[USA] KAP's Special Agent Application [2#]

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Active member
Apr 4, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526291114
Discord name: kap5643
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5days 2hours.
Age: 15.
In what country are you located?: Austria.
Time zone: GMT 2.
Character name(s): Victor "KAP" Tiggle [BTAC]
Civilian name: Kap Halter.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA.
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.
What are your total levels?: my current total level is 97. Combat 27, D-Class 33, Research 15, SCP 6, Support 16.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I held a whitelist for E11 SPC.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have, in the year 2023, for NLR, Metagame & RDM. all at once. recieved a ban for them. and now in 2024 for RDM. killed an infobreacher.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for? I have been a Senior Agent for about 1 Month and 20 Days.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- the main particular reason for why I am applying for Sp. Agent is to climb the DEA ranks, I like DEA and I also like the benefits of the Special Agent role, I like the community and people that play DEA actively and I was interested into re-applying for special agent for a while already but I have decided to wait for a good time, like now.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
- I belive what makes me suitiable for Special Agent are my skills in Combat PVP, lots of Leadership expirience on other servers for the past 4 years holding ranks that translate to this servers ranking system as Vice Commander and etc. [I got proof] and also have been doing around over 60 training excercises on all those servers [mostly PVP Combat/Hostage Rescue] & I like Roleplay. been playing RP servers for a while and I am dedicated to Roleplay as much on the job as a Special Agent.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have written around 10-12 documments. I did re-install my Garry's Mod not that long ago and sadly lost 90% of the documments. and what makes a documment good is : an Index Page, Information,Goal,Hypothesis,methodology,findings,conclusion and authorization & also lot's of words, lots of Detail so that it makes it easier for the reader of the Dcoumment to understand.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- well first be an example for future applicants [a.k.a dont be disrespectful,dont be a minge,dont be a dumbass]. operate on large/secret Operations [if in BORTAC], Keep the lower ranks of DEA in check like stopping them from breaking the law and teaching/showing them what a real good DEA Agent/Senior Agent should do and guide them to be better. giving MC&D Permits,authing GOC tests/Base tours, Grantings Vehicle Deployement's like Turrted Humvee Deployement request by a Senior Agents. and Special Agent also are meant to host Senior Agent tryouts for the new DEA Agents/Operatives to climb the ranks of DEA.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Victor was a SWAT officer in LA USA. he started at the academy at the age of 21 and joined at the age of 22. throughout the years he had served in the SWAT force he has attended multiple missions, has hosted lots of trainings and is specialized in Hostage Rescue. on his record he had 12 succesfull Hostage Rescue missions, countered 4 Bank Robberies and more outstanding missions, at the age of 31 at the rank of lieutenant, he was sent an invite to work for the Foundation in Site-65 in Canada. when we first joined he was assigned to the GENSEC branch and climbed up the ranks to Officer, then at the age of 34 he had decided to join the Department of External Affairs. after a long time he has reached the rank of "Senior Agent" and has decided to give it a try to climb up another rank in the Department called "Special Agent" as a Junior CL-4 in the Department.

Thank you for reading my 2nd application for Special Agent!!



Hello @KAP,

We thank you for your interest in moving up within the Department of External Affairs. After careful consideration, we believe you are ready for the promotion. As such, your application has been ACCEPTED. Please reach out to me directly via email (_.shark._) to receive your training before accessing your new equipment.

Congratulations Special Agent KAP.

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