[USA] Kevins Executive Researcher Application

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Sep 1, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:40152958

Discord name: Iacchus

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 98 hours of playtime

Age: 27

In what country are you located? USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Kevin Backwater

Civilian name: NONE

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP-USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Sun May 19 0:3:55:25 Reason:Toxicity

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
The purpose for which I seek the Executive Researcher role is primarily fueled by my love for research and instinctive craving for knowledge through diligent investigation. This opportunity will provide a half-staffed position involved in SCP research. I would maximize my involvement in the SCP research realm, a position that means devoting my own energy, resources, and time to endeavor my personal research commodities but also to assist others in research-oriented endeavors. I became particularly excited about the possibility of being able to engage in an act of contributing, collaborating, and supporting others in their research and groundbreaking discoveries.
There is not a more fulfilling moment for me to see other researchers gain momentum in their research, and I want to embody enthusiasm and commitment in this role. I am diligent and detail-oriented, which means I will endeavor to get the work done right while concurrently providing support for others. I am excited about undertaking the role to bring energy and barrage legitimacy towards the SCP community that enthuses others to engage in their own passion for research in the same way that I have. My whole experience engaging in these assessments, investigations, and inquiries as a whole has been immensely satisfying, and I cannot wait to enthuse more researchers to get engaged and love the process of inquiry just as I have.
Throughout my tenure, I have played a role in projects, including BOE and LRT, with plans to join more and fill positions as needed.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have been exposed to a significant amount of information pertaining to the Research Department, and I have been actively trying to augment this knowledge. My desire to better grasp the inner workings of the department has fueled my renewal and breadth of knowledge work. Not only do I want to serve others, but I also want to be involved in more advanced test scenarios that would require CL4 clearance and additional authorizations. Getting involved in these upper-level tests is an opportunity both for me to challenge myself and also to see how much I can grow and do in the Research Department.
I am sure that through my experience of running these tests in the department, I will see both personal growth and professional growth. This growth will not only increase my own personal capacity but the collective capacity of the other people I serve. I want to contribute as a resource to fellow researchers as they work to grow their capacity in whatever they are doing. This work might involve everything from helping researchers write their detailed reports, file them correctly, and conduct research.
I hope to help enhance the capacity and speed in which we develop required knowledge within the department and encourage a wider review of potential services for others to improve the depth of knowledge necessary for their work. I can't help but believe that by continuing to develop an environment where we learn and can develop the capacity to grow ourselves, we can collectively achieve amazing outcomes in our research on behalf of our researchers and our professionals, utilizing the associated research toward practice. That drive for collective growth and personal growth led me to seek the role of executive researcher because it not only allows me to serve in a way, but to help the organization develop better capacity to have an impact in our research endeavors. currently working as BOE-M and LRT-RA, and I am mentoring Jr. research as I come to find them that need with their studies.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written?
SR Researcher Kevin Backwater/Test/SCP-49/001
SR Researcher Kevin Backwater/Test/SCP-427-1/001
Researcher Kevin Backwater/Test/SCP-966/001
Researcher Kevin Backwater/Test/SCP-966/002

What makes a document excellent?
According to my experience, the excellent report is the one which clearly communicates findings and insights extracted after testing in a manner quite easy to decipher by a common reader without inflicting any obscurity. Moreover, it's very much necessary to bear in mind considerations about the kind of test taken and also its particular objectives. Additionally, proper grammar and formatting are important in terms of how the information is perceived; a paper without a layout or any given structure can cause confusion and a loss in the importance of the research findings.
- Proper Formatting
- Correct Grammar
- Concise Documentation
- Clear Layout

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- Approving/signing test
- Mentoring/escorting researchers
- Correcting documents
- Grading papers
- giving lectures
- Understanding formatting/layout
- Understand laws conducting tests/crosstesting

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I was quite young when it began, standing now at a crossroads where daunting decisions lay before me. Each faction I met had its own distinct set of objectives and expectations, yanking me in often disparate directions. It was quite difficult to ascertain an allegiance. I had something of an attraction to each faction's unique focus. But the foundation had something else. The purpose and drive it exhibited connected with me in wholly unexplainable ways. It was not just the activities it engaged in, but the values that were inextricably tied to every activity—safeguarding humanity, investing in the unknown, and contributing to the common good.
As I learned more and returned to some of my academic research, I came to see that the Foundation had even more to offer than just a setting in which I could utilize my skills, specifically, a setting in which my skills truly mattered. I think my perspective towards belonging was unique to me; however, I experienced a collective sense of belonging with the Foundation that was unlike anything else. I had found an organization that divulged the value of my achievements and the potential in my experiences and skills. The more I became engaged in the Foundation's activities and culture, the more I came to realize that this was less an option in a continuing decision, but the decision that was right for me.
What was once a decision ultimately became a vocation. The Foundation was more than a decision—it has determined the career in which I have found myself and who I am as a person today. The Foundation's ideology had become my own and influenced the way I tackled challenges and the ideals that mattered to me. It has constantly evolved from a job or role into a vocation that I orient my life toward each day to help in the small ways I can to achieve the foundation's mission.
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Active member
Feb 15, 2024
+HUGE SUPPORT i dont get why anyone has written on his app yet it has been here for a while. He truly does some amazing work in LRT and Research in general. Also, very pleasant to talk to and no bad interactions. Hes very nice to talk to


Active member
Apr 5, 2024
Incoming Message...
Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: KevinBackwater@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear Kevin Backwater,
thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to me (ratgod101 on the discord) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
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