[USA] Kennedy Wilson's Director of Internal Security Application

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Well-known Member
Aug 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567910955

Discord name: lolnooblet

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 Months

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Kennedy Wilson, Hana 'Widowmaker'

Civilian name: Kennedy Hellcat

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Security Inspector | Held
Internal Security Commissioner | Holding

E-11 SPC | Held
Nu-7 LCPL | Holding
CI-Delta | Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Security?
The reason I am applying for Department Director of Internal Security is because I would like to advance within the department, I really enjoy the roleplay within the department as well as the opportunity to have helped lead. I have grown within Internal Security and would like to take on larger tasks than I have now such as creating new policies in the handbook, rewriting some of the old ones, updating the test and guidelines for Agents/Operatives, and generally enhancing the communities engagement with ISD by encouraging more collaboration between departments to make it a more enjoyable place for everyone. My goal is not only to make it so Internal Security is better at meeting their goals but to make it a department where people are excited to participate and contribute to its progress.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Security?:
In my time in Internal Security (Formerly Internal Affairs) I believe I have showcased my leadership ability by:
My activity | I am currently one of the most active members of ISD leadership meaning I deal with a majority of small/minor incidents regarding ISD and a get lot of engagement with the clearance three of the department. When it comes to ISD personnel needing an escalation I have helped with many issues, typically with arresting clearance four members of personnel or when it comes to reporting issues with MTF A-1/O-1 or DEA Special Agent + to the proper people.
The ability to communicate | Being a member of a leadership team requires a ton of communication as there are many moving parts. I believe that currently as it stands, I actively communicate with the leadership team ensuring I keep them up to date with all changes made to training, policies, meeting notes, upcoming topics, and keeping up to date with tribunals.
My experience | I am currently the longest acting commissioner and at one point was the only one, I have experience in a senior position in my department and have dealt with all sorts of departmental issues from agents acting inappropriately to assisting in settling a departmental feud with General Security. The official title I hold in the department is 'Training and Doctrine Officer' meaning that a lot of what I do is focus on departmental issues, ensuring our training is up to date and effective, and that our new leadership are properly trained for their new duties as a clearance four member of Internal Security which gives me a concise understanding of what is expected from any member of personnel in my department.
Facilitating Roleplay | As a leader it is important to make sure that people in (and out) of your department are able to create roleplay scenarios without fear of out of roleplay punishments, especially in a department like Internal Security where you are entrusted to overview other departments. I am currently carrying out these roleplay situations currently by hosting tribunals, conducting interrogations, and participating in senior and junior operations to ensure that all situations get investigated and dealt with correctly. I think that arranging something with other department leaders about interdepartmental punishments that aren't job bans/extensive arrest times to things like stationing at reception, stopped from testing for a certain amount of time, or stationing at 914 for a period of time to for smaller infractions that don't warrant the arrest time on the legal codex would enhance the roleplay scenarios. I have hosted many summary tribunals for clearance three staff and below, I've assisted in investigations by gathering groups of operatives and agents to go undercover as a team to survey a group of people or a specific area like delta wing or the hallways around SCP-1162, and have helped teach people about the foundation justice system so they can prepare for the bar exam.
Collaboration | When you are part of a team it is important to get input/feedback on departmental issues instead of taking matters into your own hands. As leadership I collaborated with my fellow commissioners Terry and Ikaros on creating a new template for arrest reports. Also when attempting to change the way that we issue tryouts to Agents/Operatives I ensured to have a conversation with majority of leadership in a meeting to make sure that everyone was able to give feedback/help make changes to ensure that it is a simple process for everyone and that Agents are well trained once approved.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Security in RP?:
- Processing Inspector applications
- Appointing Commissioners
- Managing and Authorizing Senior Operations
- Approving Junior Operations
- Holding meetings for ISD leadership
- Attending Senior Leadership meetings
- Training new Inspectors
- Creating new policies/Updating outdated policies
- Upholding the FLC
- Assist in the organization of tribunals
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2024

-Longest Acting commissioner and possibly the only commissioner who meets reqs
-Is on ISD pretty much daily and has been seen to put effort into creating RP for ISD

Goodluck with DoIS​
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