[USA] Kevin "DJ" Slayer's O-5 Assistant App

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Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID:

- STEAM_0:0:5773372

Discord name:

- DragRune#9999

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

- 3,276,540 seconds


- 16 (17 this month)

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

- Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Civilian name:

- Willy Joseph

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

- Of Course

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Internal Affairs Ambassador [HOLDING]
- Internal Affairs Agent [HELD (I'm an ambassador now)]

- Intelligence Agent [HOLDING]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- None ever, never plan too either

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

(in character)
- I'm extremely familiar with the COE, COC, and the Legal Codex
- When/If an overseer requests me to complete a task and/or fulfill a quota I carry on that request and take the utmost care and consideration to be successful
- I'm a very trusted member on the site which could be useful in certain situations
- I have CL4 experience which ties into being a trusted member on site
- With my large amount of time on researcher and ambassador I've written quite a few Excellent grade documents which proves I can take detailed and informative notes on specific things for departmental reviews

(out of character)
- I'm extremely active which means I can be online to do the duties of an overseer assistant when others cannot due to work, school, or other life situations
- I know the server rules extremely well, and since I'm staff that pretty much supports that

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

(in character)
- To carry out orders given to me by the members of the O5 Council
- To report directly to the members of the O5 Council
- To give orders to MTF Alpha-1 operatives when no members of the O5 Council are online
- To write documents contantly based on what I have seen in each department that may need to be fixed/edited to meet criteria and then report directly to the O5 Council
- To inform the O5 Council of any groups of interest
- To deal with mass infobreaches/infohazards from getting loose

(out of character)
- To leave opinions on the forums regarding senior positions within the foundation

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After Kevin was officially promoted to an Overseer Assistant, he was filing paperwork in his office regarding his new position. The room was too quiet so he tuned into the General Security frequency. A conversation was heard between a cadet and his captain. The cadet asked, "so, Captain, what is O5? The Class-D personnel are discussing it." He responded with, "Why don't we discuss this topic in a more private area."

Moments later, the Captain reported to Kevin that there was an infohazard located in the D-Block.

Upon his arrival to the situation, Kevin greeted them with, "Captain, I am the Assistant to the Site Inspector. How can I assist you?"

The Captain responded with, "well, this cadet asked me what an O5 is, and he indicated that he heard this from some of the D-Class personnel within the D-Block area."

A slightly annoyed look flushed over Kevin's face at the news. "I see..." he responded. He took out his radio and switched it to the frequency which MTF A-1 used. "Gentlemen.." Kevin started into the radio, "We have a problem, D-Class Personnel knows the correct terminology regarding the Site Inspectors. How? Unsure. When did they learn the information? Hopefully within the hour. Please get on it."

Kevin turned his gaze back to the cadet and said, "Cadet, it is important that you cooperate with me. What all were you told about O5 by the D-Class personnel?"

"Well, Sir, the D-Class were screaming about how O5 is an evil organization, and I didn't know what that was so I asked my Captain."

"I see. Captain did you know any information regarding the infohazard prior to the cadet asking?"

"No, Sir."

"If you have no other information I can use, Captain, you are dismissed." The captain exits the room.

Kevin took out an Injection Gun and hit the cadet with a dose of Class-A Amnestics. Afterwards, he was sent back to the security sector to rest. As soon as the door closed, an A-1 operative came on the radio, "Sir, I believe we see the issue. The Class-D are yelling O5, and there is multiple of them doing so!"

"Assess the situation, I need to check camera logs." Kevin said, making his way to his office. He sat back down in his chair and booted up his computer.


"Load camera logs for camera 2D and show me what happened around 10 minutes ago" Kevin told the computer.


The screen buffered, then pulled up a video. The screen showed exactly what the A-1 operative had said. Kevin then got on his radio to contact a Site Inspector.

"Sir," Kevin started, "the D-Class are screaming O5, this is a serious issue. I feel that we need to gas the D-Block with Class-A."

"Thank you for the report, permission granted, notify the security captain prior."

"Will do sir."

Kevin got up from his desk and entered the electrical room. There he found the ventilation system. He remapped the duct to vent into the D-Block, then contacted the captain to evacuate all personnel from the D-Block. Once he got the "OK" a lockdown was initiated for D-Block so the door could not open. Then, he released the gas. After about 5 minutes he disabled the gas and vented the room. Another 5 minutes of venting later he gave the "OK" to the captain and disabled the lockdown.

Once all of this was completed, Kevin turned to leave the room and the Site Inspector was in front of him.

"I'm looking forward to working with you further. Overall, great job handling the situation, Assistant Kevin."


Well-known Member
Dec 11, 2022
+Major support
Knows the rules a little to well
Jul 19, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████ Assistant. After Careful deliberation, we see you fit for the position.
Please contact one of us to get set up.​
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