[USA] Kennedy Wilsons 2nd Site Advisor Application

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Well-known Member
Aug 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567910955

Discord name: lolnooblet

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 Months

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Kennedy Wilson, Hana 'Widowmaker'

Civilian name: Kennedy Hellcat

What server are you applying for?: USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Security Inspector | Held
Internal Security Commissioner | Holding

E-11 SPC | Held
Nu-7 SGT | Holding
CI-Delta | Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
The reason I would like to be Site Advisor is because I would like to play a larger role in creating a better a better dynamic within the facility interdepartmentally. A majority of my time is spent dealing with the Internal Security Department, making it so a majority of my time is spent making sure that site policies are upheld, which becomes difficult if one person's policies conflict anothers. If accepted into site admin one of my main goals will be to make sure that departmental leadership are all on the same page when creating documentation, policies, or other rules within their department as to not create confusion amongst the general population. As well as assisting in public relations with GOI such as GOC/MC&D, or even CI to work together against a common threat.
Another one of my goals would be the aid of the Research Department, researching on anomalies is the backbone of the facility and I would like to assist in creating more engaging and longer lasting roleplay for the Department, to hopefully create more interest in the Department. Some ways I planned to do this was by Introducing a system of long-term studies of SCP's that can be done by any member of Research, that would be preapproved with set outlines of what information is needed from the study as well as some general guidelines on what would be acceptable during said testing, another is implementing a workshop/training for new/inexperienced players to teach them how to develop their own experiments and analysis of anomalies.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe that I am suitable for Site Administration because of the following reasons:

Creating Roleplay: In my time on site I have had the pleasure of being able to facilitate and encourage role-play situations from my position in Internal Security such as Senior and Junior investigations, large and small scale tribunals, and facilitating the bar exam to clearence 3 personnel wishing to become involved in the foundations justice system. I have also done some smaller scale role-play situations within research with the assistance of Ex. Director of Research Gordon including a SCP-914 test where we created organic matter, a cow, from different food items which involved E-11, Research, and Medical.
Collaborative Leadership Skills: I have excellent communication skills and really enjoy working in a team, I've collaborated with my fellow commissioners Terry and Ikaros on a new arrest report format, as well as working with ISD Inspectors and my Dpt. Directors on creating new codes as well as a new ISD Agent/Operative test. These collaborations have allowed me to contribute to huge improvements within the Internal Security Department, while also making sure that all voices are heard.

Experience in Policy Development: As I was leadership in IA during the switch to ISD I spent a lot of time with the other members of the department discussing and creating new policies for the departmental update, and was soon appointed commissioner of training meaning I was in charge of creating and updating policies and documents for the Internal Security Department Agents/Operatives/Investigators.

Unwavering Commitment: In my time in the server I knew quickly what my goals were, once becoming a clearance 3 member of personnel I requested the bar exam and became a lawyer, soon after I tested into Internal Affairs and have stayed an active and consistently engaging member of the department, I would like to now dedicate myself to Site Administration so I can assist all departments equally instead of staying confined to the Internal Security Department.

An Understanding of Foundation Operations: Part of my job is to make sure that I am aware, and up to date, with all site policies for all departments to ensure they are being followed, giving me a complete understanding of what is to be happening within the facility. Between assisting in MTF operations and guiding inexperienced site staff I have a strong understanding of what is expected of others and myself.

Problem Solving Skills: A majority of the time issues being brought to me by non ISD personnel are on the second step of an escalation, giving me the experience of dealing with more complicated issues such as high ranking members of personnel committing violations of the FLC/CoC/CoE or small issues that are just uncommon so they go unaddressed in the FLC.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Authorizing Advanced Armory during breaches

- Authorizing KOS past airlock during riots
- Assisting struggling Departments in a time of need
- Working as a liaison with GOI
- Assisting in choosing Department Leaders and MTF Commanders
- Authorizing raids on GOI if necessary
- Signing D-Class work permits
- Creation of and encouraging RP situations
- Enforcing and following the FLC, CoC, & CoE
- Authorizing tests that require SA approval
- Authorizing GOI Assistance
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2024
+ Support
Is great at creating RP for their department and managing the internal workings of ISD. Would be great to see them move up.
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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Kennedy's Site Advisor Application


Hello Kennedy, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to contact any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Kennedy's Site Advisor Application


Hello Kennedy. First I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department, I am proud to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED. Congratulations on your promotion to Site-65's Administrative Department.
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