(USA) Keagan's Director of Research Application!

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Jan 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80601481
Discord name: researcherkeagan
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 months
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Corgeon 'Keagan' Cornwall, 'Evil Keagan'
Civilian name: Christian S Short
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI Alpha [HELD]
Executive Researcher [Holding]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Stealing - drank a dudes chemicals to be funny, didn't know it was a rule at the time. Felt bad, gave him 80,000.
- Failrp - tried to help D-Class escape, real early in the mornin behavior.
Why are you applying for Director of Research?
- I am applying for this position because of my dedication to research. I am very passionate over research and love seeing it grow and change, I do not like when it becomes stagnant. I feel this is how research is right now, very stagnant and boring at times for inexperienced researchers. It feels like there is no incentive to be creative in research right now due to how time consuming it can be. I did take a 3-4 month hiatus from research for a while, just so I could sit back and rethink. Coming back I understand that I can indeed make a change. With my passion and love for RSD as a whole, I desperately want it in a good place and not in the odd stagnant place it's been in for quite awhile. CRB and BoE were a start to a change, while they worked one of them was falling apart. I feel getting more into experimentation, like I've mentioned in the past of 'Hosting' mass tests that would include newer researchers to get them introduced into the process. Now, writing is its own type of creative hold over newbies of research; as a lover of writing documents and a self appointed "Honored one" I'd say I write banger documents don't @ me. Newbies obviously don't write a lot, but if we add on to BoE like how "Clinical Tone" works on documentation it could greatly improve their own documents but satisfaction when doing experimentation. I'm not asking for the best writing in the world, just to make it sound like a scientist wrote it. I'd love to update the format as well, it's pretty good but it definitely could use some changes.
I've rambled on long enough let's get to the next section
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
- Effort, Dedication, and Responsibility. The effort I put in my artwork and documentation, I put into leading my fellow researchers and teaching them. My dedication to research, always being active, signing documents, grading them, disciplining bad eggs and banning them. The responsibility to lead events when they need me, or to lead a team in those events. I'm there when you need me most, when you need an assignment done with a fantastic document? That's me baby, I'm saying I always get the job done no matter what. That is how dedicated I am to research, and just how much I love this department. I will literally ruin my sleep schedule to get an assignment on an SCP event done, I have before and I'll do it again. My creative flame has always been for research, it's dwindled before but it's never burnt like this before. My loyalty will always be to the health and aspirations of this department, we Secure we Contain and we Protect.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
- To be the face of the department, you have to keep it as professional as possible. Ensuring your department is running just fine, with checkups and meetings with Executives. Relay everything to Site Command, making sure they have a connection to what's going on inside research. Making sure guides of writing documents and doing experiments are updated and not outdated. Accepting new executives into research to spice up research, and getting rid of inactive ones. Assigning assignments to Executives from Site Command, and making sure those go off smoothly. Making sure Research follows Foundation Policies along with Ethic's policies, ensuring they don't break protocol. Basically directing Research to meet Foundations expectations, professionalism, and standards.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

...Initializing Personnel Report File.
Personnel File: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Biographical Data:

  • Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
  • Date of Birth: ██/██/██
  • Place of Birth: ███, █████
  • Education: [N/A] Did not attend higher education than grade 12.
  • Previous Positions: Junior Researcher, Site-9; Researcher, Site-19; Senior-Lead Researcher, Site-45; Project-SCP-4221, Confined Area-4221
  • Current Position: Executive Researcher, Site-65.
Research Specializations:

  • Thaumaturgical Engineering
  • Quantum Research
  • SCP Instructional Systems Designer
--Initializing Relations Log, via RAISA Approval...--
Related to: (Sibling) Ethics Committee Cornelius Percival Cornwall, (Deceased Patriarch) Cohlton Bartholomew Cornwall [Previous Mobile Task Force Theta-90 "Angle Grinders") (Deceased Matriarch) Annie Darwitz Cornwall [Previous Head of Anomalous Materials]
-Initializing Personnel Past and Present Incident Reports-
Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Rank: Junior Researcher
Research Specializations:
- Research Information's Center [RIC]
- Euclid-Class Containment Software
At Site-09 at approximately 2:35 PM, SCP-280 breached containment during Corgeon's experiment. The experimentation the junior performed was angles of light and a multitude of different flashlights that they believed effected SCP-280. These included, Tactical flashlight, HID Flashlight, Candle lit Lantern, and a Acebeam X80-GT. During the candle lit lantern portion of the experiment, SCP-280 attempted to charge the Junior after they got too close to the entity. In an attempt to protect themselves, they proceeded to fall to the floor, accidentally activating the flood lights in the room. This caused SCP-280 to screech in presumed pain, this lasted for 10.23 seconds. Mobile Task Force Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters") contained the anomaly and secured the area. Junior Researcher Corgeon Keagan Cornwall was reprimanded for their inattention, and was given Safe-Class Duty for 3 months.
End of Incident Log.
- [Personnel estimated time on Site: 2 years and 3 months.]
- Related video log, not to incident.
- SCP-280 Further Experimentation
Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Rank: Researcher
Research Specializations:
- Research Information's Center [RIC]
- Keter-Class Containment Software
Location: Site-19, SCP-106's containment chamber located at Heavy Containment Omega Wing.
Incident Type: Containment Breach
Description of Incident: At 6:21 PM, Researcher Corgeon Keagan Cornwall was analyzing and observing SCP-106's containment chambers pressurization as per protocol. The researcher attempted to explain the extremely low humes within SCP-106's containment chamber, raising concerns. Site-19's Security Department agreed with these claims, and called the aid of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine Tailed Fox") for assistance. Epsilon-11 Sergeant "Kores" stated "Low humes aren't a big cause for alarm, we'll run a containment and entity checkup.". As a routine inspection was in progress, Site-19 momentarily lost central power causing complete containment failure to SCP-106, SCP-███, SCP-███, and SCP-███. A site-wide breach occurred, Site Administration initiated a site lockdown and all testing was to be halted. It is not entirely known what transpired in SCP-106's containment, from witness accounts from Researcher Keagan all they could remember is running in the dark. All Security and Mobile Task Force in SCP-106's containment were all deemed KIA. During the mass containment breach, Researcher Keagan claimed to come into contact with D-9341, via the Personnel Wing Entrance Zone.
- End of Incident Log.
-[Personnel estimated time on Site: 2 years and 1 month.]
- [No Current Video Log for SCP-106]
Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Rank: Lead Researcher
Research Specializations:
- Research Information's Center [RIC]
- Quantum Research
- Keter-Class Containment Software
Location: Site-45, Heavy Containment "TITAN" Wing.
Authorization: Research Supervisor Robert "Tomato" Peterson
Incident Type: Containment Breach
Description of Incident: With permission from their Supervisor, Lead Researcher Keagan and Senior Researcher 'Moncher' did a cross test with SCP-682 and SCP-███. As Security was securing SCP-682's Containment Area, Mobile Task Force Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") was securing samples of SCP-███. During preparations, a Security accidentally pressed the left switch of SCP-682's containment module; opening SCP-682's containment chamber. SCP-682 then breached its containment chamber, terminating all the Security, and Mobile Task Force personnel. The Lead and Senior researcher went for the elevator, nearly being caught by SCP-682; this caused major damage to elevator-682 systems. SCP-682 was immediately caught and contained by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine Tailed Fox"), and the area was secured. The two researchers were reprimanded and lectured. Supervisor Robert "Tomato" Peterson disciplined them with Keter-Duty for 5 months.
- End of Incident Log.
-[Personnel estimated time on Site: 8 years and 7 months.]
Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Rank: Project Lead
Research Specializations:
- Research Information's Center [RIC]
- Quantum Research
- SCP Instructional Systems Designer
Location: AREA-4221, Located at ██████, Toronto.
SCP File: SCP-4221
Incident Type: Accidental Anomaly Misuse
Incident Description: Project Lead Keagan attempted to sample SCP-4221-1 in an attempt to further understand its anatomy. This led to SCP-4221-1 having an extreme emotional reaction and shoving the Lead into a wall. Emergency Medical Staff was called in, the Project Lead was uninjured. They were not permitted to acquire more samples of SCP-4221-1 according to ████.
- End of Incident Log.
- [Personnel estimated time on Assignment: 4 months.]
Name: Corgeon Keagan Cornwall
Rank: Executive Researcher
Research Specializations:
- Thaumaturgical Engineering
- Quantum Research
- SCP Instructional Systems Designer
Location: Site-65, Heavy Containment Zone, SCP-7722's Containment Chamber
Incident Type: Containment Breach
Incident Description: Experimentation of SCP-7722 included a Vintage 13.5" 1990 Sylvania TV Television Model, with a copy of the 2005 film "Kingdom Of Heaven". This was to get a reaction out of SCP-7722, to understand its knowledge of its own origin via a fictional retelling. (2) D-Class personnel were dispatched within the containment chamber, both of Christian backgrounds. About 1 hour and 25 minutes into the film, SCP-7722 became extremely agitated and proceeded to terminate the (2) D-Class and breached containment. With the efforts of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine Tailed Fox") and Site-65's General Security Department, SCP-7722 was recontained successfully after a 2.5 hour period. Resulting in the death's of over ███ on site personnel. Due to the proper protocols not being initiated before experimentation, the Executive was reprimanded over this mistake.
- End of Incident Log.
[Input Received. Destroying personnel file . . . ]
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Major Support

He’s been with this department since I got my roots in it. He’s exceeded every expectation set for the Exec. Researcher team for professionalism and work ethic.

He’s more than qualified for this long awaited promotion. He knows this department better than nearly everyone else.
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Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
+support Would make an excellent Director and spent good time with me in LRT. Has been helping me with the BoE rebuild.
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Reactions: Keagan
Jun 8, 2024
+Support, come on guys I dont even need to explain just how well of a fit Keagen is for the role. Hes fun and serious at the same time and just the right amount of goof that you love to see in scp lore for directors fo research, Mega Support
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Active member
Jun 26, 2024
+Support I have known keagan since he was sr researcher and since that time keagan has always uphold what it means to be a good researcher he needs to become DoR
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Reactions: Keagan
Sep 14, 2024
+ Support

Keagan is one few dedicated Researchers in The Department of Research. His lore, experience, and works of art are beautiful; descriptive; and just, overall, awesome. He is the second-best Candidate for the Department of Research position.
Jun 4, 2023


Hello Executive @Keagan,

We've thoroughly your evaluated your contributions to the Department of Research at Site-65 and were thoroughly impressed. You have quite the record. Your contributions have impressed myself and my colleagues enough to warrant your elevation to Director of Research. We expect your contributions, dedication, and loyalty to the Foundation continue.

Congratulations, Director Keagan.


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