(USA) Kevin "DJ" Slayer's O5-5 "The Omniscient" Application

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Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
(OOC Information)

Discord name:
- DragRune#9999
For how long have you played on CG SCP? - 3,615,900 seconds (which is equal to just under 1000 hours)
Age: - 17 (birthday was on the 27th)
In what country are you located?: - USA
Time zone: - EST
Character name: - Kevin "DJ" Slayer (O5 Assistant)
Civilian name: - Willy Joseph
What server are you applying for? - SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: - Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- O5 Assistant (holding)
- Internal Affairs Ambassador (Held)
- Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)

- Intelligence Agent (Holding)
- CI-G (Holding)
- MTF O-1 SGT (Held) (Retired)
- MTF E-11 CPL (Held) (Transferred)
- SCP-096 (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - None

What O5 role are you applying for, and why?:
- I am applying for O5-5 with the ominous name of: "The Omniscient". The reason I am applying for the position of O5-5 is because I strive for greater things within the foundation rank hierarchy. I want the chance to prove my worth to others and show the site that I am a loyal and valuable member. I have been known by many people to be mature in situations that require it. It has always been a goal of mine to do great things for the site and I feel that the position of O5-5 will greatly assist me in this. Above all else though, there are issues I see not fixed within the site. I want to not only correct these problems

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- I'm extremely familiar with the COE, COC, and the Legal Codex (OOC note: I am retired staff so this proves I know server rules really well)
- If I am ever requested to complete a task I carry on that request and take the utmost care and consideration to be successful if it means doing good for the site
- I'm a very trusted member on the site which could be useful in certain situations
- I have loads of CL4 experience which ties into being a trusted member on site
- With my large amount of time on O5 Assistant and IA Ambassador I've written many Excellent grade documents which proves I can take detailed and informative notes on specific things for departmental reviews
- I am on every day for hours upon hours trying to make this site better in any way, shape, or form. Even if it comes down to just the tiny details, every bit counts

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- To give orders to MTF Alpha-1 whether it is to fetch someone for interrogation, patrolling, bodyguarding, or other basic orders
- To assign work to the Assistants that work under the O5
- To deal with mass infobreaches/infohazards from getting loose
- To look over submitted department reviews to see if there is a change within the department needing to take place
- To give guidance to personnel
- To oversee tests and other events that may occur within the site

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- To create RP scenarios for the site to participate in
- To decide on whether the person/people are a viable placement for the following roles:
Site Advisor
Site Director
Director of Research
Director of Medical
Chief of Security
Director of Intelligence
Director of Internal Affairs
Overseer Assistant
- To make decisions with fellow O5 members on large site changes in special council meetings

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Act 1

It starts off with a time when DJ was completing a review for the Department of Research. DJ took his keycard out, inserted it into the reader and stepped into his office. Once inside, he saw the other two assistants working on their computers. He didn't pay too much attention to them and went to his desk. He sat down in his chair, took out his clipboard and prepared to upload its' contents. He prepared for the upload by taking a picture of the clipboard's pages, using a paper copier and then submitted it to the SCIPNET. Once he knew that he had completed his work, he sat back and was glad that it was done.

Moments later he received a call from ██-1, asking DJ to meet outside of his office. Thoughts filled his head, worrying him as he approached ██-1, who had been awaiting his arrival. "Why does he need to speak with me?", "Is this about my review?", "Have I done something wrong?"

"You wish to speak with me, Sir?" DJ began.

"Why don't we talk inside my office?" he replied

DJ had never been inside the ██'s office before. This must be important.

As they entered the office, ██-1 offered him a seat. DJ looked around and noticed that they were the only two people there. ██-1 sat directly across from him.

██-1 - "The reason that I asked for you to join me here today, DJ, is to discuss your position. Myself and the other members have been reviewing your performance and discussed your role here at length. After careful consideration, we wish to offer you a new position. There's been an opening within the Council and we feel that you are the best candidate for this role. The position is for the ██-5 role."

DJ - "If I accept the offer, what will happen?"

██-1 - "If you accept this offer you will receive this rank immediately and will be designated as CL█ personnel."

DJ - "And, if I decline?"

██-1 - "If you reject the offer, you will be amnesticated and returned to your duties as an Assistant."

DJ - "Alright. I accept"

██-1 - "Excellent! You may head to your office now, and the paperwork will be on your desk."

"Thank you, sir! I look forward to doing great things for the site." DJ headed toward the door and ██-1 hollered out, "The other way!" DJ turned around, looking confused. ██-1 replied, "Your NEW office is on the right."

DJ entered his new office and saw the files on his desk. He also noticed a name plate on the front of it: "The Omniscient".

As he picked up his files, an access card fell onto the desk. It had a black lining on the edge and it read the same as the name plate.

He started on his paperwork, writing his name on multiple documents and then headed back to ██-1's office to turn it in.

Act 2 ( day 1 as ██ )

One morning that DJ awoke in his office he noticed it was quiet, too quiet. He stepped out of his office to see the other members of █████████ all at a meeting table. As soon as DJ made his presence known to the others, ██-1 stood up.

██-1 - "Gentlemen, as you may know we have a new -5 as our other one retired. It is my great honor to welcome 'The Omniscient' into the council."

DJ - "Thank you, I hope to be working more closely with all of you to make this site a better place."

DJ noticed an empty seat right in-between -4 and -6 and sat down in it.

██-1 - "Now that everyone is here we will begin. There is an assistant position open that needs filled as soon as possible. Luckily, there are already 3 applicants. You all but 1 know how this works, so I will explain it. A vote will be cast for each applicant. For the movement to be passed as accepted it must be at minimum of 4 yes : 3 no vote. For the movement to be passed as denied it must be at maximum a 3 yes : 4 no vote. Let's look at the first one."

DJ watched as -1 took out a briefcase, pulled out a file, and passed it to the middle of the table. -2 was the first to interact with the folder. He opened it up and spread some pictures on the table of a man in a lab coat with a CL4 access card on his chest.

DJ reached for a paper that contained some information regarding the man. His position was a Director for the Department of Research. He had not really interacted with the Director of Research. He may have bumped into him here or there but never really got to know him.

He had leadership skills and writes excellent documents, and him being a Director shows that. He may be a good fit, but if he is great in research maybe he should stay in research, DJ thought to himself as he passed the papers down the table.

The next paper he got was the document he wrote saying why he wants this position.

Damn, this is good work, DJ thought to himself.

██-1 - "Have we made a decision?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

██-1 - "Good, we will begin the voting. You all but 1 know how this works, so I will explain it. If you are choosing to Upvote, you will say 'I' aloud. If you decide to Downvote, you will stay silent. Let's begin. All in favor of promoting the Director of Research?"

DJ - "I"

5 I's could be heard including DJ's.

██-1 - "The decision is final and they will be assigned the rank by the end of the week. Next, we have a Security Captain."

-1 grabbed his briefcase and took out a second folder and passed it to the middle of the table. DJ reached for the file and opened it to see some pictures of a Captain, a document of interest, and their background. DJ took the pictures and spread them into the center of the table, while also passing the background down the table to -6 while keeping the form of interest to himself.

As DJ opened the folder he immediately noticed something was off. It looked a bit rushed in his opinion, almost like it was just a "screw it" document. He also read that he had only been in the position of a Security Captain for 1 week, which in DJ's opinion is not enough CL4 experience.

██-1 - "Has a decision been made regarding the Security Captain?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

██-1 - "All in favor of promoting the Security Captain to an assistant position?"

DJ remained silent as 3 other I's could be heard.

██-1 - "The decision is final and they will not be receiving the promotion. They will be notified within the next week of their denial. Our last applicant is an Intelligence Ambassador"

-1 grabbed his briefcase and took out a third folder and passed it to the middle of the table. -7 opened the document, spread some pictures out, and passed some files around the table. The first one DJ received was his backstory. DJ read into his backstory seeing how he used to work in a research lab and was offered a job in the foundation as a Researcher, but took a job as Intelligence. He climbed the ranks and became an Ambassador of the Department of Intelligence for his excellent work.

Like the last one, something seemed off. He immediately noticed it after being handed the interest form. The stuff that was written contained spelling mistakes, not many but a noticeable amount. If this guy is going to be writing documents weekly we need people who can write neatly and using proper grammar, DJ thought to himself.

██-1 - "Has a decision been made for the Intelligence Ambassador?"

Everyone had their votes long before they even saw the document, and nodded their heads.

██-1 - "All in favor of promoting the Ambassador to an Assistant position say I."

DJ stayed silent as 4 other I's are heard.

██-1 - "The decision is final and they will be assigned the rank by the end of the week. That is all we had, you are all dismissed."

-3 and -2 went to their offices, while -4, -6, -7, and -1 walked out of the meeting room reserved for members of █████████ only. DJ decided to enter his office. DJ - "First day, not too bad."

Act 3 ( Week 1 as ██ )

DJ noticed he was running low on amnestics while randomly checking through his cases so he decided to take a trip to Core Sector where the lab is located. He stepped out of his office and saw some A-1 talking in a corner, but didn't pay too much attention to it. He walked to the elevator to leave F3 and as he turned to hit the button he noticed approximately eight A-1 following him. Bodyguards, interesting, DJ thought to himself.

As he got off the elevator the commanding Sergeant of A-1 said "Where to, sir?" "Core, need to pick some stuff up." "Understood" the sergeant replied. He signaled for 2 operatives to scout ahead, and positioning 2 other operatives to get infront of DJ with the other 4 in the back. DJ was not even focused on the dangers of being CL█ Personnel with the bodyguards working to ensure his safety.

As DJ was walking to Core Sector he passed by the Personnel Wing bathrooms and heard a sound that could only be explained as a sheet of metal hitting the floor. 3 Operatives had the same concern and took their guns off safety. DJ stopped and motioned for someone to investigate.

Two walked in, their guns out infront. As they turned the corner a bullet went straight to their heads killing them instantly. At this point all 6 A-1 were on alert, 3 sitting at the bathroom and the other 3 getting DJ to a safe area. "CI RAID! I REPEAT CI RA..." DJ heard from his radio, just before a gunshot sound could be heard. As he was hurried into Core, a bullet flew next to him and barely missed him. The A-1 on his left and right fired a couple of shots while remaining close to him. Before the door closed DJ heard one of the CI yell, "That's a Site Inspector! Get them!"

DJ made a break for Core. He saw multiple Beta-1 Operatives, guns at the ready. He made it into Core Sector and went into the Department of Research to pick up some amnestics. As soon as he arrived he saw his personal dealer that went by the name of Jamal Loafers.

Jamal - "Good to see you again! Let me guess, same as last time?"

DJ only nodded his head.

Jamal - "Excellent. You're in luck because I already have some in storage that I was saving for you!"

DJ - "I assume the prices have not changed?"

Jamal - "Correct! 600ml is the same it always is."

DJ - "I see, let's do business then!"

Jamal went to his locker and took out a white case with an orange label on it that read "Class-A". At the same time Jamal did this DJ prepared for the transaction. As Jamal returns with the case, DJ transfers him the money and takes the case.

DJ - "Pleasure doing business with you!"

Jamal - "As always!"

As soon as DJ exited he noticed 2 A-1 positioned outside waiting for him to finish up.

DJ - "What happened with the CI?"

A-1 #1 - "Terminated, Sir."

DJ - "Good, what's the status of D-Block?"

A-1 #2 - "Well it isn't as chaotic as it usually is"

"I see..." DJ took out his radio and contacted A-1 of his new position. He headed out of Core Sector and made a left to see some A-1 awaiting him. As the A-1 shuffled in behind him DJ began heading to D-Block. As soon as he entered he was met with stuff actually working out. Researchers getting the D-Class they need, GENSEC is well staffed and D-Class are behaving.

DJ went upstairs to the viewing window. The Sergeant signaled for 2 men to watch the stairs, 3 to watch over the railing, and the other 3 at DJ's side. While DJ spectated the D-Class he saw 2 D-Class file out of the vent with automatic weapons. DJ swore he saw them with CL4 access cards.

DJ turned to the A-1. "Uhm slight problem, D-Class on the catwalk, armed!"

The A-1 on the catwalk moved over to the watchtower access quickly, with the 3 at DJ's side guns at the ready. DJ decided to step behind one of the A-1 in the case the 3 guards failed to terminate the 2 D-Class. DJ wasn't even paying attention, he was too focused on watching the D-Class. All he heard was gunshots, and as soon as it started, it ended. DJ took a look to his left. Not a mark on the A-1.

After a while DJ got a bit bored of watching D-Class run around in circles and head back to F3. As soon as he got to the F3 elevator he dismissed the A-1 to do some basic patrolling. Once DJ was back up on F3 he went into his office so look at some department reviews. DJ sat down in his chair and powered on his computer.


DJ - "Open official department reviews."


DJ browsed through the department reviews giving them ratings. As he went to the next page though, he noticed there were not many reviews of the Department of Research, so he decided to make an order for an official review to be done.

DJ - "Send an email to all assistants."


As DJ typed out the order and sent it to the assistants he heard a knock at his door. DJ got up and opened it, revealing it to be -1.

DJ - "Ahh hello!"

██-1 "Hey, I wanted to talk about something with you."

DJ - "Of course, come inside!"

DJ backed away, allowing -1 to enter the room, then goes to his chair and sits down.

DJ - "So, what's up?"

██-1 - "I heard that you got caught up in a CI raid, and I wanted to hear what happened with that."

DJ - "Oh it was nothing really, I was near Core Sector so I just went in there. I needed to go there anyway so it all worked out."

██-1 - "I see. I was concerned when I heard you got involved in it and I wanted to check up and make sure you were alright."

DJ - "I appreciate your concern, and yes I am doing just fine!"

██-1 - "I knew you were a good choice"

-1 got up and left the room closing the door behind him.

Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
What the deuce [frick]?! You never retired!
View attachment 5112
Oh yes I remember, I apologize for the misinformation. I re-read the regiment removal message and just noticed that I guess I took it in a different way than anticipated. I was officially removed from O-1 for enforcing the rules. People disagreed with me so they went to the COs about it saying I caused a scene which is true but I have long moved past that, matured, and learned from my mistake.

Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
-Support Lied in the application and little leadership experience
For the amount of leadership experience I have is understandable but could you please be more specific with how I lied in my application? If this is about the whole 0-1 situation I have already cleared that up which you can see by the reply directly above your reply.


Well-known Member
Sep 30, 2022
For the amount of leadership experience I have is understandable but could you please be more specific with how I lied in my application? If this is about the whole 0-1 situation I have already cleared that up which you can see by the reply directly above your reply.
You stated you retired from a position when you were actually dishonorably discharged, I hope this clears up any confusion with what I stated. I understand that you may have stated you meant to re-word it I still see it as a lie, If Baker did not correct you and found out that piece of misinformation I doubt you would've corrected yourself.
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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - DJ

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied. At the moment, we don't believe you have enough CL4 experience at this time. You may apply in 2 weeks.​
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