[USA] Kishinev "Ogre" [AXO-HOP] Chief of Security Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
shrekk civilnetworks.net
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

In what country are you located?:
United States
Time zone:
Eastern Time Zone
Character name(s):
Kishinev "Ogre"
Kishinev "Ogre" [R-23]
Kishinev "Ogre" [AXO-HOP]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Senior GSD Captain x1 (Holding)
IA Ambassador x1 (Held)

Beta 1 LCPL x1 (Held)
Beta 1 SPC x2 (Held)
Beta 1 PVT x2 (Held)

Nu7 LCPL x2 (Held)
Nu7 SPC x2 (Held)
Nu7 PVT x2 (Held)

E11 SPC x2 (Held)
E11 PVT x2 (Held)

CI-G x1 (Holding)
CI-B x2 (Held)
CI-A x2 (Held)
Trial Game Master (Soon to resign)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes I had a bad past previously due to mingy tendencies, but I have truly have a "Redemption Arc" and matured as a person becoming a more well rounded and loved person of the community.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
Today I am applying for the Chief of Security (COS) job. I have been a long-time member of the community, a long-time member of GSD, and a dedicated member to the cause of making GSD the best possible. I have been around for a while now being a Senior Captain in GSD, which is the highest position one can obtain, meaning teaching new incoming captains all of our procedures and documents, being one of the most experienced members in all of Gensec, as well as being one best gensec has to offer.

I had been thinking about this for a while, telling myself, "Do I want to try and take this step up? Would I even do well? Would people judge me?" This thought has been sitting in the back of my brain for a while, and honestly, I never thought the day would come I would have to decide. I couldn't stop thinking about it until an old friend reached out, praising me for my work inside AXO as the head of the program and how much more he thought I could do for GSD if I had stepped up.

I had asked a couple of other friends for their thoughts too. After hearing numerous complaints about GSD behavior, policies, confusion on so much, and having to teach many GSDs what to do, meaning discipline or adequately be the mentor to them if needed, it made me realize a change was needed. I knew my answer, and I wanted to apply for this job because I want to see GSD Strive like no other and will go the farthest limit and push it to another level if needed.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
I am suitable to be a GSD Captain for many reasons. For all who do not know, my excelling leadership skills will help me take a line of cadets and turn them into an unstoppable force, giving everyone single person of the most potential they have in them helping them excel in combative skills, intellect, social skills, and much more. Most train people to help them in one skill set and for the knowledge of that when they can learn much more and expand their horizons.

On top of this, my dedication, perseverance, honesty, loyalty, and maturity make up much of who I am. Many know I am a strong will-powered person, and when I fail, I get back up and do it as much as I need to. If I feel something is wrong, I will fight to make it right and stop at nothing less. I am very loyal to the GSD Department and plan to make it the best possible. Even if I do not get this promotion, I want to help end the era of GSD getting much hate without proper reason.

Expanding on this, I also see myself as a mature person. My Background is not tremendous, and I know much about my past, but those who have seen me truly change can vouch for this. I am a more enlightened and wise person. I am more mature in my decisions and will not take a risk I cannot handle. I have been loyal to GSD for a long time putting in 5-6 hours daily in this facility of, hardworking and productive time, and my experience, maturity, loyalty, dedication, willpower, activity, and much more could help this department strive.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
The Responsibilities of the COS consist of not just but mainly...

- Recruiting and Promoting New Captains into the Captain System.
- Training New Incoming Captains
- Updating and validating new procedures, documents, tests, etc
- Keeping all of GSD in line, even the Captains.
- Helping with Activities within the Department
- Helping to make the right decisions needed for the department
- Helping strengthen relations with other departments
- Last but not least, Helping GSD Strive as a whole.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Current Dated Lore
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Well-known Member
Jan 31, 2023
+ Massive support
-really good gensec captain
-head of AXO currently
-knows exactly how to do his job
-biggest come back ive ever seen

Honestly this man has risen from the bottom he has had a very rocky history to the point he lost RRT completely but since then it had been a sort of wake up call, he proved to Onion, Bulldog and havoc that he could turn his life around which he had slowly rising back up the ranks to captain I could not think of a better person to be the next COS.
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Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2022
Clearance Level: 4

To: Kishinev "Ogre"

From: Site-65 Site Administration

Subject: Foundation Site-65 Role Assignment

Hello, @Kishinev "Ogre" Enock . Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position. After deliberation between the members of Site Administration, we have come to a conclusion regarding your application. This application is to be denied. Elaboration on your denial is available if you decide to get in contact with Site Administration. You may re-apply in two weeks' time.
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