assistant, and I believe I have what it takes to do the job.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

Ethics assistants, help with paperwork, enforcing the code of ethics, and detailing minutes for Ethics Members in both meetings, and everyday life if needed. Ethics Assistants are one of the pillars that contribute success to the Ethics Committee.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

It all started in 2001 when the world trade center was hit by the two planes. Darnell was currently going through BUD/s to fulfill his life long dream of becoming a Navy Seal. When 9/11 happened, it was a way to motivate himself to do better, and achieve his goal with much more passion. After he finished BUD/s and was a navy seal, he went on his first deployment, which was to Afghanistan. Darnell racked up kills, and each time he killed a person, he tallied it up. Darnell finished his deployment and went back home. When back home, he came up with an idea, the idea was to tattoo his kills on his body. Darnell was deployed once again, and repeated the process, killing and tattooing. He learned that killing people was something he enjoyed, and something that he wanted to do more of. He was preparing for his third deployment, but was astonished by an email from his superior officer. It was an invitation to Green Team.

Darnell knew exactly what Green Team was, and imagined the movies of one of the most elite task forces in the world, DEVGRU or Seal Team Six. Darnell accepted the invitation, and began his rigorous training through ST6. It took roughly a year and a half before he was out of Green Team and he was awarded his duty station on Alpha Team as a point assault man. Though, he was not done with training quite yet. He still had to complete is Operator Qualification Course, that JSOC members are required to complete before being a full fledged member of DEVGRU. During his qualification course, they were given a mission with one of the detachments, and sent to Iraq to kill a high ranked Al Qaeda Member. The mission was both a failure and a success. Darnell witnessed the team lead get shot in the head. The mission was completed, and the body was brought back, and Darnell was ultimately rewarded with success in the qualifications course.

Darnell had many missions over the next few years, and eventually rose to the rank of Team Lead of Alpha. He led more and more missions becoming a seasoned veteran, until the Mission. The mission went as usual, slight to no intelligence on the objective, and what seems to be a standard case. They were HALO Dropped on a compound a hundred miles south of the closest point of civilization and told to terminate and investigate targets on site. While scouting the compound, command went silent. Darnell was confused, as this never happened. Never the less, Darnell was issued a mission and this was to be completed. Per the command, this mission was to be executed no matter the circumstances.

As he an his team descended the hillside towards the compound, they heard gun fire, yet it wasn't at them. It sounded like it was inside the compound. They waited and held there position until the gun fire died down, and continued on mission towards the compound. Soon, what seemed to be people emerged from the compound and Darnell and his team PID'd as Iraqi Policemen. They shot the men immediately and proceeded to move quickly into the compound.

While moving through the underground of the compound, they noticed a scent of smoke, and the feel of heat. They proceeded through the compound and saw a glow of orange around the corner of the facility. Darnell sent his team through, and held the rear. The sound of screaming from the area of the fire was heard, and Darnell began to become worried. Noticing that his team was dead from the smell of burning flesh, Darnell heard audible footsteps coming from around the corner. Darnell thought to himself about what he was seeing, and cant believe what he is seeing. SCP-457 was walking towards Darnell, and Darnell began to shoot at the burning man.

Darnell did what anyone would do, he ran until he lost site of the burning man and rested to regain his breath. He heard footsteps coming down and looked up to see what it looked like a military squad pushing down the stairs. MTF Epsilon 9 was ordered to contain 457 as he was breached months earlier, but not findable. Darnell encountered the men, but was out of ammo so he was forced to surrender to them. He was bagged and dragged up the stairs to the squads of men securing the compound. He was astonished by the sheer will and grit of these men and was interested in who and what they were.

The Foundation deemed it fit to use Darnell, as his experience in combat and knowledge of combat was elite. He was made a GENSEC Officer and began the day to day grueling task of dealing with Death Row inmates from what he understood. He found it quiet odd that Researchers would come take the D-Class, until he hit the rank of sergeant and fully understood what was going on. It was a site testing on monsters from what he understood. Rumors swelled and he began to fall in to the trap of believing the rumors. As his year long anniversary came around, he noticed a man in black and white camo enter reception. The man had a mask, and a cigar through a hole in the mask. The man looked at darnell and smiled. Darnell was immediately interested and questioned the individual. The individual responded with, no more questions, I'll see you soon and walked out of D-Block.

Darnell continued his usual duties and went to sleep that night rugged and tired. The time was 3:40 AM, and Darnell woke up to an empty room, and surrounded by Alpha-1 members. The man with the cigar was at the door way, smiling Joker knew what this was. He was going to die. But it turns out they simply wanted him to tryout for there elite task force. He slowly got better and better and the muscle memory of all his years of training came back to him. Darnell was introduced into the unit and rose the ranks to the rank of Major after years of work.

At times, Darnell would feel uncomfortable with situations he was placed in, as it went against his morals as a human, so he finally made the decision to transfer task forces to Beta-1, and dealt with CI and GOC primarily. Darnell was made a SGT and led a small squad that enforced rules and regulations set by those higher then him within the foundation. Darnell was great at his job, and loved the nature of it. He was met by a man, in a suit. His name wasn't presented, but he was given the opportunity to become an Ethics Assistant on the side, to support the ethical nature of the foundation. Darnell was ecstatic and was finally given the opportunity to do good. He could finally use his name, and promote good, while there was so much evil to kill.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 26, 2021
Good guy that is professional and has the right skills to succeed.
Jul 23, 2022

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Ethics Commitee Assistant. We have reviewed your application and decided not to proceed with your application at this time. The reason we have chosen not to proceed with your application at this time is due to the fact that you are currently the subject to a tribunal and it would not be acceptable to bring you into the Committee given the incidents in relation to that.

Please feel free to reapply in two weeks.

In the name of the Ethics Committee

Dr John Canoon M.D
Chairman of the Ethics Committee​
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