[USA] Kennedy Wilson's Ambassador Application

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Active member
Aug 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567910955
Discord name: lolnooblet
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 15.2 days
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Kennedy Wilson
Civilian name: Kennedy Wildaugh
What server are you applying for? SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for the Internal Affairs Ambassador position because I want to be a role model for the newer agents, someone to look to for advice, guidance, or anything else they may need. Additionally, I believe that over my course as an IA Agent, I have proven myself in my ability to defuse situations, have unbiased judgment, and ability to handle conflict. I would like to further my journey in internal affairs because I truly enjoy the roleplay perspective as well as the current team of ambassadors, agents, directors, and operatives, and would like to be able to be more involved in the branch to continue its already progressive growth and perhaps add more to it.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I believe I am a good fit for ambassador because of my experience as an agent, as well as my familiarity with the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and internal affairs handbook. Though being well-versed in departmental procedures is not everything it is also your attitude and I believe that I have shown that I am a friendly face within IA who advocates for education over tyranny, making sure to answer questions and anything else needed of me from foundation staff creating better relations between IA and other branches. Also, relations with the current team of ambassadors is important seeing as how we would all be working together closely, and I believe that I am currently in good standing with most if not all of the current ambassadors.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written around 6-10 documents total, only about 3-4 of those being under IA. I believe some things that make a document good are ensuring you use proper grammar, correct spelling, layout information clearly, and use the proper formatting.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Some responsibilities of an ambassador in RP are things such as training agents, acting as a judge in court, ensuring that agents and operatives are performing their duties correctly and within reason, carrying out investigations, gathering evidence for said investigations such as clips, documents, photos, and testimonies. As an ambassador, it is also important to regularly train/inform agents and operatives on procedures such as carrying out arrest warrants, carrying out high-profile arrests, and general combative and courtroom procedures.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Kennedy seldomly finds herself alone wandering the grey walls within the foundation, dragging her hands along the walls waiting to hear the loud speakers warning her of the next incoming disaster. She thinks back to the simple days of her training on the laws and ethics within the facility when everything was simple, there were rules to be followed and no room for error. Her radio which was often loud and abrasive, constantly having little messages buzzed through asking for locations, requesting assistance, and all similar things was abnormally quiet and she found herself alone with her thoughts, wandering the halls of what is meant to be one of the greatest kept secrets, a place of experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good. She doesn't believe most of the traditional things that the foundation does, thinking institution's the solution. Every time there was another containment breach, GOI raid, or even a test gone wrong she found herself angry, every unnecessary loss ruled as "For the greater good" or "A necessary evil" but where was the line? The monsters are they truly locked behind bulkheads and containment cells, or are they wearing suits and lab coats? As she kept walking through the nearly empty corridor, passing MTF and researchers with armed escorts every so often, she almost wished the loud speakers would say something, anything, to snap her out of her trance. Suddenly, as if on cue, her radio buzzed, "Kennedy, can you report to Interrogation? A senior researcher is here in custody..." the voice continued but she zoned out as she turned around and started making her way back to interrogation, her thoughts still protruding over her current task, there was always another mess to clean up, another incident. She picked up her radio, "Enroute", she said strapping it back to her waistband and continuing towards her destination.

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Dedicated to IA while playing on the server and still remains a very enjoyable person to be around including maturing so much since their time in medical. They'd make a great ambassador when taking into account their activity and dedication to their role.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? I remember when I first joined IA and whenever I occasionally hop on that job that you're quite friendly and very helpful especially when I struggled to actually arrest someone with the NPC due to the range of it in relation to the handcuffed individual. I've also seen firsthand how well you get along with your fellow IA both on discord and in-game plus I remember you telling me about being asked to apply so it seems like you've got good motives for becoming an ambassador.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I will say that as an executive I've been in intero with you on many occasions and naturally you are well versed in the code of ethics, code of conduct and legal codex as you say. Specifically I remember a situation when you vouched for someone and managed make me reconsider some offenses the individual committed. While later on they went on to do it again I remember telling you how it's good that you stick to the goodness and belief in people you hold as it makes you an overall better person. I also appreciate the "education over tyranny" as that's also a personnel motto of mine. Overall you're quite suitable for the role.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: While I haven't directly seen you're work I remember you talking about making your own template for your incident reports and for the most part those qualities do seem to fit well when considering the grading of a document.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: While I'm not the most familiarized with the responsibilities of ambassadors I will say that training, acting as judges and ensuring that agents are performing well are natural duties of an ambassador that I've seen first hand. Recognizing this gives credence to your suitability for this position.
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